I have become dead, just dead™

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The weight of living depends on every person, depends of life they lived; a life they earned, more so their choices that lead to their outcomes. Wither its the desired outcome or not. Not may people can have the liberty to have that type of choices, or even make a choice at all.

And I am one of those unlucky people whom didn't have a choice, certain parts of my life led me to where I am.

In a ditch that's getting filled...

Not my greatest moment its probably my last moment in this life I suppose, Great. Just great life just kicked me when I was at my lowest.

Isn't that just f*cking great...

So you must be wondering, "how did you end up there" or something along those lines. To put it simply I got stabbed then got shoved into a trunk of a car and here we are.

The ditch I'll be calling my final home... depressing now that I think of it. Well whoever burring me is nearly done I can't see on my left eye anymore. Nor breath... Did I forget to mention I already stopped breathing yeah.


To be honest; I thought death would be instant, nope it's slow. Okay not that slow, it's slow enough that you can feel you body shutting down and enter a permanent sleep.

Goodness me how long does it take to burry a body, whoever this person is. Is either slow or just incompetent, honestly how someone be this slow.

Oop- spoke too soon; he's done, oh forgot to mention that "person" is not an "it" but a "he" or whatever pronoun he goes by, hey I don't judge you do you and I'll lay here dead.

So anyways it's dark...

Very dark...

Hm... I thought, it's taking it's sweet as time or I've been lied to...

Time check: f*CK all

I have no idea how long I've been here, I'd say a couple of days or maybe even more. Now that I think of it I'm dead and time is irrelevant to me now...

Reject time, return to Monke...

Wait... How the hell am I making coherent sentences in my head, I'm dead aren't I... Meh sound like future me problem.

Future me here and all can say, its future future me's problem. And time check same old.


I mean seriously how long does it take to get my sorry ass soul out of this ditch I've been calling "home", it's getting stuffy here and weirdly it's getting hot... Is it the summer heat or something else... Must be my fart who knows.

Hey!! How long are you gonna take your sweet ass time to get here!!




Hey it's me yah boi deadman1997 back at it again with another uh... That sounded better in my head, also cringe how the hell can they do that every time they record...

Oh... Where was I? Ah yes.

Bright light...

No seriously one thing I was shouting then the next thing bright light... motherf*cker I got flashbanged 1/10 would not recommend.

So yeah that happened; also I'm alive now, how you may ask and to answer your question.


Before I forget; I'm in a dessert in the middle of butt fuck nowhere, with no food or water to my name. At least I have clothes on that a plus, I wouldn't want to be walking around butt fuck naked in the middle of nowhere.

"But your in the middle of nowhere, plus it's scorching hot." To which I say, I'd rather have my dignity than have a tan thank you very much. Also it's not scorching hot, it's f*cking Freezing cold here.

Ironic I know; but who ever sent me here, did so where it would be night...
Thanks for not boiling me, but also f*ck you.

So... Whoever sent me here... Thank you!!!! Why you may be asking didn't I  just told then to f*ck themselves.

Oh they can go still f*ck themselves, but they where nice enough to send me a create of goodies for me. To which inside was MRE's great food was sorted... But water is a problem better yet how the hell I am supposed to carry all these MRE packets, I'm not made of pockets.

Great, let's do this slowly one step at a time.

Baby steps, baby steps

I've been in this desert for 5 days now, I'm just surviving on F*cking MRE's to which taste terrible by the way, I got the short end of the stick. So anyways I've been walking around this desert of 5 days now, still no sign of civilization.

I Sorted my water problem, how you may ask... I'm not gonna answer that, I'll give you a hint I haven't found any bodies of water. That should narrow it down for you.

So... I "Sorted" my water problem for now and currently dragging the create of MRE's with me... Who would have thought that a create of MRE'S would he heavy, definitely not me that for sure.

Day 10 it's been that long... Also I've found a body of water thank f*ck I couldn't handle drinking my urine anymore, and I'll tell you this drinking that water felt like I was high. the best kind of high.

Now that I think about it... Drinking my urine for that long should not be good for my body... Wait then how am I even alive at this point then?

I'll take it as a sign... And not question it...

Day 17, still no signs of civilization,  nothing really exciting happened... Well, something did happened to put it on simple terms I have a friend now.

I don't know what it is, it looks like a black and yellow slug with spike's going out of it's body, at first I was scared, and when it approached me it didn't do anything. So when I touched it in it's... Uh... Carapace; that's the word I was looking for sorry going on a tangent. Where was I ah yes, when I touch it's carapace it leaned into my hand.

Long story short, I have a friend now who I named.


"Joe the slug joined the party"

So that was an eventful day I wonder what's in store for me tomorrow.

"Um... Hey Texas" A girl spoke, she had bright red hair with a halo on top of her head and wings behind her back.

"This isn't your usual route." She said to her companion next to her, the companion in question had grey hair, a striking sets of eyes and a resting bitch face, and wolf ears on top her hear.

"I know this isn't my usual route exu." The lupo relied to the red haired angel.

"Then why didn't take your usual route then Texs, it would have been quick."

"I don't know"

"Huh? You don't know?"

"I don't know, why I choose this route but it's too late to turn back around. Let's just finish this and be done with it."

"Hm... Can't argue with that"

Yeah I wonder what's going to happen tomorrow, I have a gut feeling it going to be good.

Bleh... another terrible flavor, you win some you lose some.

I'm glad I have Joe with me, at least I'm not alone anymore.

(Joe the slug...)

Hey lads it's yah boi, been busy for the last few months haven't had the time to write and all that shaz.

But just wrote this because... Why not : )

Anyways piece <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>

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