Chapter 6

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Casma POV:

I was having a pleasant dream about nothing in particular. It was just a nice dream nothing extreme going on. I was lying in a grass field that just felt perfect, nothing to bother me and nothing to worry about. Then I saw some sort of mana beast walk over to me in a nonthreatening manner. Once it reached me it started to nudge me, as if telling me to get up. I tried to ignore it but it started to try harder. I rolled over a bit hoping that it would stop. That was when tragedy struck.

I was knocked back into reality as I felt a pair of knees sink into my stomach. I lurched up as I tried but failed to suck in any air. I was sitting gasping for air until the weight was removed. When I was finally able to catch my breath, I looked around the room to find the source. My sister was standing at my doorway laughing. I narrowed my eyes at her till she pointed at the girl next to my bed. Standing there stifling a laugh was a girl with grayish brown hair. I sighed already guessing what had happened.

Through Tess's laughing she said, "That's how I've come to wake your brother up. Apparently, violence works well with those two."

"Thank you for teaching me this Tess." She smiled brightly at her.

"What happened to make you both so close?" And to make her attitude do a 180 from yesterday, I thought.

"Tess came to my room last night and wanted to talk for a bit since most of yesterday she had to talk with all the adults." She said smiling.

"I'm guessing you took it upon yourself to teach her how you would wake up Art, and now you have another little violent devil to wake me up?" I deadpan the both of them.

"HEY, I am not a violent devil!" Eleanor exclaimed furrowing her brows and putting her hands on her hips. She might've been a little more frightening if it weren't for the puffed-up cheeks she had, making her look almost like a squirrel. This thought almost made me laugh as in the future she would end up bonded to a bear.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I hope you will accept my apology, Lady Eleanor," I said, still sitting in bed but bowing and holding my hand out to her.

"Ellie." That was all she said.

"Ellie?" I questioned her already knowing what she meant. I looked over at my sister who hadn't moved an inch from the doorway watching us interact intently.

"Call me Ellie." She pinched my side and ran out of the room. I put a hand to my side, not entirely from the pain, but from the fact that she had pinched me.

"Yeah she screwed that part up, but I do see what Grandpa was saying now." She said as she was getting ready to leave the room.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I wasn't understanding what she was getting at.

"That we might have to get ready for another talk about an engagement and marriage." She said smirking. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at the door.

"I'm not like you and Art. I don't plan on anything like that any time soon." Tess dodged the pillow by stepping out of the room. She poked her head back into the room.

"I don't think that decision is solely on you. She might end up getting other ideas." With that being said she shut my door before I could say anything.

I thought back to yesterday at what Grampa said. I knew he only thought about that because of how I acted, but no one truly understood my reasoning. I got up and got clothes laid out on my bed and then headed to the bathroom. I was in the shower thinking about the plan that had popped up in my head. If I do make Reynolds think that someone might take his daughter, especially me who will eventually be able to defeat him, he might try harder to improve himself. If he does then that would help prevent him from dying in the war.

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