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It has been a pretty hectic morning for Rayah today. Starting with cleaning the house and then washing clothes and after a little breakfast she's in the bazaar right now buying necessities. Eggs, dates, tea leaves, fruits and some vegetables and meat, all were done the only thing left to buy was some bread.

The bazaar, always lively with its colourful shops of silks and satin, various spices, cardamom, saffron, cinnamon all making the place smell heavenly. The beautiful shawls and carpets and dresses and thobes and the glittering jewellery with different coloured gemstones on gold.

She walks to the man selling bread and asks him to give her a pound of bread. While he weighs the loaf she hears the people standing nearby talk.

"I've heard the new Khalifa as dismissed all the girls in harem ?" The man selling dates asks.

"Yeah he's completely removed the harem from the palace and he's sent the girls back to their families. And he's also removed some of the men from the administration who were there during his father's time." The lady buying from him says.

"The kind of person his father was...." he pauses to take a breath. "...I thought he would be the same but he already seems nice." He shrugs.

"Let's hope so. He doesn't meet the people much, he likes staying on his own. God knows how he is behind those walls. " another man says.

"He wasn't like that always. After the Malika suddenly passed away he shut himself away from everyone. " the date seller says.

"Poor boy. He was only 8 when she passed away and strangely her cause of death is still unknown. I've heard that our Khalifa does not know too that how his mother passed away. " she says with a pitiful look.

"He's too alone in that big palace."

"Yes it's time that he finds himself and us a new Malika." The woman smiles and leaves the shop.

She pays for the bread and carefully places it in her basket and walks back home. While walking back she keeps thinking of the Khalifa and makes it point to ask her mother about him.

She reaches home and knocks on the door twice. Her mother welcomes her.

"Rayah janem, where were you ? It took you longer than I expected." Her mother Fawzia inquiers.

"I was buying bread and there were a few people talking with the date seller. I could not stop myself from listening." Rayah replies truthfully.

"Talking about what ?" Her mother asks taking the groceries from her and putting them in place.

"The Khalifa." She says.

"What about him ?"

"That he's totally different from his father and on his first day as king he's banned the harem and sent those girls to their families. And that he's changed after his mother passed away." She looks at her mother.

"The Khalifa indeed is a very nice man. The Malika's death has pained him greatly. It was his mother who would listen to him otherwise his father just treated him as a key for the royal bloodline to continue. Burdened him with unrealistic expectations....." she says looking disappointed as she places the kettle on the fire to boil some water for tea.

"How do you know so much ummi (mother) ?" She asks surprised at her mother's knowledge.

"I did, just the way you got to know today. From people. Pass me the tea leaves janem. " she gestures her hand forward and Rayah places the tea box in her hand.

"And what's with this harem thing ? Don't all kings have one in their kingdom ?"

"I don't know of all kingdoms but it had never existed here until the Khalifa's late father suddenly wanted one. He started it but his son ended it." She smiles at Rayah.

"But won't it cause trouble ?"

"Why would it cause trouble janem ? He's the king, he can do whatever he wants and he did the right thing. The harem and whatever goes on in it is strictly prohibited in the religion and a true Khalifa will stay loyal only to his Malika and no one else. "

"So you're trying to say that our new Khalifa is very nice ?"

"Of course he is. Look at the improvements he's made on his first day itself. " She hands the teacup to her. "I'll prepare dinner tonight."

"No ummi I will do.." Her protest is cut short.

"Janem I'm all well now. The fever is gone, if you do everything by yourself then you'll fall ill next. Go and rest now, you've had a long day. " She pats Rayah's head lovingly.

"So why hasn't he made a public appearance yet ? The people seemed pretty eager to see what he's like now."

"You can rule a kingdom without making an appearance. Most importantly the people know who's ruling them and he's ruling fairly but wanting to show his face or host gatherings is the Khalifa's personal choice." Her mother explains while chopping onions.

"He seems like a weird man to me." At this her mother laughs.

"What if you really like him when you meet him ?" She jokes.

"I don't know maman. I don't think I'll ever meet him." She says looking out of the window.

"Life has a strange way doing things. If you are destined for something or someone then nothing can stop you from having it."

"What are you suggesting ?"

"Nothing, all I want you to do is be positive and kind like always." A thunder booms in the sky. "Looks like it's going to rain tonight. Rayah you didn't bring any potatoes ?" She asks checking the grocery bag.

"I didn't ?" Her mother shakes her head. "Ok I will go again and buy some tomorrow. Is there anything else you need ?"

Her mother thinks for a while.

"Get us some fruits and some carrots and nuts."

"Ok mother."

"Go and arrange your bed. Dinner is almost ready."

"Ok." She takes a deep breath. Rayah goes to her room, makes her bed and performs her night prayers.

"Rayah...azizem come for dinner." Her mother calls out. They eat their dinner peacefully. It's always been just two of them. Dinner is when they get to talk to each other. The rest of the day Rayah is busy with housework while her mother teaches children the Holy book and does tailoring work to earn for them.

And Rayah has a horse of her own.

"Tomorrow I'll be extra busy with the children and then I need to go to the shop, I'm expecting a few new customers and orders tomorrow." Her mother informs her.

"No problem I just have to go to bazaar tomorrow morning to buy the fruits and vegetables and then I'll be at home all day." Rayah says puting a piece of bread in her mouth.

"I'm done eating." Her mother announces dusting her hands.

"I'll wash your plate, you should go to bed early, you have lots to do tomorrow." She finishes her meal too.

"Shukran azizem. Sleep well." She kisses her daughter's forehead and foes to her room.

Rayah cleans the dishes and the table and cleans herself and goes to bed.

As she tries to sleep she can't help but think what kind of a man their Khalifa is ? With all these thoughts her eyelids begin to get heavy and she falls asleep.

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