Chapter 7: Appreciating What We Have

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"Hey isn't it the night of the fireworks festival tonight?" You asked your two friends as the three of you were walking through the town.

You had spotted a poster in the window of a shop as you passed by and it had caught your interest. Naturally, you had no idea about it until you saw the poster since you didn't really pay too much attention.

"Oh yeah it is! Me and Shiori are really looking forward to it." Jiro said as a smile spread across your face.

"Lucky. You get to watch the fireworks with someone who you love! Now that's romantic." You said as Jiro went slightly red but nodded his head in agreement.

"Hey, I get that you're still easily flustered and nervous when it comes to you and Shiori and I also know that you're still both new to this relationship, but this is a great chance for you both! Get closer to her and deepen that bond!" You said, encouraging your friend who was still embarrassed but nodding along with what you were saying to him.

"Y-you're is a really good chance for me and her." He said.

"That's the spirit!" You exclaimed with a grin.

"And what about you bud?! Aren't you gonna spend it with someone special?~" Kamo asked you, gently nudging you with his elbow.

Your grin immediately vanished at his teasing as you turned to face him, giving him an unimpressed expression.

"No I probably won't be." You said as you turned away again before sighing.

"Akari she...will probably wanna take this opportunity to be with Tenjin. While Jiro has a chance to become even closer with Shiori as a couple, Akari will have a chance to finally ask Tenjin out." You said.

"Ohhh yeah. That's a good point. I thought that since you and Watanabe are clearly on first name terms now, plus I sometimes see her sneaking glances at you, that the two of you were on the verge of hooking up!" Kamo exclaimed as you shook your head.

"While she might like me more than she did when this practical started, I know that she still has her heart set on Tenjin. Although..." You trailed off, thinking back to the more intimate moments you and her shared recently.

From standing with her in your arms on the balcony watching the stars, to sitting with her in the couch as you opened up about not wanting to service partners.

She let you open up to her and tell her how you truly felt about the whole swapping partners thing. What made it better for you, was that she didn't scoff in your face and completely downplay it. She understood you and made sure to give you her support.

"Although what, bro?" Kamo asked and tapped on your shoulder which brought you out of your thoughts.

" doesn't really matter..." You said, turning your gaze down to the ground.

"She's become very friendly...but that doesn't mean she has changed her mind about anything. If she still wants to change partners, then that's fine. I can't get in the way of what she really wants. I can move on..." You thought before sighing again and shaking your head.

"Even if...moving on proves to be really difficult."


"Hey, I'm home!" You called out into the apartment as you closed the door and removed your shoes, placing them next to Akari's.

"Hey Y/n!! Perfect timing, I'm gonna need a hand!" Akari replied as she walked out of her room.

She was wearing a beautiful kimono and had done her hair and makeup. Her usual appearance was always stunning, but she looked absolutely gorgeous stood in front of you at that moment.

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