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He ties Aslan back in his stable and walks inside the palace. As he's nearing his room he's stopped midway in hallway by a frantic looking Hamdan.

"We have a problem !" He gulped.

"What ?" Khalid asks unfazed. Walking back to his room.

"Your aunt and your supposed bride." He says as Khalid sits on his bed.

"Excuse me ? What do you mean by supposed bride ?"

Someone knocks on the door and it opens even before Khalid could allow them entry.

"My Khalifa, Yasmin bint Abdullah and Noor bint Haqq." The gaurd tips his head in respect and walks away.

Khalid takes a deep breath at the sight of the two women in front of him.

"Khalid, my dear boy I feel so sorry for you." Yasmin, his paternal aunt, proceeds to sit beside him and pats his shoulder a little too much. " Wallahi my beloved brother went away too soon." He mentally curses looking at Noor stare at him.

"So beloved that you didn't even bother to attend his funeral." He scoffs.

"I was unwell dearest. Noor, my daughter why are you standing there ? Come sit here, it's your own room."

Hamdan snickers.

Ignoring him Noor sits beside Khalid. A little too close.

Irritated he abruptly stands up.

"Why are you here ?" He asks.

" What kind of a question is that ? I'm your amma ( paternal aunt ). I worry for you."

"You didn't worry for me or my mother in the past 26 years of my life so I pray that you continue doing so. It's doing me much good."

"We understand that a lot has happened in very short span of time Khalid. We're family, you can speak your heart out to us habibi." Noor gets up and takes his hand in hers.

He immediately pulls his hand away.

"You don't get to address me by my name. That right exclusively belongs to my future wife. It's Khalifa for you."

"There's no need to be so harsh. I'm sure my brother has taught you better." Yasim pulls Noor in her embrace.

"He hardly spent time with me but yes I do follow my mother's teaching which is the sole reason why you both are still here."

"Why can't I be here ? It's my brother's palace."

"And that brother is dead. Firstly you invite yourselves here without my permission and then enter my chamber without my permission as well and then you have the audacity to claim it as your daughter's room."

"We...." Noor tries to cut him off.

"I am the Khalifa now. Everything goes according to my will. And it's for me to decide to keep up with past relations or not. I respect my father which is why I'm going to allow you to stay at the palace but that certainly does not give you the liberty to engage in my or the kingdom's affairs."

"I suggest you all leave now. The Khalifa needs rest." Hamdan suggests.

Khalid walks away to his bathroom.

Having no choice Yasmin and Noor leave as well.

"They're gone." Hamdan calls out to him. "Should I ask them to send your dinner here ?"

"Yes and don't send too much food. And ask them to add a lemon cup of shay (tea).

After he's done showering he changes into a comfortable thobe. His hair still slightly wet and a few strands of hair fall over his eyes adorning his face. The light of the flames from the fireplace causes his face to glow in shades of sunset.

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