Chapter 7

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When Charlie arrived at Mike Tyson's mansion, she was in awe. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. It was huge. Entering the house, she couldn't take her eyes off the beautiful interior made of marble and stone. It was quite a beautiful place. He had a piano under a flight of twirly stairs which caught her eye. She slowly made her way towards it just to look at it and not touch it.
"You like to play the piano?" Mike asked curiously. Charlie turned to look up at the famous world champion and nodded "A little"
"Can I hear you play?" he asked quite warmly. He was quite of a sweetheart on the inside.
"Oh. Um.. I'm not that very good" she said with a light blush.
"Maybe you are. Prove me wrong or right. Go on. You can play it" he said opening it up for her. Letting a soft nervous breath escape her lips before sitting down on the piano's bench, she lifted her hands mid air and just started playing. Hitting the notes as light as a feather, her touch was delicate, loving, gentle. It was beautiful. She was playing "knocking on heavens door"... Both Leonard and Mike were actually amazed by her playing but the second she opened her mouth and sang, that's when they heard the real talent. Her voice was like an angels. All they did was just stare at her in amazement.
As soon as she was finished, Mike and Leonard were just at a loss for words. She slowly lifted her shoulders and gave them a soft tight smile. "wow" was the only thing that could come out from Mike's lips.
"Agreed" Leonard said right after Mike. Chuckling nervously, Charlie cleared her throat and removed a piece of hair and placed it behind her ear. "Thanks. It's been a long while since I did that"
"Imagine if you haven't stopped playing. You would've been a good artist" Mike said.
"Thank you" she said softly with a blush.
"Well no more comments. Cause it's basically the same thing Mr. Tyson said. That was beautiful." Leonard said with a smirk "Now how about we go check those camera's and see what we can find about your godfather"
"Yes please!" she said taking the opportunity.

Following them into a room with a huge TV screen and a nice comfy black leather sofa, Charlie just gawked at the size of the room. "Woaw!"
Mike chuckled as Leonard smirked at her reaction. "Sorry. My first time in a celebrity's mansion" she said with an embarrassed blush. "It's alright. It's cute. Come on. Take a seat." Mike complimented and offered the blonde girl. Taking a seat, Charlie waited patiently for the TV to show what it caught on camera and when she seen Doug her heart shattered... look where she's come to... finding her godfather a day prior before his wedding. This wasn't what should be happening... by now.. they should've been home. With Doug sleeping it off so he can get married tomorrow. This bit from the footage made her heart swell even more. Doug drunkenly placed his arm around her and screamed out in a slur "My goddaughter is the best!! And if anyone hurt her! I'll cut them!! She's my baby girl! Mine!"
Her eyes teared up as she seen him... Even just seeing him broke her... she missed him incredibly and she just wanted him back home. She just wanted to find him.
"Yo! Hey! You alright?" Mike stopped the footage and straightened up.
"Yeah yeah! I just- I just miss him. That's all" she spoke in a shaky voice.
"Hey. It's ok. We can wait till your fath-" that's when they heard the doorbell ring. "It's probably your father and friends."
"I'll go answer the door" Leonard said before he went to find the other three men behind the door, catching their breath. "You're late!"
"Whatever man, we had to push it the last mile!" Phil snarked not taking any of their bullshit anymore. He just wants to see his daughter safe.
"Come on in. Mikes got something he wants to show you" Leonard snarled, moving to the side so they can go in. They all went in, Phil stopped by Leonard and said "The things out of control, man. Seriously, you gotta put it down. Where's my daughter?"
"In there. She's alright." Leonard pointed to the living room and showed them the way.
Once they seen her, Phil immediately rushed up to her and just held her "You ok?" he asked worriedly.
"I'm fine. I'm fine" she softly reassured as she held onto him until she seen his neck "what the fuck happened to you?"
"The fucking tiger caught me. Is it bad?" he asked for her professional opinion.
"It's just a big scratch daddy. It's actually not that deep" she turned over to Mike and said "Um, can I have some rubbing alcohol and a clean cloth or a disinfectant wipe, please?"
