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At this moment, her thoughts were filled with sorrow and regret because she's overdramatic and a worry wart. She wants to do something for the boy she bumped into which might have caused him to be late for his class...


After an excruciating wait, the bell finally rings, signalling the end of their history class. The students eagerly pick their stuff up and rush out of the class in a hurry, leaving a few students, Jaein included, and the teacher organizing their bag before following suit.

'Finally... I hate this class...

I'm hungry, should I grab a bite? Should I save my money to treat the boy?

Did he get a scolding? Was he even late..?

Ugh... I don't think I can show my face after that huhuhu'


She was troubled once again. Although for a different reason, this bothered her just as much. Stop overthinking it!

As she was sulking in her room, unbeknownst to her, the boy she bumped into earlier was walking around— looking inside classroom windows in hopes to find her.

Taking a peek inside the last one, Seokmin finally saw who he was looking for.

The woman supposedly moping in her seat, appears to be shaking her head or kicking her feet. She looked distracted.

After observing for a while, he decided to walk over the door to gently knock and slowly slide it open, making eye contact with the girl he was formerly watching in admiration.

'What's he doing here?! Is he here to fight me to the death?!? No! I'm too young to die!

Who am I kidding... This is the same man who begged on his knees for forgiveness after I bumped into him.'

Seokmin rushes to the girl with a joyous smile resting on his face.

"Hello! I'm here to apologize and properly introduce myself!"

'I don't think there's a purpose for that... it was my fault anyway...'

The eager boy stands in front of her table, back straight, standing properly, and a hand out for Jaein to shake. Taking a hold of his hand, she noticed how calloused his hands were. Did he perhaps play any instruments?

"My name is Seokmin!" The boy soon spoke out.

'Wasn't his name DK or something...'

"Though people are often mistaken and call me Dokyeom or DK for short! It was the name of a character I had been cast to act in a play!

I don't think students knew who I was before the roleplay... Was I that good they mistake me for the character himself!?"

He stated boisterously, clearly proud of his role.

'Guilty... I didn't know DK wasn't actually his name... I remember being in awe while watching the play. I must say, he's really got the talent.'

"Mind if I invite you to eat with me this break? I-I just feel really bad and I wanna make it up to you somehow! Don't worry, I'll pay for us both!" He added.

He's definitely not using that as an excuse just to eat together with the woman... He really did feel bad... hehe.

This took the woman by shock. Being paid a meal for an issue so little? What does he think of her?! A simpleton?

𝐀𝐡! 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞! ✦ SeventeenWhere stories live. Discover now