Chapter 2: Stormy By Night, Sick By Day

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The rain has rolled in as day turned to night, bringing with it thunder and lightning. Not that it really bothered you. You were quite happily asleep in your room.

Meanwhile, Watanabe had a different idea on how the two of you could spend the night together and rack up more points. Though she was having trouble getting you to wake up and come out of your room.

"Hey L/n!! Get out here!!" She yelled and pounded on the door.

"Dweeb! It's not like you need beauty sleep! Get out here!!" She continued pounding on the door which eventually woke you up.

"Jeez....what does she want? I just wanna sleep...." You grumbled to yourself as you lazily pulled yourself to your feet and made your way over to your door.

"What do you want?" You asked as you opened the door and saw her standing there, avoiding looking at you.

"Just for tonight....stay with me. Okay?" Her voice was quiet, like she was almost pleading with you.

"....fine." You said, stepping out of your room and closing the door behind you.

Watanabe had already sat down on the couch, so you joined her. She turned the television on and started playing a horror movie. Before you got too far into the movie, she quickly got up and turned the main lights on.

From the get go you could tell that this really wasn't a good idea as Watanabe spent most of the time hiding her face in her knees, too scared to see what was actually going on in the movie.

What got her the most thought was a loud jumpscare which made her scream loudly.

"If you're so scared of the movie then why watch it?" You asked.

"N-Natsumi said that you get hella points if you watched a horror movie and snuggled with your partner!" She said, still hiding her face in her knees.

You rolled your eyes and picked up the remote, turning off the television which finally got her to reveal her face again.

"Huh?! Why'd you turn it off buzzkill?!" She exclaimed.

"Because none of that was gonna happened was it?" You said.

"Stop it!" She barked.

"Stop what exactly?" You asked, slowly turning towards her.

"Acting like such a weenie! You're meant to be helping me remember?! We need to get to A rank! And to do that, we need to come out of our comfort zones!!" She said.

"Yeah I know...." You trailed off.

She had every reason to get up to A rank, so she could be with Minami Tenjin. You on the other hand, didn't have one. You were just helping her reach her goal.

"So come on dude! Hurry up and put this on!" She said, tossing over a pair of blue pajamas.

"What's this?" You asked, lifting it up to get a better look.

"They're matching jammies! I managed to get them on sale!" She said with a grin as she held up her own pair, which were pink.

"Apparently we'll get points just by wearing them! And look, side by side they make a heart!" She squealed while holding her pair next to yours, the two halves making a whole heart.

"Did she seriously spend her own money to buy these? Of course, anything to get more points I guess." You thought to yourself.

"Yo dude." Watanabe said which broke you promptly out of them.

"Huh? What is it?" You asked.

"Turn around will ya? I need to change." She said bluntly, catching you off guard.

Breaking Down Barriers (Akari Watanabe x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now