Truth 💜

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Charlie's POV: me and nick arrived at mine and i'm terrified. nick clenched my hand as we went through the door.
'mum i need to speak to you'
'okay.. and hi nick!"
nick nodded is head and we sat down on the sofa and my mum joined.
'so what do u need to talk to me about?' she said sounding a bit frustrated.
'well erm.' i couldn't speak.
"well what?"
nick looked at me and whispered
'do you want me to tell her?'
'yeah nick could u do it in the other room though please?'
'ofc char.'
nick and my mum stood up and went into the kitchen

Nicks POV: me and jane went to the kitchen
'so what's wrong with charlie then nick'
'Jane.. he's been struggling a lot lately and.'
jane looked at me worried
'what do you mean is he okay!?!'
'i mean, i'm not sure' i started to cry
'he's been erm.. self harming lately and he did it really bad to day and it won't stop bleeding can we please take him doctors' i say struggling or breathe choking on my tears.
'nick. i- i don't know what to say my poor baby boy'
said jane now starting to tear up a little.

Charlie's POV: mum and nick walked back in and i knew what he said i was dreading my mum's reaction
'yeah mum?'
'i'm so so sorry i love you baby'
she hugged me.
'i love you too mum, thank you'
me and her pulled away from our hug and she said
'nick come with me and charlie whilst me go hospital.'


(still chars POV) i clenched onto nicks hand as we walked through the door mum was speaking to the receptionist and they told us to wait till we got called out. Me and nick sat down next to eachother whilst mum went to the bathroom.

Nicks POV: I looked at charlie and kissed his forehead.
'i love you char, i'm so proud of you.'
he looked up at me and cuddled onto my arm
'i love you too'
after jane came back we waited for around half an hour or so until the doctor called out

Charlie's POV: the doctor called out for my name and my heart was racing. we all stood up but the doctor said only i was aloud in the room so mum and nick waited outside. the doctor started talking.
'charlie may i list up your sleeve to treat this?'
the doctor lifted up my sleeve and started to try and clean the area but it kept bleeding.
'oh dear.' said the doctor.
'your going to need stitches sir this hasn't stopped bleeding in ages i can tell.'
'yes sir a couple hours.'
me and the doctor walked and and he said to my mum
'he's going to need stitches miss.


i got the stitches put in and nick was holding my hand the whole time when we got home jane asked if Nick could sleep the night and he agreed.

Nicks POV: I'm staying the night now and me and charlie went up into his room
'i haven't brought any spare clothes'
'i haves some of your joggers and hoodies here nick ahaha wear them.'
'thanks char but it's boiling i don't need the hoodie i'll just go shirtless. is that okay?'
he quickly nodded after going red
'that's good' i say getting changed into my joggers behind his bed. after i had finished changing i climed back into bed with him and cuddled with him until we both eventually drifted off into a sleep.
A/N Sorry with took so long to make! love you all (630 words!)

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