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"Anything ?" She asks.

He looks at her bewildered.

Her eyes are full of mischief.

"Anything reasonable I mea..."

"No ! There's no backing off now. You've already said 'anything' now it's up to me. I can ask for anything be it reasonable or not."

He murmurs something.

"What ?" She gives him a quizzical look.

"Nothing. What would like ?"

"I don't know."

"Then let me ask my architects to build a palace or something for you..." He suggests absent mindedly but Rayah isn't the kind to be impressed by a palace.

"I am not wasting such a rare opportunity on something so common and simple as a palace."

"Palaces are common and simple ?" He asked surprised.

"Of course they are. There are so many kings and queens in the world and each of them have so many palaces and they build more and more."

"Alright alright. Understood. Then what is it that you would like Rayah ?"

"I don't know right now which means I'll think and let you know. You will have to wait."

"Wait how long ?"

"Don't be so impatient Khalid. You will know when the time comes."

"I'm getting impatient already." He admits.

"How will you rule a kingdom if your so impatient and stressed ?" The words come out from her mouth even before she can think. A part of her mind is already giving her signals that he's going to get angry now and never see her again.

However he doesn't get angry.

Rather a worried expression forms on his face. A frown settles on his forehead and the nice and cold wind causes his semi long hair to fly backwards. She quietly admires his beauty.

"Your right." He looks skyward. "I won't lie to you, my heart's never at peace. My peace and happiness had died with my mother. I couldn't even shoulder her corpse, couldn't even throw soil at her grave. When people miss their loved ones they go to their graves to cry, to talk their heart out and I...." His voice cracks.

"I can't even do that because neither she exists nor her grave. It kills me to think the way she died. I don't even know that. We came hunting here on my wish and she suddenly disappeared. Baba and his army looked for days but she was never found."

She pats his shoulder in empathy.

"Maybe that is what the Allah (SWT) had written for her."

"Hmmm but I have these nightmares sometimes and I see her in the worst of situations calling out for my help but I can't help her."

"Even I have weird dreams about my parents but none of them are true. They're from the devil afterall all he wants to do is trouble us."

"I don't know how I'm going to stop them."

"Do you pray ?" Rayah asks.


"All 5 ?"

He nods.

"Do you do Dhikr ?"

"Whenever I get time."

"Then I'd suggest you end each night with the last namaz and some Dhikr. I do it everyday along with Surah Mulk and Surah Baqarah. It actually prevents bad dreams."

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