Mike nodded before giving Leonard a sign for him to go get what she needed.
"Thanks." She cooed before she turned back facing her father.
"You've been crying" he stated out there.
"I know my daughter. What happened?"
"No! No! Nothing it's... I already started watching some of the footage and seeing Doug made me emotional. I just miss him!" she said with puppy eyes which made Phil sigh softly, stroking her hair and kiss her forehead softly "It's gonna be alright. I'm sure we'll find him." He sounded reassuring.
Stu and Alan were just sitting down quietly feeling sorry for her. "While we're waiting for the disinfectant and shit, when we got back, we took a look at the security camera's." Mike explained, a small Frenchie dog came in the room with a happy wiggle which caught Charlie's attention, gasping at his cuteness "Oh hey there little girl" she cooed towards the puppy.
"Hey girl. Come'ere" Mike said as he patted his lap. "wanna pet her?" he asked Charlie
"if that's alright"
"Go ahead"
"Thanks" she gently stroked the puppy's behind the ears and asked "what's her name?"
"I didn't give her a name, I just call her girl" he said to her.
"Still a nice name for her. Hey girl" she cooed towards the puppy while stroking her gently and carefully, as soon as Leonard came back with rubbing alcohol and a clean cloth.
"Oh Thank you" Charlie said as she took them "Alright. Daddy brace yourself, this is gonna burn. But this is to keep out bacteria from entering from the wound and to keep an infection from spreading. Alright. Brace yourself... 1... 2... 3" she poured some of the rubbing alcohol onto the scratches "ARGH! FUCK!" Phil screamed, hissing a sharp inhale back inside from in between his teeth. "It's alright. It's alright. It's done. It's almost done just few more seconds." She said calmly. Phil tried to keep himself from screaming more as he bit his tongue and stayed quiet. "There we go!" she said softly. "Alright. Sorry for the wait." She said placing them on the side and leaning on her fathers chest to watch the footage, snuggling into him.

Leonard pressed play on the remote and the video started, the five of them were all giggly and laughing together side by side, with Charlie and Doug holding onto each other due to the level of them being drunk. The others were also seeming piss faced as it is too.
"Oh! It's Doug!" Stu exclaimed in relief.
"Oh thank god he's alive" Phil relieved just the same "See? I told you, princess." Charlie softly sighed and nodded as she stayed in her fathers warmth. "That's our buddy." Alan said.
"That's who we've been missing" Stu reminded Mike
"we're all best friends" Alan spoke once again.
"Yeah, I know. Now can you guys just pay attention. I don't have all night" Mike asked as he was holding his little Frenchie dog on his lap.
"Yeah of course. Of course" Phil agreed. They continued watching the footage which showed Alan going on top of the pool, hearing Stu in the footage asking "what are you doing?"
"Hey guys! Check it out! Watch this!" Alan said.
"That's me. I'm on TV. I never been on TV before" the present Alan spoke, before in the footage, it continued to him unzipping his pants and taking out his penis and started to take a piss in the pool. While watching the footage Charlie's eyes widened "Oh please don't tell me I seen that!"
The footage actually shown her laughing and drunkenly leaning onto her father, holding a bottle of gin in her hand. "Oh god" she whimpered hiding her face in her hands and hiding her whole self in her fathers chest.
"what are you doing?" Dougs voice was heard from the footage, laughing.
"Really? Really Alan?" Phil said as he shielded his daughter from seeing it again.
"You got a firehose, man?" Doug voice said through the footage. Alan awkwardly looked over at Mike Tyson "yeah I was uh-" he said not knowing what to say to him. "You're gonna over flow the pool man!" Stu's voice was now in the footage. Stu was also feeling embarrassed as much as Alan and Charlie are. "Maybe I- Should I wait outside?" Alan asked Mike.
"I think that's a good idea, Alan" Mike snarked with a look that could kill.
"Yeah!" Alan said as he pushed himself off the couch. "don't touch anything out there, either" Leonard told Alan watching him leave.
"You know what? He's not our good f-. We don't know him that well" Stu said to him before he awkwardly continue to watch the video.
