C2 - Comfort 🧡

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⚠️ Talks of SH, ED and body image ⚠️
Nicks POV: I woke up to charlie sitting at the edge of the bed crying and shaking? Nicks face dropped.
"Char, what's wrong."
Charlie was struggling to breathe, I think he was having a panic attack but i wasn't quite sure. Charlie turned his head towards me with his face buried in his palms. a muffled noice came out of him.
"It's nothing. I'm fine, Nick. honestly."
I crawled to the end of the bed and cuffed charlie's face rubbing my nose against his.
"No. No.. your not fine though. Are you?"
i could feel my eyes welling up as i pulled him into a hug.

Charlie's POV: I didn't know what to do i had woken up at 3AM and went to the bathroom to go toilet until i looked at myself in the mirror. I felt disgusting and embarrassed with my body and i thought of how much nick could have been disgusted  too. i knew he was sweet so he wouldn't say anything but i just felt like he hated me and my body. I look at nick now his face dripping with tears begging me to tell him what was wrong.
"Nick it's fine, i'm fine. i just. I was just having some thoughts."
"Charlie? what thoughts? charlie what do u mean.!?" nick sounded worried but i just buried my face into his chest
"it doesn't really matter just some silly things my mind was making up about.." i paused and nick started to stroke my hair.
"what was your mind making up char.. what was it about, please tell me." said nick trying to sound calm.
"just well.. you know, my body and that.?"
Nick looked at me, his concerned face made me melt.
"charlie.. your beautiful i don't understand how you can't see that. please.-please tell me everything. literally anything and everything i don't mind."

Nick's POV: I don't understand how charlie's could think anything negative about himself. Charlie lifted his head up to look at me and said
"It's just my body.. the scars an-"
my face shot up
"Scars?" i started sobbing and pulled charlie's head in onto my chest.
"charlie.. have you been... hurting yourself?" Charlie paused then looked up at me. His face was all blotchy from all the crying.
"Nick. I-.. i'm sorry."
"No. no no no. don't be sorry. you have no reason at all to be sorry. please can you tell me why." Charlie just shook his head
"it's silly it's all just body imagine and shit like that.. i feel like food is a punishment not a reward. i feel if i eat all 3 meals i'll get fat and no one will love me. and loosing you would break me."
"Charlie. I would never EVER leave you. your perfect.." i paused
"i- i love you charlie."

Charlie's POV: He loved me? like he actually actually loved me? i giggled and nick looked at me confused.
"Nick i-, i love you too. thank you.. not just for now but for everything i really do love you." Me and nick kissed, it was passionate but sweet. *DING* me and nick pulled apart.
MUM 🩷 : it's time to come home now nicky.

Nick looked at me sadly
"I don't want to go home yet.. i want to stay here with you forever" i laughed at him.
"Of courseee you do i guess i'm pretty amazing" I walked nick to the front door he gave me a tight hug and kissed my cheek.
"Goodbye char, I love you"
"Yeah okayyy I love you too, you big idiot"

( 608 words!!)

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