08. Movie Night

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I woke up the next day to a knock at my door. "Who is it?" I grumbled. "It's Belly. Can I come in?" "Yeah," I answered, sitting up. "Are you okay? Steven told me what happened last night," she sat down next to me on the bed. "Oh, great. So everyone knows," I sighed. "I don't know the details of it, I don't think he really does either. He just told me you and Jeremiah got into an argument and you left. I just want to make sure you're okay," she told me, placing a hand on my shoulder as an attempt to comfort me. "I'm fine. I just wish you were there." "Actually, I was," she said, hiding a smile. "You were? Spill!" "I sneaked out last night, but by the time I was there you were already gone. So, I was kind of lonely cause my brother got mad at me for being there so I couldn't hang out with them. But, then, I met someone," she blushed.

My eyes lit up and I squealed with excitement. "Oh my god, who?!" "His name is Cameron," she was grinning from ear to ear. I was so happy to see her this happy, she deserved it. "Did you kiss?" I asked, unable to contain my curiosity. She bit her lip and nodded. "Oh my god!" I gasped before hugging her. "That's so exciting!" "I heard you and Peter kissed too," she raised her eyebrows with a smirk on her face. "Yeah, we did," I smiled widely. "Look at us, moving on from the Fishers," she giggled. "That's for sure," I sighed, remembering last night's events. "Do you wanna talk about what happened with Jere?" she asked with a concerned expression on her face. "I think I've done enough talking about Jere these past few years," I declined.

Later that day, Belly told me her and Cam were going on a date to a drive-in movie. "We could make it a double date with you and Peter," she offered. "No, that's okay. Peter hasn't texted or called all day. He's probably mad at me for making such a scene with Jeremiah last night." "Oh, I'm sorry, Elena. Who knows? Maybe he's just been busy today," she tried to make me feel better. "Yeah, maybe," I mumbled. "I'm sure it'll work out," she gave me a comforting smile. Belly has always been such a good friend to me. I don't know what I would do every summer without her.

That night I decided to also watch a movie, except I would do it in the couch by myself. My dad went to bed early cause apparently he stayed up late last night, watching movies my brother and I never wanted to watch with him. Vin was off to somewhere with the boys. So, I had the TV all to myself. That was until I heard the front door close. It was times like these when I wished we didn't have the habit of all going in and out of each other's houses as we pleased. "Hey, El," Jeremiah appeared in the living room with a guilty look on his face. I didn't reply, I didn't even look at him. "I'm sorry about last night. I was acting stupid," he apologised. "That doesn't even begin to describe it," I still didn't look at him. I couldn't. I knew that if I did, I would probably forgive him. I wanted to be angry. Being angry would make moving on much easier.

He sat down next to me. "I know, I was totally out of line. I'm really sorry," he said placing his hand on my thigh. "What exactly are trying to do, Jeremiah?" I asked, finally looking at his face. "What do you mean?" "The one time I finally go out with someone, you do everything in your power to try to ruin it. And just so you know, you succeeded cause Peter hasn't talked to me all day. I feel like absolute shit and it's all your fault." I never thought I would be in a situation like this with Jeremiah. We always got along so well. I always felt safe around him. "And now you come in here expecting me to forgive you? And try to pull me back in?" I scooted away from him to create some distance. "I didn't mean for that to happen," he said.

"Don't lie to me, Jeremiah," I shook my head, refusing to believe him. He sighed and looked at his hands, which were interlocked on his lap. "I don't know what you want me to say." "This isn't about what I want you to say. This is about the truth. Just be honest with me and help me understand what the hell was going through your head that caused you to act that way," I explained. "You've never yelled at me before," I looked away, hiding the way my eyes were watering. I kept replaying that night over and over in my head. It felt like I was getting stabbed in my heart, repeatedly. "I think you might be better off without knowing the truth, Elena. I'm sorry, I really am. Especially for ruining things for you and Peter. I really hope things work out with you two." Unbelievable.

"What the hell does that mean?" I started to get so frustrated. "It means I wish it was me," he finally confessed. I paused. "You think I don't wish it was you too? I wanted nothing more than for you to be my first kiss, my first date, my first everything! I waited endlessly for you! And the fact that it took me going out with someone else for you to realise you like me is just so selfish!" "That's not when I realised I like you, El," he corrected me. "I've liked you for years. I just didn't want things to change. I'm scared I'll mess it up. I'm this guy who no one takes seriously, and maybe they're right. Maybe I can't commit to something serious. But that's what you deserve, someone who can do that," he went on.

"So, last year, when everyone found out I liked you... you liked me back?" I asked. "Yeah, I did. I still do," he answered. For years, I wanted nothing more than to hear him say those words. I never imagined it would happen this way. "I get it if I'm too late. I just want us to be okay. I would never forgive myself for losing you, even it means you being with Peter or whoever," he scooted closer to me to remove the distance I created earlier. "Please, say something," he pleaded. I looked up from the floor which I had been staring at for the past few minutes. Looking into his eyes made me so weak. It made me want to forget about everything and just kiss him. "I don't know how to feel any more."

I couldn't stop myself from leaning in closer anyway. Jeremiah was my weakness. He had such a hold on me that I couldn't really explain. Our lips were so close to touching, until I got startled by a knock at the door. "Uhm," I cleared my throat. "I'm gonna go see who's at the door." I awkwardly walked up to the door while trying to process what just happened. I opened the door and my heart dropped to the floor.

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