Chapter 3

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2 years later

It's almost time for Arthur to leave. Ever since I could walk I'd been working on being able to get around the castle by myself. It took till I was nearly two, to finally have the leg strength to get around the castle by myself. I had made it my main priority to bug Arthur for the last week or so. I knew, any day now, that Grampa would be talking to Art about the three races coming together to discuss ideas on bringing together the races as one continent. Thanks to me finally being able to walk I was able to be at his room at the exact time that this happened.

When I had opened the door, Grampa was nervous as he didn't quite know what my reaction would be while Arthur just sighed, "Didn't I tell you to knock when you come to my room?"

"Yes, but you know I hardly listen to anyone," I said in a childlike tone.

"Hey Cas, did you hear what I just told the brat?" Grampa still seemed nervous. It might be the fact that everyone still sees me as a child, I mean I am but still. With the way I act, you think people would be questioning me more. I guess having an anomaly like Arthur around helps out with this.

"Yeah, he's leaving soon, but I think Tess might be a little more upset about him leaving. You know how much she'll miss him." I said smirking while looking at Arthur. He looked over to the side avoiding my stare.

"I know, that's why I was trying to tell him with just the two of us. I didn't know how you would react though with you so young. Sometimes I forget how mature you are for being three years old, but with this brat here," He gestured to Arthur, "It escapes me sometimes, this old age doesn't help either."

"I know, but I'm worried about Tess causing  trouble when her husband leaves." This had Grampa nearly falling out of his chair with laughter. Arthur was glaring daggers at me but I was also laughing from the fact that his face was now growing shades of red brighter than the last with each second passing.

"You're too young to be teasing me, Cas," Arthur said, trying to hide his embarrassment.

Once I had calmed down from laughing myself I started talking again, "There's something I wanted to show you, but since Grampa is also here, why don't you both come."  Grampa stopped laughing and looked at Arthur who could only look back with slight confusion. I just motioned for them to follow me.

We walked through the hallways of the castle until we reached the training ground. Once there I walked out into the center of a grassy area of the field. I sat down and got into a comfortable meditating position.

"What are you doing." They both questioned me.

"Just give me some room. I feel like something big is about to happen."

I started the process that I had started almost as soon as I had been born. Thanks to Arthur doing this himself, and then helping his sister along with Lilia, there was enough written in the books to give me a good enough idea of how the process worked. I closed my eyes and focused on my sternum where the core is supposed to be and waited till I could see the small ball of light that I had created. It was on the verge of being completed but I wanted both of them to see.

As the bright light came into view I started to bring the last three small lights towards it. As the lights were almost there I could hear Grampa muffle out, "Holy shit. Another one?" As he had caught onto what was about to happen. As all the lights came together the light grew and was blinding. When I opened my eyes I still couldn't see. The dust in the air blocked my vision, so there was no way I could see or avoid the speed that Grampa showed rushing to me and wrapping his arms around me.

"My god, to think we'd get our very own little monster." He was chuckling while saying this and as the dust settled I could see Arthur outside the crater looking around it. I had made a crater that was roughly 18 meters round and almost the same in-depth, "I guess you sitting in on Arthur and Tess's training wasn't for nothing, seems you picked up on a few things."

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