Part 40

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Allison's POV

Currently me and Theo are walking down the cold corridors to get to Mcgonagall's office,

Why does she want to speak to us?

Why does she want to speak to me?

The last time I spoke to her one on one I'm pretty sure was when I first came to the school.

Salazar, it feels like that was ages ago when it was only just over a month ago.

I have gotten a boyfriend,

Been disowned by my parents,

Almost got raped,

Found out Evelyn was still alive,

Found out I have an older brother,

Wait that reminds me I need to write to them and see how they are doing.

I have gotten the dark mark,

Become pretty popular with the boys,

Become hated by the girls,

My life is very hectic.

On that note I have just arrived at Mcgonagall's office.

Theo knocks on the door and we hear a faint "come in" before opening the door

"Miss Evergreen, Mr Riddle. I'm so happy that you came"

"Thanks for inviting us Minnie" he says taking a seat, so I do the same

"I called you both in here for a little chat, and I also need to tell you both stuff" she pauses "Tea?"

"Uh sure" I say to her

She pours me and Mattheo a cup out before putting the tea pot down.

"So to begin with, how are you settling in?"

"Oh umm, I'd say it's been fine. A lot has happened since the start of September and now" I say taking a sip

"I heard, I do have a letter from your parents" she says handing it to me

"Thankyou" I say taking it off of her

"So when did you two start dating" she says before taking a sip of tea.

"Not too long ago, I mean we were basically dating but we didn't make it official until I set out an awesome date" Mattheo says smirking

"Actually Nova, Pansy, Daphne and Molly set out the date" I correct him

"Same thing" he says in a huff

"Anyway, I've heard a couple awful rumours about you Allison. Are you sure your fine" she says setting her tea down

"Yeah I'm fine, nothing I can't handle" I say giving her a smile. She can definitely tell that it's fake.

"Alright, but if you need anyone to talk too about anything my door is always open"

"Thankyou" I say smiling at her

"And the same goes to you Mattheo" she says looking at him

"We've gone over this every single year Minnie, I will only come on here if you have asked for me or if I need something from you" he says to her

"I know that but still remember it" she pauses "now onto the next thing, this mostly concerns you Miss Evergreen if not only concerns you"

I gulp "Professor dumbledoor has received a letter from your parents, I will read it now" she says pulling out the letter.

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