24. The Deb Ball

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"Good morning," Conrad smiled when I entered the kitchen. I was slightly confused by his sudden good mood after weeks of brooding. "Good morning," I returned the smile. "I got those good muffins. You want one?" He offered. "I already had breakfast, thanks." "Good morning!" Belly hugged me after rounding the corner. She seemed so giddy.

"Elena," Susannah waved me over. We walked out to the backyard for some privacy. "I can't believe the deb ball is tonight," she sighed as we sat down. "You're so grown," she tucked my hair away from my face. "Time goes so fast. We have to enjoy these moments while we have them," Susannah told me. I nodded, not really sure what to say. I think she just wanted me to listen.

"I wish I could slow things down sometimes, you know? I can't help but feel time slipping away," her eyes started to water as she spoke. I didn't think anything of it. Susannah was always someone who was passionate about her family and she considered me a part of that. "I'm so proud of the woman you are," she cupped my face. "Thank you," I smiled before hugging her tightly.

"Alright," she chuckled, wiping away a tear. "You and Belly need to get going. Let me know if you guys need anything and I'll be right there, okay?" "Okay," I nodded. "See you tonight," she gave me another short hug. Each encounter with Susannah always made me feel so loved.

Belly and I went out to the driveway to get into the car. "Where do you think you're heading off to?" I instantly turned towards Jeremiah's voice. He had a huge grin on his face. "We have to go to the country club to get ready," I told him. He walked over to me and kissed me. "Are you nervous?" He asked. "A little," I admitted.

"You have nothing to worry about," he assured me. "You're gonna be the prettiest girl there." "It's not a beauty pageant, Jere," I chuckled. "I know, I'm just trying to boost your confidence," he smiled. "If anyone gives you shit, we'll just dance away from everyone," Jeremiah twirled me. "I totally love that you two are finally a couple, but we really need to go," Belly's head popped out of the car window. I gave Jere one last kiss before getting into the driver's seat.

"Okay, I feel like you have a lot to fill me in on," I told Belly as we were driving to the club. Her going to the ball tonight meant she had a date. I feel like I had been so busy with Jeremiah all summer, Belly and I barely talked anymore. I didn't want to be that girl who discarded her friends after getting a boyfriend. It was hard not to do that when I was finally with the one guy I had been crushing on for years.

"Well, remember when I told you that Conrad got me a birthday present that he never gave me?" She began her story. "Yeah," I nodded. "After that whole thing at Hopper's Cove, I was so pissed. Conrad texted me to meet him on the pier that night. So, I went to tell him I was done with him."

"But, then he gave me the necklace and we talked things through. It's not exactly clear where we're at now, but he's my escort tonight. That's a good start, right?" She excitedly revealed. "Oh my god, finally!" I matched her excitement. To be honest, I had mixed feelings about it. But, if Belly was happy then that was good enough for me.

After hours of getting ready, it was finally time. What seemed like something silly a few weeks ago, now had my heart pounding with excitement. I couldn't wait for Jeremiah to see me in my dress. He had no idea what it looked like yet. "You look gorgeous," Shayla told me. "So do you! You look like you came straight off the cover of Vogue," I complimented her.

One by one we each walked out with our escort. "Elena Botarro." Jeremiah and I walked out from opposite sides. His eyes lit up as he saw me and gave me a quick once-over. "You look like a goddess," he whispered. "Too much, babe," I replied. I scanned the room until I finally saw my dad, Laurel, John, Susannah, and Cleveland..? I didn't know he would be there.

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