Now the footage is showing everyone exiting the mansion holding the tiger on a leash and walking towards the cop car they stole. "Hey, where did you get that cop car from?" Mike asked curiously.
"We uh- stole it. From this dumbass cops" Stu said trying to sound cool.
"Nice!!!" Mike praised with a smirk making them all laugh in agreement. Charlie wasn't hiding herself anymore as she figure out that they left the pool.
"High five that one!" Mike said actually loving the fact that they stole a cop car. Stu managed to high five him with a grin on his face.
"You know, I just have to say. I never seen a more beautiful, elegant, just regal creature" Phil spoke softly about the tiger, when in the footage it's showing him saying "Check it out! Stu! Charlie!" before he started to fake hump it from behind. Their laughs were heard in the footage as Charlie mentally facepalmed with a sigh. "Really daddy?" she asked him with a deadpanned face.
"Oh god. That's awful!" Stu said agreeing with Charlie. While in the footage everyone was just in pure chaotic energy, Stu falling on the ground on his back,
"Who does shit like that man?" Mike asked in a judging tone towards Phil.
"Uh, someone who has a lot of issues obviously. I'm a sick man!" Phil admitted before they seen the last footage showing Alan puking all over the car trunk before it shut off, causing for Charlie to gag.
"That's all we got" Leonard said.
"This was hugely helpful" Stu spoke first "really. Cause now we know, that our buddy Doug was with us at 3:30. Totally alive"
"Thanks again Champ" Phil jumped in "and uh, again. We are so sorry we stole your tiger"
"Nah! Don't worry about it man. Like you said, we all do dumb shit when we're fucked up" Mike said actually understanding them now, as he had proof that they were actually drunk and drugged. Charlie, Phil and Stu laughed at him quoting Phil "I did say that! I did say that!"
"Thanks once again Champ!" Charlie said lastly.
"No problem and hey! Don't stop your musical artistry. You're good. You have talent" he told her.
"I'll try. Thank you again, Champ" and with that they got up and found Alan actually losing his way and just left the mansion together back to the Mercedes. "Jesus fuck! The tiger did that?!" she exclaimed. "Oh Sid is gonna kill Doug! When he has no fucking blame!"
"Told you!" Alan said to the men.
"Let's just get inside and let's drive back to the hotel! Maybe we'll figure something else out" Phil said "come on let's go! Stu! You drive!!"
Alan went in the backseat and was followed by Charlie who sat behind the passenger seat. Once they were all in the car, Stu started driving and then something hit his memory.
"wait, Charlie, Did Mike Tyson tell you that you have talent?" Stu asked remembering and finally coming to realization.
"Oh yeah what was that about?" Phil asked in confusion.
"Oh uh... I may have played some piano and sang in front of him and his bodyguard? They're quite nice" she said with a soft smile.
"Oh really? Well you always had a nice voice, sweetheart. They're right" Phil spoke softly with a smile. "You should really start music again. It was gonna be a good goal for you. Maybe get some gigs in a bar or something."
"I'll think about it" she said softly.
"You know, everyone says Mike Tyson is such a bad ass but.. I think he's kind of a sweetheart" Stu stated while driving.
"I think he's mean" Alan disagreed like a 4 year old with a pout.
"He's badass in the ring, but once you get to know him. He is actually quite a gentleman" Charlie stated as a matter of fact.
Everyone stood quiet for a few seconds until Phil decided to speak again and said "Alright. I think it's officially time to call Tracy"
"What?!?!" Charlie exclaimed.
"Hallelujah! Finally! Phil says something that makes sense" Stu praised in relief.
"That's it?!?! We're giving up?!?!" She snapped in shock. She didn't want to believe that they lost him. "We just need more time to find him!!!" she whimpered.
"I mean, we don't have much of a choice, Princess. And who knows, maybe she heard from Doug" Phil tried to console his daughter.
"That's what I have been saying the whole time" Stu said
"You said nothing!!! And What if she didn't and will want to kill me for losing her husband before her wedding if she knows?!?!?" She was now panicking again.
