Chapter 2

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As soon as they seen the big sign that said 'Welcome to Vegas' Phil smirked and gently shook Charlie awake "Hey, Princess. We're here" he cooed softly making her wake up with a soft sniffle and stretched herself, yawning in the process before she looked around still not fully awake, until she seen the whole thing, making her just gawk in awe "woaw" she whispered.
"Welcome to Vegas Baby." Phil told her excitedly before he kissed her head "You did it!!!! You made this happen! I'm so fucking proud of you!" Phil exclaimed with a huge grin on his face, grabbing his daughter's face, squeezing it and kissing her temple proudly, beaming with happiness and content. He was in heaven. He had his daughter, in his favorite place.... Nothing could screw it up.

Using Valet parking, The boys and Charlie got their things out of the car and walked up to the front door until two women walked past Charlie and Phil making the daughter and Father just watch the two walk by them with a smirk before they kept on walking inside to the front desk.
"Hi welcome to Caesars" the woman greeted with a gentle smile from behind the desk.
Everyone greeted back, "Checking in?" she asked sweetly.
"Yeah, we have a reservation under Dr.Wenneck" Charlie said with a smile.
"No, I actually took a liberty to reserve it under my name, Charlie. It's under Dr.Price" Stu explained with a smile. Charlie shrugged and pursed her lips.
"Ok. Let me look that up for you" The Manager said as she clicked away on her computer.
" 'Dr.Price'? " Phil asked cockily "Stu, you're a dentist, don't try and get fancy"
"It's not fancy if it's true" Stu recoiled with a blush as he looked up at the manager.
"He's a dentist. Don't get too excited. My daughter here is the actual doctor out of all of us, so you should call her if some emergency happens." Phil explained to the woman.
"Thank you daddy" Charlie said sarcastically, internally facepalming, before she turned towards the woman behind the desk "I am a doctor yes, but if someone has a heart attack, you should still call 911" Charlie said with a smirk.
"We'll be sure to do that" the woman said softly with a smile.
Alan jumped in and asked towards the manager "Can I ask you a question? Do you know if the hotel is pager friendly?"
"what do you mean?" The brunette asked confused.
"I'm not getting a sig on my beeper" Alan tried to explain.
"I'm not sure" The woman replied again.
"Is there a payphone bank?... Bunch of payphones?... business?" Alan kept on interrupting while the boys and Charlie just kept on looking towards Alan with a look in their eyes.
"Um. There's a phone in your room" She replied to Alan trying to be of help.
"That'll work" Alan said with a nod.
"Um, I'm sorry Dr.Price, but It's under Dr.Charlie Wenneck. Apparently, the reservation was only given to one of you. It can't be double booked" The woman said.
"Oh that's fine" Stu said not taking it to heart.
"And he's not a doctor." Phil stated. The woman chuckled and shook her head before she "And Charlie, huh? That's an interesting name. Short for Charlotte or just Charlie?" She asked sweetly and interested.
"Just Charlie"
"It's beautiful" Lisa said with a swoon.
"Thanks. I like yours too. Has a nice ring to it" Charlie spoke as a matter of fact as she looked at her name tag. Lisa just blushed and smiled before she cleared her throat and went back to working;
"So. Um, I have you in a 2 bed room suite, with a pull out sofa bed, on the 12th floor, is that ok?" The woman announced.
"Sounds perfect, maybe you and Charlie can double up on one of them" Doug said appreciatively before he smirked towards Charlie. Making Lisa blush and Charlie Mentally facepalm, as Phil smirked just the same as Stu with Alan being completely clueless.
"Actually, I was wondering if you have any villas available?" Charlie asked, clearing her throat as she looked towards Lisa with a gleam mixed with lust in her eyes.
"That's my girl" Phil said with a smirk.
"Charlie. We're not gonna be in the room." Stu said, disapproving.
"It's unnecessary, gumdrop" Doug spoke gently.
"It's no big deal, we can share beds and one of us can be on the pull out couch, it's one night" Stu spoke.
"Uh, if we're sharing beds, I'm bunking with Phil" Alan said towards everyone but then looked over at Phil "You good with that?" he asked for reassurance. "No, I'm not good with that. Charlie and I will bunk together then" Phil said sulking like a kid.
"Guys! We're not sharing beds! What are we twelve years?" Charlie said a little irritated before she looked back at the woman and continued to speak "Lisa, I apologize, how much is the Villa?"
"We have one villa available and it's 4200 for the night" Lisa explained.
"Is it awesome?" Alan asked.
"It's pretty awesome" Lisa reassured.
"We'll take it" Charlie said with a grin as she was about to use her credit card.
"woaw! Woaw! Woaw! What are you doing?" Phil stopped her before he turned over to Stu "Give her your credit card"
"I can't give her my credit card" Stu replied.
"You're joking right?" Charlie asked towards her father. "I can pay for it. It's on me"
"No! Stu! Pay her up!" Phil told Stu with a little more of an ordering tone.
"We'll split it" Doug said as he was taking out his wallet.
"Are you crazy?" Charlie told him with a frown "No, this is on me"
"Charlie! Don't! Stu! Pay up!" Phil said trying to not let his daughter pay.
"You don't get it. Melissa checks my statements." Stu said with a frown.
"Well we just need a credit card on file, so we won't charge you anything until you check out, so you can figure it out then" Lisa explained trying to make amends for everyone.
"Perfect! That's perfect, Thank you Lisa. Then we'll figure it out tomorrow. Come on" Phil said towards Stu.
"I- I don't think I can" Stu said still insecure. Charlie gave her card to Lisa and Lisa just chuckled, taking it.
"Uh-Oh! Where's my card? Oh! Shit! It's-" Charlie sassed as she reached for the POS and punched in her pin code, already paying it. "It's done" she said to everyone with a bitch face causing for Lisa to chuckle which earned a smirk from Charlie.
"What?!!? No!!" Doug exclaimed with a sigh. "I will pay you back every dime"
"No! This is on me! And Stu, I understand. Your girlfriend is a bitch who doesn't trust you. I got you" she said as Lisa gave Charlie back her card, laughing silently. "Thank you Lisa" she said with a smile.
"You're funny" Lisa commented making Charlie smirk even more "Well you should see me when I'm not around these guys. I'm hilarious." Charlie flirted subtly making Lisa blush and chuckle even more. Making Phil, Doug and Stu cock an eyebrow at Charlie, holding a smirk on each of their faces.
"Can I ask you another question?" Alan chimed in again unaware of the moment that the women were having. Making Charlie clear her throat once again, looking away seeing her father holding a smirk just the same as Stu and Doug. As Lisa was brought back to reality as she was lost in Charlie's forest green eyes before.
"Sure" she said to Alan.
"You probably get this a lot. This isn't the real Caesars palace, is it?"
"What do you mean?" Lisa asked completely dumbfounded making Charlie just internally facepalm.
"Did-um-... Did Caesar live here?" Alan asked hesitantly now.
"Um, no" Lisa replied.
Alan nodded in reply and said "Didn't think so"
"Right. I will get you a bellhop and Dr.Wenneck... It's been a pleasure meeting you" Lisa purred with a smirk making Charlie smirk in reply "Oh, no need for a bellhop, and the feeling is mutual" She replied with a smile and subtle wink before she gave her boys a head movement for them to walk.

