Chapter 2 - Tulips

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At the beginning of the great friendship between Crowley and Aziraphale, both were discussing the decoration of the new flower shop.


- WHY NOT? - Aziraphale replied, also shouting.

- LOOK AT ME, DO I LOOK LIKE SOMEONE WHO LIKES YELLOW? - Said Crowley, dressed all in black, with his usual dark glasses.

- NO, BUT - Aziraphale was interrupted.

Nina slammed the table they were on. She smiled, even though they both knew how furious she was.
As she smiled, she spoke:

- If you two don't shut up or at least talk lower, I swear I'll kick your asses out of here. - Smiling she was able to say, but her voice sounded as threatening as Satan himself. Then she changed to the gentlest possible tone - Do you understand?

Both nodded in agreement.
Really, they share the same neoronium, thought Nina.

After being threatened with eviction from their hangout, they got back to talking. This time as silent as anything silent.

- Listen, yellow will look great Crowley, trust me.

- Aziraphale, I'm not going to paint my flower shop yellow. It's not my color, it doesn't suit me.

- How about white then? Beige? Even brown!

- How about black? - Crowley said decidedly.

- Black is not the color of a flower shop! It will look like you sell flowers for funerals!

- Let people use their flowers for funerals, I have no problem with that.

A few weeks after that conversation, Aziraphale was reading a book in his beloved bookshop, until someone knocked on the door.
Through the window, he could already see the famous fire-colored hair, Aziraphale was happy to know that it was his neighbor, and soon opened the door.

- The paints have arrived, do you want to give me a hand? - Crowley asked, his hair was tied up, and Aziraphale couldn't help but admire it.

- It depends, what color are you going to paint your flower shop?

- You know which color I chose, Fel. Are you coming or not? - On the outside Crowley was serious, but on the inside he was happy.

- I will, but only to change the black ink for a more suitable ink for the flower shop.

- Try your luck, angel.

Both went to the place where the flower shop was planned.
Inside, almost everything was ready, just missing a detail or another, but on the outside it looked like the place was abandoned.

Crowley and Aziraphale got their hands dirty without wasting any time. They were painting the entire front.

- I bet you can't paint any faster than me - Crowley said.

- Oh yes? Well, wait, you're going to swallow dust.

They started painting like crazy, the first hand looked like it was done by kids. In fact, an 11 year old would do even better.
But in the second hand things had already improved. The flower shop really did look beautiful in black, but Aziraphale would never assume that.

After a long job on the painting, instead of going to the cafe, they decided to go to Aziraphale's bookstore, have a drink and chat while the paint dried.

- I told you the black ink would look cool - Crowley said, throwing himself onto Aziraphale's couch, which was facing the window, facing the flower shop.

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