"Charlie! Sweetheart! Breathe! Relax! Everything is gonna be ok. Breathe with me" he started to take deep and long breathing patterns as he reached for her hand. She tried to control her breathing as she felt her eyes prick with tears, gulping them down. "I'll tell her" she whimpered
"Charlie, It's ok." Phil said.
"No. I'm the best woman. It's my job! Give me the phone" she said shaking as she laid her hand out for him to hand her his phone. Phil glanced over at Stu who gave him a reassuring look that she can handle it. "Alright. If I see you struggling, I'm taking the phone away and handling it myself." Phil said while Stu pulled to the side. "We just have to be completely honest and tell her everything" Phil told his daughter as he handed her the phone. Taking a deep breath, Charlie slowly took the phone. "We don't have to tell her everything" Stu said "We can leave stuff about me, marrying, a, hooker. Just focus on Doug"
Charlie and Phil just rolled their eyes. "Alright... I'm going in for the kill" she spoke with crippling anxiety and started to find Tracy's number.
"What am I gonna tell my dad about this car?" Alan said worried about that too, knowing that this car is his fathers baby.
"Yeah Alan's right, I mean this does not look good and Doug would get the blame for this" Charlie agreed, stopping mid way from finding Tracy's number.
"Guys relax. It's just the inside. I got a guy in L.A who's great with interiors!" Phil tried to reassure them before they have been hit by a black SUV by the passengers side, shoving the Mercedes under a huge sign. Everyone panicked and started screaming while Charlie screamed in pain as she felt the hit quite more on her ribs rather than back like her father due to him facing Alan.
As soon as the car came to a halt by the shove, the sign flipped off and ended up crashing the Mercedes roof hitting Charlie's back of the head, causing her to scream and cry in pain. "FUCK!" She cried out.
"Oh Jesus" Stu exclaimed.
"Oh my god. Charlie! Look at me!" Phil exclaimed as he gently grabbed her face "Are you feeling anything? You need to go to the hospital?" he asked her knowing her stuff. She whimpered, all pale in the face with fright, shaking her head "N-No. I... It's just a huge bruise on my ribs and probably fractured my head. I just need a band-aid I'll be fine in a few minutes" she reassured.
"Fuck! You're bleeding pretty bad, princess. You sure you don't need to go to the hospital?" Phil asked once more.
"Yeah, It's fine" she softly reassured trying to regain her breath. The second they looked in front, they see a short man with a white polo shirt and black suit, with gold bling on his wrists.
"Wait I know that guy. That's the guy from the trunk!" Alan said with a bit of fear in his voice.
"Get out of the car... please" the man said.
"Wait those are the guys that shot Eddie" Stu said recognizing them immediately as two more men came out of the car and approached the Mercedes too. The man in the white shirt clapped his hand and spoke in his native language, which was a go ahead for one of the men to grab Phil and pull him out from the open window.
"oh god!" Charlie whimpered, she managed to slide out of the window, feeling her neck pressing a huge amount of pressure and stiffness "Argh fuck!! My neck!!" she cried out.
"You're alright!" One of the men said as he pulled her actually quite gently and carefully, holding a smirk on his face once they seen each others face properly. "I wouldn't mind taking her away, boss" he purred winking at her.
"I'm gay" she sassed before she got out of his hold and went up to her father, slowly and pale as ever "You alright?" she asked her father worried and scared.
"Yeah I'm fine. We're going to the hospital after this." He said to her.
"I'll have some pain killers and I'll be fine" she said in denial. She just wanted to find her godfather soon enough.
"Hey relax! OW! OW! OW!" Stu exclaimed as they pulled him out of there. "woaw! Woaw! Easy!" Charlie said as she went and held Stu up straight. "I have whiplash" Stu exclaimed.
"Oh don't over exaggerate" Charlie rolled her eyes. "You didn't get a huge hit like my dad and I"
"Get this other fat boy!" the boss said pointing towards Alan. The two man obeyed his orders and grabbed Alan out of the car through the window, due to the wrecked state of the car is in now.