The boys said their farewells to Lisa and went to the elevator together. "what was that?" Phil teased his daughter with a smirk.
"I don't know what you're talking about" Charlie acted dumb.
"Oh please! You and Lisa! There was some flirtation going on back there." Phil stated.
"It was nothing. Just being nice and playful" Charlie replied.
"Oh I definitely saw something, Gumdrop. Why don't you go back and ask her out?" Doug suggested.
"Nah, She's hot and all but I don't think I'm ready for a relationship." Charlie admitted.
"Why not? You're 22 years old and Lisa seemed pretty much into you" Stu said with a smile agreeing with Doug and Phil.
"She's in her late thirties' dad or early fourty's, Stu"
"So?! Hey! All of the best woman are milfs" Phil jumped in clearly having no problem with his daughter dating someone older than her.
"Oh my god, you did not just say that, dad."
"what? It's true"
"Look. Thank you for trying to help but I'm good." She said with a dry chuckle and a soft smirk.
"Charlie..." Phil said gently... "what's going on with you?"
"Nothing. I'm fine. I just... I came here for the bachelor party not to date. That was a one-time thing" she said.
"Alright." Phil let it go and stayed quiet like Doug and Stu who both held concerned looks on their faces.
"You alright, Charlie?" Alan asked with a confused look.
"I'm fine Alan" Charlie gently replied, looking back at him. After nodding at her, the elevator finally opened, and they arrived on the floor they needed to be on and made their way to the room. "Alright. Let's see what my baby paid for" Phil said with a smirk as he opened the door and revealed the huge, most grand, and amazing room ever existed.
"Ho-ly! Shit!" Stu said astounded as Charlie smirked whilst looking around and continued to walk. Phil groaned with a chuckle, patting his daughters back "Now this is Vegas!" he said forming words.
"Oh, my... This place... is enormous!" Doug exclaimed with a grin.
"Now we're talking!" Phil spoke once again.
"Is this all one suite?" Doug asked still in awe "Thank you guys! Or should I say, Thank you gumdrop"
"You're welcome. It's only because I love you" Charlie said with a smile as she placed her luggage on the couch "So, we can all learn that Charlie knows what she's talking about, and we should all shut up when she speaks!" Charlie spoke in third person with a smirk.
"You're right! You're right! This is an amazing room!" Stu agreed with a smile.
"My girl knows what she's doing all the time" Phil smirked at her.

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