XVI. I Drive Down Different Roads But They All Lead Back To You

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★ sixteen ,
i drive down different roads
but they all lead back to you.

october 2022

*ੈ✩‧₊˚           WHEN SAM said she had hundreds of little cousins, she was not lying.

the couple entered sam's childhood home, hand in hand. odessa immediately took notice of the framed pictures that littered the dark blue walls. many consisted of a younger version of sam her brothers and her sister. the others being of sams cousins. but sam mostly decorated the walls. "someone was a favourite child."

sam laughed loudly, the sound echoing off the walls.

"sammy!" there was a high pitched voice, before five little kids came running down the hallway.

their little arms wrapped themselves around sam, causing sams and odessa's hands to untangle and for odessa to take a step back. watching how the kids reacted when seeing their aunt / cousin with a small smile.

"who's that?" a little girl, wearing a white and pink floral dress pointed at the other girl in the room. she had dark hair, her curls flowing freely down her back, she would've been around five years old.

sam smirked proudly, bending down to her nieces level. she cupped her hand around the little girls ears, whispering while sneaking peaks at her girlfriend.

the little girl gasped loudly "really?" she beamed "she's so pretty"

"i know yeah" sam nodded her head with a exaggerated look.

an older blonde lady stalked down the hall "samantha." she smiled brightly, wrapping her daughter in a big hug. "how are you doing darling?"

"i'm great mumma" sam replied happily, she slowly let go of her mother, extending her arm out to the girl who watched the interaction in the corner. odessa softly smiled, stepping into sams side hug. "you already know who this is"

roxanne wrapped her arms around odessa, catching the netballer by surprise. "it is so lovely to meet you in person dear, it's crazy how small this world is. i remember when you first debuted, and now look at you, all grown up."

"it's lovely to meet you too, mrs kerr" odessa politely replied.

"please, call me roxy. mrs kerr makes me feel old and wrinkly" roxanne stated "now, come on kids. we've all been waiting for yous."

roxanne adventured back off towards the kitchen, the five little kids running after her, screaming and cheering for food. odessa laughed, watching the kids scramble off "you weren't kidding about the cousins."

"you haven't even met my nieces and nephew yet" sam told her while intertwining their hands "i told you didn't i? everyone's gonna love you."

sam pulled on her girlfriends arms, leading the pair down the hallway and to the left. where everyone else was sitting at the dining table. with a sudden set of eyes on her, odessa was pulled back into her fear. feeling like a turtle hiding beneath its shell.

sam squeezed her hand, giving her a silent sense of comfort. something sam was especially good at, before leading the pair to two opened seats.

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