"Hey! Hey!" Alan cried out as he slid through the window and ended up out with the others.
"HeyHey! Take it easy!" Stu exclaimed.
"Alright! Alright!" Phil tried to calm the situation down.
"Can you guys be gentle like you were with me? Jesus!" Charlie asked them with a frown.
"Well they aren't beautiful woman such as yourself, miss" the same one that flirted with her before said still holding his cocky smile.
"Alright, keep it in your pants buddy" Phil said protectively as he wrapped his arm around her.
"Daddy it's fine. And well unfortunately, I'm into women" she half lied. "I can change your mind" he kept on persisting. She gave him a look and a smirk.
"You wouldn't even change a monkey's mind and they're dumber than you. What do you want from us?!" she asked now taking action.
"Finally! Someone is asking the right question!" The short Asian spoke as he shown them a brown purse in his hand "I want my purse back! Assholes!"
"what? your purse?" Phil asked completely lost in translation as so where the others.
"That's not a purse it's a satchel!" Alan recoiled, trying to bring his breath back.
"It's a purse! Ok? And you! You steal from wrong guy!" the man snapped
"wait a second. Wait a second, we stole from you?" Phil asked completely confused and lost.
"Ok you know what? We don't remember anything of what happened last night. So help us out a little here" Stu explained and begged. The guy who was flirting with Charlie took initiative and started to explain "Well apparently, you guys met at a craps table last night. And you were on a real heater and he played your hot streak. He ended up winning just under 80 grand"
"No shit, 80 grand. That's nice" Phil complimented.
"Ok! That's good" Stu said
"So the problem was?" Charlie asked
"If you would've let me finish, pretty thing. So, he put the chips in his purse and then you guys took off with it." He finished up the story.
"That doesn't sound like us" Stu said defending everyone on his side.
"Mine had 80! Thousand dollar inside! This one!" he threw the bag on the ground and started to stomp and kick it "Nothing!"
"Hey! There are skittles in there!!" Alan roared being met by a punch in the stomach from the flirty one who said the story. "Ow!! Not again!" Alan cried out as he was bent over from the pain. "Don't let the beard fool you! He's a child!" Stu warned towards the Asians.
"It's funny because he's fat!" The leader laughed
"Now look, this was obviously a very simple misunderstanding. Alan picked up the wrong purse. it's no big deal!!" Stu spoke with reason.
"Okay. If it's 'no big deal'" he mimicked in sass "why when I come after you guys, he starts screaming like crazy? And throw me in trunk, huh?" he asked in horrible English gesturing towards Phil.
"Wait I did that?" Phil asked shocked
"My dad?" Charlie asked surprised and gobsmacked too.
"Yeah. You said he was your lucky charm, and you wanted to take him home with you" The bodyguard said to Phil. Which caused for Phil, Stu and Charlie to start laughing at that fact. "Lucky charm" Stu laughed more
"That's just funny" Phil stated in mid laugh.
"It's ridiculous" Charlie commented as she leaned onto her father for steadiness. The short Asian forged a fake laugh too seeming like he's laughing with them before he said "aahhh fuck you" causing them to stop laughing in a halt. "If you want to see your friend again. You owe me, my 80 grand" and with that, Charlie turned solid stone. Her face turned paler than before, she could barely speak. Is it Doug? Her heart was beating too fast to even process this. Was Doug in danger? "what friend?" she whispered weakly, shaking.
"wait. Our friend?" Phil asked getting to his senses.
"You have Doug?!?" Stu cried out.
"You know about our friend?" Phil asked once more. His other man banged on the car door which caused someone in the backseat with his face covered to flinch and jump by the fright, screaming to get out but sounding muffled.
"Oh god!!! DOUG!!!" Charlie now bellowed as she was about to run and get him out of there but was being pushed away by one of the huge men
"DOUG!!! DOUG!!!!" Phil yelled trying to get him too and also being pushed like Charlie was.
"DOUG'S IN THE CAR!" Stu cried out.
"NO!! PLEASE DON'T HURT HIM!!" She begged now her heart tearing to shreds "LET HIM GO!!"
