14. Overthinking

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"Hey, what's going on between you and Jeremiah?" Vinny asked me in the car. We were on our way home from the country club. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I mean that whole lovey dovey dancing thing, him whispering something into your ear when he left. What's all that about?" he clarified. "Jeremiah and I have always been close, you know that," I shrugged, keeping my eyes on the road. "Yeah, but this was different," he shook his head in disbelief. "How?" "I don't know but I don't like it, Elena," he grumbled. "What the hell happened with Peter anyway?" Vin asked. "I already told you I don't want to talk about that," I reminded him.

"Just don't start anything with Jeremiah, okay? It'll ruin everything." I glanced over at him for a second, he was being serious. "What are you talking about?" I scoffed. "Look, I know you've liked him for a while, but please just stay friends. If you guys keep flirting with each other like that, it's bound to fail. It'll ruin our entire friend group," he bluntly said. "Why would it be bound to fail?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Have you ever heard him say he wants a serious relationship? He constantly flirts with random people, Elena. You're just one of the bunch." He was being harsh, but he wasn't lying. "How many times have you heard a seventeen year old boy say he wants a serious relationship?" I argued. "I want a serious relationship. There, you just heard a sixteen year old say it," he countered.

Vinny didn't know Jeremiah and I had already kissed. He didn't know about the conversation we had the night before the party. But he knew a side of Jeremiah I didn't know. He knew what Jeremiah was like when it was just the boys. I let it all get to my head. I was very prone to overthinking. "Since when do you want a serious relationship? You hook up with random girls at parties all the time," I changed the subject to him instead. "Since Gigi," he answered. "Did you ask her to be your girlfriend? I didn't think you'd be the long distance type." "I didn't and I'm not. I really like her, but even I know I'm not made for the long distance thing. But now I know I'm capable of liking someone enough to want an actual relationship with them," he explained. I rolled my eyes. "Sure, you're so mature now."

I went over to talk to Belly. I really needed her perspective on things. "There's my special girl," Susannah spotted me. "How was the dance practice?" "Quite eventful," I smiled, joining her on the couch. "Are you enjoying it? Cause you don't have to do it if you don't want to." "I'm doing it," I assured her. "It's warming up to me," I smirked. "Have you given the escort situation any more thought?" she asked. "Um, well, no. I still don't really know who to ask," I was hesitant on how to answer the question. "Well, what happened with Peter? I'm sure he'd be great." Why does everyone keep asking that? "Yeah, he'd definitely be great. It just didn't work out between us. He's a great guy but-" "He's not the one you want," Susannah finished my sentence.

I nodded. "I'm sure he'd do it if you asked," she whispered as if she was telling me a secret. "Jeremiah? No, I don't think so. He's said multiple times that he would never be escort. He constantly makes fun of Steven and Vinny for it," I disagreed. "That's because YOU haven't asked him. He'd climb a mountain for you, Elena," she placed her hand on my knee. "If making you happy meant taking you to the deb ball, there's no doubt in my mind that he'd do it," she added. I took a deep breath. Vinny and Susannah were contradicting each other. What was I supposed to think? According to Vin, I was one of the bunch to Jere. According to Susannah, I was special to him. So, which is true? "I'll think about it," I told her before heading to Belly's room.

Belly's door was open so I knocked on the door frame as I walked in. "Hey, what's up?" She smiled, closing the book she was reading. "I really need to talk to you," I said. "Right, sorry I left the party without saying goodbye. Taylor and I had a little argument. It's all good now, though. What happened with you?" I totally forgot I called her that night. There's so much I needed to fill her in on. I glanced back at the open door and closed it. I sat down on her bed and crossed my legs. I realised I hadn't even really told her what happened at the bonfire. Nor did I tell her about that night before her birthday. "God, I don't know where to start," I shook my head.

I told her everything that happened. I also told her about the conversations I had with Vin and Susannah earlier. "Wow, that is... a lot," her eyes widened. "I can't believe you and Jeremiah kissed," Belly gave me playful push. "Yeah, me neither," I blushed. "But where do we go from here? My brother says it's a horrible idea but Susannah says the opposite. And Jeremiah said 'we'll talk tonight', but what does that mean? Is that good or bad? He is coming home from work any moment now and I don't even know what to say," I rambled. "Okay, slow down."

"Look, I love Vinny, but he has no idea what he's talking about. Who's gonna know Jeremiah better? Your brother or his mom? Besides, the only person who can really tell you how he feels, is Jere himself," she told me. "I know but it's scary," I whined. "Jeremiah knows you like him. He would never kiss you if it didn't mean anything to him too. He wouldn't hurt you like that," Belly reassured me. I knew she was right, deep down. It was just hard to let my insecurity go. I hated how easily things got to me and made me overthink.

"You're right. I just need to talk to him," I nodded. "It'll be fine," I nervously said in a high-pitched voice. "I can't believe this is finally happening!" Belly sang. "Don't get me too excited," I told her. "Nothing official happened yet," I reminded her. "You're so oblivious, it actually hurts," she rolled her eyes at me. "So, are you gonna wait here until he's home? Or are you guys gonna talk at your place? What's the plan?" Belly asked. "There's no plan," I shrugged. "Oh, my god," she groaned. "Okay, just stay here with me and when he comes home we'll be hanging out and then just, like, run into him," she composed. "Do I really need to plan how to approach him?" "No, but I just really want it to happen here so I can eavesdrop," she grinned. "Please, don't," I chuckled.

"I'm kidding," Belly clarified. "But you better tell me EVERYTHING later," she demanded. "Unless you're too occupied with other things," she teased. "Oh my god, Belly," I covered my face with embarrassment. "Let's chill for a second," I suggested. "You never know," she replied in a singsong voice. I shook my head at her. That was the last thing I was thinking about. The first thing was hopefully not getting my heart broken.

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