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Her thoughts were in a mess right now. The quiz, Mingyu tutoring her, and what she'll have for dinner. She can't wait to get back home and feel the soft covers of her bed.


She sat on a bench just beside the vending machine; sipping on her milk carton. She was dazed. She thought back on her encounters with the lot.

Her first impression on the popular students were that they're all stuck up bullies. That thought scared her so bad she spent the majority of her school years avoiding them.

She's relieved to have proved herself wrong but if she were given the chance to talk to them, she'd immediately turn them down. She knows how their fans are. How vile and mean their fans get towards those they deem as competition; girls that the popular guys are close with.

Jaein shuddered at the thought.

'All that for a group of men who won't even spare them a glance. Huh. Would they?

I mean I've already met four... They all seem kind and social. Except Minghao maybe.

I can't be seen with them, I'm afraid my life might end too soon. Not when I haven't become a fashion designer. Please spare me until I've achieved my dreams!'

She brushed her hand through her hair, exhaling through her nose.

Standing up to throw the empty carton in a bin close by, she made her way back inside the campus to attend her last class of the day.

"A cafe had opened up right by our campus! Do you wanna go with me?"

"I heard the pastries were great! Let's grab a bite after class then!"

"Can I come? I'll pay for all of you! Let's experience it together!"

Countless chatters of her fellow students rang in her ears, talking about some newly opened cafe. This didn't fail to pique her interest though. She'd be sure to check it out.

'It'd be embarrassing to come alone when my schoolmates came in groups... Should I just come another time?

Who cares about what your schoolmates will think? Will they even recognize you?

Still, I wanna experience it with someone too.

How when you don't even have friends?


I do.

I shou-

Hell nah, ain't no way I'm inviting them to a cafe with me. That's like asking for a death wish.'

⋆⛧*┈┈┈┈﹤୨♡୧﹥ ┈┈┈┈*⛧⋆

Jaein found herself sitting in yet another boring class. She can't wait to get back home.

"Hey uh, did you take any notes?" The student sitting beside her asked. She turned her head to see a man smiling brightly at her.

Kwon Soonyoung or Hoshi! Leader of the performing arts club. Outstanding in his craft, popular for his excellent dancing! Very boisterous and confident at all times. He brightens up the room just by walking in!

Thankfully Jaein always takes notes. She nodded to inform the boy that she did. The boy's smile grew wider if that were even possible.

"Can I have a copy? I fell asleep halfway through the lesson and didn't get to write any!" He whispered to not catch the teacher's attention.

𝐀𝐡! 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞! ✦ SeventeenWhere stories live. Discover now