Chapter 3 - Red Anthurium

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Crowley woke up early, he left the room to meet his friend, until he found him in the kitchen.
Aziraphale was cooking.

- Good morning dear, I hope you like pancakes, come, sit down. - The bookseller said, placing a plate of pancakes on the table. - Did you sleep well?

- I slept like an angel, your bed is very comfortable.

- I'm happy. Are you excited for today? Oh, Crowley, it's going to be so fun! I took the day off to help you with whatever you needed, is that okay with you?

That's great, Crowley thought, but he didn't say that, instead he just nodded.

To the redhead, this is all so different, after so long of being alone, without friends, he went to meet someone, who is his total opposite, in a cafe.
And who knew the two would get along so well.
Crowley was happy.
Aziraphale was happy too.

After breakfast, Aziraphale lent Crowley an outfit to wear to the inauguration.

- Wow, I'm surprised that you have some black clothes in your closet - Crowley said.

- I wear black specific times, of course, but I do. Ah, Crowley, I have something for you! - Aziraphale took something wrapped in gift paper from his closet. - Open it!

Crowley looked at Aziraphale, then at the gift. Without understanding much, he opened it.
Inside was a tie printed with different types of flowers, it's a colorful tie, in other words, nothing like the redhead's style. But this was a gift, a gift from Aziraphale. It was obvious that Crowley would wear this tie. In fact, he took the tie and put it on with Aziraphale's borrowed clothes.
As he was wearing all black, the tie stood out.

- It looks nice - Aziraphale said.

- Thanks - Crowley replied, avoiding his friend's eyes.

A moment later, when they were both ready to start the inauguration.

- Are you sure you're not coming with me?

- Yes, dear, you can go ahead . Maggie asked me for help, said it was important. I'll see what it is and I'll meet you, okay?

- Yes - Crowley wanted Aziraphale to go with him, but they've both been together since last night, so he didn't feel very entitled to want that. He let Aziraphale go.

Crowley went straight to the flower shop. Anxiously, he moved a plant, then placed it in the same place it was. He looked up at the ceiling, remembering yesterday.
What could go wrong, he thought.
Crowley opened the flower shop.

Aziraphale went to Maggie's record store. She had her head down on the counter.
Aziraphale approached with care and concern.

- Maggie, what happened? Is everything okay?

- No - She said, her voice coming out a little muffled because she had her head in her arms resting on the counter.

- What is it?

- I don't know how to talk to Nina. - She raised her face - I like her so much, Mr. Fel, but... I don't know - She lowered her head again - I feel like she hates me! What did I do wrong?

- You didn't do anything wrong.

- I must have! She avoids my eyes, barely talks to me when I go to the coffee shop.

- Maybe it's because she's busy. You know how many people go in that café. Have you tried talking to her outside of work?

- I don't have the courage to do that, Mr. I mean, look at me! And look at her. We are different people, I don't think she would like me.

- Who said differences push people away? Sometimes you can find yourself more in a person completely opposite to you than in a person with similar tastes. Have you ever thought about it? - Aziraphale was talking about Maggie and Nina, but he and Crowley flashed through his mind.

- You think so? Do you think she might like me? - The woman's eyes, although they were swollen from crying, also had a hint of hope.

- Of course I think so! Now come on, drive away that little blue monster of sadness, will you? Look what a beautiful it is day outside!

Aziraphale pointed to the window, to the radiant, sunny sky, but Maggie's eyes instantly went to Nina's cafe. She was completely and madly in love.

After some tea, they both went to visit Crowley and his inauguration.

- Aziraphale! - Crowley said as soon as he saw his friend entering the store.

- Hello dear, how are things going? Oh, this is Maggie, she's the owner of the record store. Maggie this is Crowley.

- Oooou your neighbor, I remember you talking about him. Mr. Fel was dying to meet you since the day you stepped on this street - She said, to Crowley.

They both blushed, Aziraphale because he didn't want his friend to know that, and Crowley because it was totally unexpected, but not bad, he thought.

- I didn't know you were interested in me, angel - Crowley replied with a smile.

Aziraphale blushed even more, he was lost not knowing how to react. To escape, he completely changed the subject.

- What a beautiful flower, what is it called? - The book seller asked.

- This is a Red Anthurium - The flower shop owner replied, he looked at the flowers, then looked back at Aziraphale. And how can I not look at Aziraphale, Crowley thought.

- Funny, her shape reminds me of a heart - Maggie said.

Crowley came out of his trance.

- Hmm? Oh, because this flower has a shape similar to a heart, people generally associate it with love. There are people who generally use it to deliver to someone they love.

Maggie had an idea.

- I'll take one, no, two, please. - She asked, determined.

- Choose which one you want and let's go to the cashier, I'll go ahead - So the redhead left to look at the other customers and go to the cashier, giving Maggie space to choose her flower .

- I'm going to give them to Nina, what do you think Mr. Fel? - She was determined to do this, all her courage took over.

-What a wonderful idea! I'm sure she'll love your flowers. - Aziraphale replied, happy to see courage on his friend's face.

While Maggie was lost in thought to choose the most beautiful flower, Aziraphale went to Crowley who was at the register.

- Hi - Crowley said.

- Hi - Aziraphale replied - What's up? Everything going as planned?

- As far as possible.

Crowley was as serious as ever, although his mind was filled with intrusive thoughts. He was very anxious now that he finally had his flower shop, but at the same time, it would mean that he would spend less time with Aziraphale.

- At your lunch break, we can go out to eat somewhere different. So you can breathe a little. What about it? - Aziraphale suggested, noticing a little tiredness in his colleague.

- I would love to. - Crowley smiled slightly.

End of chapter 3.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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