"DOUG IT'S OK!" Phil screamed so he can be heard form Doug. The one who banged on the car door to trigger Dougs body to panic, pushed Phil back savagely towards Stu, which made Stu angrily say "Chill out goatee!"
Once the one who flirted with Charlie gently pulled Charlie away once more and sniffed her hair inappropriately "mmmmm smells so sexy" he purred.
"HEY LET HER GO!" Phil was now getting angry and quite protective over his daughter.
"you would do anything for your precious Doug, yes?" the man asked her in her ear.
"Ok! Ok! You want to fuck me? Fine!! Let's go now!! Just let him go" Charlie said towards the Asian who had a crush on her. "Oh I would love that but sadly, you're not part of the deal" he said but with sincere guilt and tone in his eyes, as he stroked her cheek.
"Please." she was now weak. Vulnerable, his hands were on her cheeks, his thumb caressing them seductively.
"Charlie stop!! You don't have to submit yourself to them!" Phil said protectively.
"For Dougs safety yes!!" she choked in tears.
"What do you want?!" Stu asked once again becoming protective of her as well. "Oh not so good now. Quid Pro quo, douche-bag" The leader said before he looked over at his right hand man and rolled his eyes "Can you leave her alone now? Jesus go find someone else to fuck"
The man let go of the girl and smacked her ass as he watched her go back to her father. Phil immediately grabbed her in his arms and held her protectively "Are you ok?"
"No. I want Doug back."
"Alright." He softly said before he looked back up at the leader and said "Look, we're very sorry but this is an easy fix. Alan where's his purse?"
"I don't know" Alan whimpered
"Well it's in the hotel room, right?!" Stu stated in a matter of urgency
"Yeah!" Alan agreed.
"Yeah we can get it" Phil reassured them.
"We can get you the pu- we can also write you a cheque right now" Stu told them.
"No cheque! Cash only!" the man warned.
"There's a person in there!!" Charlie was now getting annoyed and irritated.
"Boring" The man said pretending to yawn. "Take nap. Come on" he said being followed
"well sorry we're bothering you!! You kidnapped our friend!! Kidnapper!!" Stu said to them in an irritated tone.
"Doug it's ok!" Phil said in reassurance to Doug who probably couldn't here him. But the one who was flirting with Charlie started driving off.
"Nononononono wait! Wait wait!" Charlie cried out being followed by her father also trying to stop him from driving by pulling the car from one side and with Stu and Charlie doing the same thing from the other but were failing as they were being pulled by the strength of the car. "Wait! Hold on!" Phil called out. "Stop!" Stu said to them. The driver stopped driving as they noticed that they're not gonna give up. "Run me over!" Stu said as he put his arms up in surrender. The driver actually moved a bit forward to hit him but Stu jumped back in fright, quickly changing his mind. "STU SHUT UP!" Charlie yelled as her and Phil went up to the side where the boss's window is. The leader opened the window and said "Bring money. To Big rock. In Mojave desert. At Dawn"
"what?" Phil exclaimed. It was quite a long way and they have no time on their hands.
"Toodle-oo mother fucckkkeeeerr" The Asian sang in high pitch while he closed the window back up.

"Well at least take the bag of hishead!!!" Stu yelled in the middle of the street. "FUCK!!!"Charlie sobbed heavily, her vision blurring out with tears. "Alrighteverybody get in the fucking car!! Find the fucking purse!! Let's fuckinggo!!!! I'm fucking driving this time!!" she spoke almost hyperventilatingbefore she rushed inside the car and went in the drivers seat. "Charlie! You'rein pain!! Your head is bleeding!!" Phil tried to bring that to her attention
"We don't have time to worry about that!! Let's go!!" she yelled at him before she opened the car doorfrom the drivers side and got in. And with that they all slid through thewindow, into the car and managed to get in. Once everyone went into their seat,Charlie started to drive like a maniac up to the hotel "Jesus!!!" Philcommented as he never seen her this pumped up before. In a bad way nor in agood way. It was worrying him. He never seen her like this.

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