C3 - Date 💛

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⚠️ TW - HINTS OF ED ⚠️
Charlie's POV: after my conversation with nick i feel so much better, i'm so glad he understood and didn't get grossed out by me. but anyways not important right now i'm getting ready for our date. i'm so excited we are going to watch the stars in a field.

Nicks POV: i planned a date with me and charlie to watch the stars, i can't find a good outfit though it's all just boring. I've packed charlie a sandwich just incase. i know he doesn't want me pitying him, i'm not trying to, but i'm still worried i do really love him and i don't want him to suffer anymore then he already has . anyways i picked out a jumper and some joggers i really hope charlie doesn't mind that my outfit isn't exactly the nicest. i've packed charlie a jumper too just incase he gets cold. i'm going to walk to charlie's now and walk him to the field.

ME: Char, i'm coming to pick you up
now. ❤️

Charlie ❤️ : Okay i love you xx

ME: I love you moreeee xx

Charlie ❤️ : no i do 😤

ME: impossible 🩷🩷 xx

*Charlie ❤️ liked ur message*

Charlie's POV: what's that noise *boom* *boom* it's coming from my window? oh my god why is nick throwing pebbles at my window?? i opened it up.
"Nick what are you doing" i said laughing
"coming to pick my date upp"
"okay you could of just used the front door!"
"oh" nick looked down
"okay i'm coming now anyways."

Nicks POV: well that was embarrassing i was trying to be romantic.
*charlie walked up to nick*
"er.. Nicolas"
"huh yeah?"
"so ur not going to kiss ur date then?"
i kissed charlie and pulled him into a hug
"sorry mon amour" i flirtily
"ew. ur so cringe, like actually so cringe"
"sorry mon amour"
"okay nick shut up now"
"okay sorry"
i took charlie's hand and gave him the jumper. i we walked for around 15 minutes until we reached the perfect spot in the field and laid down.

Charlie's POV: i nuzzled my head into nicks chest until he lifted my head up until our faces were at level. nick lent forwards and whispered
"i really love you, you know that right"
"i know, i love you too"
i pulled nick into a kiss, he took over a flipped me on my back he kissed down my neck until he got to my collar bone
"is this okay char?"
i nodded just trying to enjoy the moment
he carried on kissing my collar bone a small moan slipped out and nick immediately looked up at me i turned my head in embarrassment but he looked at me smugly
"so you was enjoying that then"
"shut up."
"okay fine i'll stop thenn"
"dont.. please i actually did enjoy it sorry."

Nicks POV: well i was not expecting charlie to moan!?? but i carried on kissing his collarbone until he saw a wasp and started screaming i pulled charlie's head down onto my chest and started laughing at him.
"Jesus i never knew you were that afraid of wasps you big baby"
"i don't want to get stung!!"
"okay whatever just eat the sandwich i made you i think you'll really like it!!!"
i smiled at charlie and he smiled back but his eyebrows were in a sad position.
"it's okay if u don't want to i-..  sorry"
"no nick, it's okay it looks delicious!"

Charlie's POV: I could see nick really wanted me to eat and i felt really comfortable around him it sure he wouldn't judge me. nick handed me the sandwich and i slowly unwrapped it and took a bite, nick looked really proud of me and that encouraged me a lot! a little while later i had eaten the whole thing! nick looked at me and said
"i'm so so proud of you char, i love you so much."
i gave nick a big hug and said
"i love you too, thank you for believing in me." after me and nick had chatted for a bit longer he walked me home and gave me kiss.
"bye love"
"bye nick i love you"
"not as much as i love you thoo"
i was going to respond but he had run away before i could. Gosh i do love that boy more then anything.!
(750) words sorry if this was a bit long haha but much love) 🩷

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