C5 - Relapse 💙

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Charlie's POV: I woke up next to nick
13 missed calls from (Mum)
Oh my god it's 3pm?? how the hell did we sleep in this late i tried waking nick up
"hey nick wake up" i whispered
he started to open his eyes and woke up fully after about 20 seconds
"yeah char what's wrong" he said sounding grouchy even tho he wasn't
"i really need to go now!!"
he pulled me back down into the bed
"no!! i want you to stay here forever" he kissed me gently
"i'm so sorry but i have to go!!"
i got out of bed and gave nick a kiss on his forehead
"i love you"
"i love you too char"
i left nicks room and said bye to sarah and started walking home as i was walking into the door i heard
"CHARLIE WHAT THE FUCK?" it sounded like my mum so i walked into the kitchen it was.
"sorry." i mumbled underneath my breath
i stormed off back into my room before i bursted out into tears, i went rummaging around in my drawer before i found it. my blade. i sat on my bed and started to sob and rolled up my sleeve and started cutting.

Nicks POV: charlie's texting me?
Char❤️: Hey can i come back over? i need to talk to you. ❤️
ME: Yeah of course you can what's wrong?
Char❤️ : Thank you i'll be over soon, I love you. xx
ME: love you too but are you okay? xx

(read just now)
around ten minutes later i heard knocking
"ILL GET IT MUM" i went downstairs and let charlie, in we both walked back upstairs and sat on the bed.
"so what did you need to talk about?"
"oh, yeah erm." charlie reached over to grab a glass of water and his sleeve rolled down a little. my face dropped i pulled him into a hug
"hey what was that for haha" laughed charlie
"what did you come here to talk to me about charlie." i said sternly just incase it wasn't what i thought it was. he took a deep breath and said
"i- erm, well. relapsed" then he broke down into tears i pulled him into a hug and started to feel my eyes well up too .
"charlie why, what happened please tell me, i mean you don't have to but i really want you to"
"just a silly argument with my mum that's all" i pulled him into a hug and gave him a few quick kisses
"have you cleaned up yet or did you text me immediately after?"
"i just texted you"
"listen charlie you don't have to do this but, can you show me just so i can clean it up for you?"
he nodded and lifted his sleeve up, i took him to the bathroom and put a warm damp cloth and started patting it on his wrist trying not to hurt him. when i removed it i saw one had went really deep.
"charlie we might have to tell your mum about this that one looks really deep and won't stop bleeding"
he looked worried
"we don't have to if you don't want to but we might need to get some sort of plaster wrap for it not just an ordinary plaster"
charlie looked nervous and said
"okay, but can you come with me please you obviously don't have to but just you know." he shallowed his head
"yes of course i will i love you"
i put a plaster on all of his cuts just for the minute so it didn't bleed through his shirt now that the dried blood had been wiped off
"thank you nick, i love you"
" i love you more" and gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead. i took his hand and we walked down the stairs.
"mum me and charlie are just going to his house for a bit" she nodded with approval and we set of to his house.
A/N this was so hard to write omg lmao but thank u for all of the reads on my last chapters!! 🩷🩷
(725 words)

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