🐞🐱 First Impressions 🐱🐞

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Scene: Kitchen, Rodriguez Estate

Dalia was eating her breakfast at the kitchen island as her mother, Saxon walks in, talking on the phone

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Dalia was eating her breakfast at the kitchen island as her mother, Saxon walks in, talking on the phone.

"Joni, I told you to safeguard the dress! Stop yelling at me for your incompetent a$$!", Saxon said angrily into her phone. "I'm not the one who left my hard work at the office."

"Is something wrong, mother?", Dalia asked her, looking up from her English Breakfast.

"Can't you see I'm on the phone with a stupid employee?!", her mother scolded.

"asif al'um (Sorry mother)", the ravenette muttered.

"Now, Joni, clean up this mess and recover that dress! I can't afford any brainless chump getting their hands on that prototype!"

The woman hung up the phone and slammed it on the table.

"I can't stand her. Why doesn't she use the brain she borrowed?!", Saxon sighed.

"What is wrong, mi amor?", her husband asked as he came in, putting on his coat. "I can hear you all the way up from our bedroom."

"Léo, it's just idiotic Joni. Remember that prototype I was working on for weeks?", Saxon explained. "Well, she was responsible for locking it away and this morning, she calls me to say that it's missing!"

"Si sigue poniéndote de los nervios, ¿por qué no te deshaces de ella? (If she keeps getting on your nerves, why don't you get rid of her?)", Léo suggested, feeling tired of his wife's rants about the specific woman.

"No puedo porque es una modista impecable y los clientes la quieren aunque no sepa nada de cómo llevar un negocio. (I can't because she's an impeccable dressmaker and clients like her even though she knows nothing about running a business)", she groaned.

"Um, mother, this time isn't Joni's fault...", Dalia interrupted them. "It's in the Porsche, in the dress bag. You probably forgot it when you came home in a rush and thought you left it at the boutique. James left it in your workshop, this morning."

"Thank you but it's rude to interrupt your mother and I", Léo corrected.

"And by the way, those things you call fashion that you left on my desk in the workshop...need life support", Saxon scoffed as she took the papers from her handbag and flung it towards her daughter.

"B-But I did my best! You helped me with these when I first showed them to you", the ravenette protested.

"la yumkin 'an yakuna. la buda 'anani kunt fi halat sukar 'aw marida (Couldn't be. I must have been drunk or sick)", her mother snickered.

"Anyways, I have to go, mi amor. We have an important event to cater for tonight at the bakery." Léo kissed his wife on the lips and left the kitchen.

"Now aren't you supposed to be at your new school?", Saxon asked her daughter.

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