Chapter 5

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As soon as they arrived by Jade's block, Alan couldn't stop talking and rambling on about some movie, "It's got, uh. Ted Danson, Magnum P.I and that Jewish actor"
"Shut up Alan!" Stu hissed at him, stopping him from talking, turning over to Phil "what room is it again?"
"It's 825" Phil replied as they all kept on walking to the said door number, until they heard a female voice talking, sounding like she was losing her head "I know. I did. I already checked with her" The woman's voice was shown as she got out of her apartment, gasping at the sight of the men and Charlie holding her baby "I found him I'll call you back" The woman said, apparently, it was Jade calling about her baby, hanging up and rushing over to her child "Thank god, he's with his father." She exclaimed in relief as she gently took the baby out of the baby holder "I was freaking out. I missed you sweetie" she cooed, kissing her babies cheek before turning over to Stu and purred "and I missed you" kissing him with a fiery passion, earning looks from Charlie and Phil.
Once Jade pulled away, Stu moaned out "No"
"what the hell happened to you guys?" Jade Chirped
"Actually, we were hoping you could tell us" Phil butted in with a sheepish smirk. "what do you mean? I got up this morning, I went to get us all coffee, then I came back. Then you were gone" she finished her sentence and just watched the other 4 just staring blankly at her. "why are you all being quiet?" she asked quirkily.
"I'm not being quiet" Stu defended.
Jade laughed in response "You're so cute. I gotta feed Tyler. Come inside you guys" she spoke with a squeal sounding like a 7 year old girl. She grabbed Stu's hand and walked him inside and being followed by Phil and Charlie before Alan stopped them and asked "Did you hear that? Baby's name is Tyler"
"Yeah. I thought he looked more like a Carlos too, bud" Phil spoke with empathy towards Alan.

One Phil, Stu, Alan and Charlie got in, they made their way towards the living room. "May I get you guys something to drink?" Jade offered "Water? Ice tea? Coffee?"
"No, Thank you" Philsaid with a gentle smile.
"Oh, I'm good. Thank you" Charlie politely declined too.
"No thanks" Alan chimed
"I'll actually have an Ice tea if you don't mind, please" Stu spoke blushing immensely. She was a gorgeous woman, no doubt about that.
"Coming right up" Jade smiled at them, making her way to her little kitchenette and started to pour the ice tea in a glass, still holding her baby in her arms. "Ok. What's up? You guys are acting weird" she giggled with a snarky grin on her face.
"Look. It's Jade right?" Phil asked for confirmation.
"Very funny Phil" Jade made their way up to them handing Stu his drink.
"Right, Jade, uh." Phil spoke but cleared his throat "You remember our friend Doug"
"Are you kidding? he was the best man in our wedding" Jade confirmed.
"Exactly. Well, we can't find him, and we're getting a little worried. Especially Charlie here" Phil spoke rather concerned and urgently as Stu was starting to take his drink.
"Oh my god" Jade chuckled "That is so Doug" that was when Stu cut her off by spit taking his drink onto her, stopping her from laughing "Oh" she simply said before Tyler started to cry once again with the jump scare. Earning a bitch face from Phil and a confused yet slightly judgmental look from Charlie while Alan was not phased at all by this.
"Oh. Sweetie" Jade cooed to her son "I'm gonna go clean him off" she told the others. "It's ok, daddy didn't mean it" she spoke in her baby voice, kissing his head and making her way to her bedroom.
"Oh my god" Stu strained placing his lips onto his hands which were in a praying position.
"What the fuck, man? You gotta hold it together" Phil judged towards Stu.
"Holy shit!!" Stu kept on worrying.
"She's super hot, you should be proud of yourself" Phil stated.
"She's wearing my grandmothers ring!" Stu said anxiously.
"what?" Phil asked confused
"The ring, I'm gonna give to Melissa! Remember? My Grandmothers Holocaust ring?!"
"Fuck!" Phil sighed
"She's wearing it!" Stu panicked even more.
"I didn't know they give out rings at the Holocaust" Alan piped in with a rather confused look, earning a look from Phil, Charlie was just done at this point, staying quiet, sighing and shaking her head in exhaustion while Stu was just done not wanting to deal with him at the moment.
"He's ok" Jade spoke as she entered the room again.
"Oh good" Phil relieved.
"He was just hungry, He's fine" Jade reassured.
"Oh good" Charlie repeated for her dad as Jade sat down in front of them.
"About last night, do you remember the last time you saw Doug?" Phil started to interrogate
"Um, I haven't seen him since the wedding" Jade said as she found a comfortable position.
"The wedding, great, uh, we can't re" he stopped himself and corrected "what time was that at?"
"Well, it was um" Jade undressed one half of her sleeve and started to breast feed the baby, showing her breast and nipple in front of everyone, making Phil clear his throat and become flustered, Alan was just staring curiously, Stu's heard perked up and seen what he just married, staring with a blush on his face while Charlie wasn't phased as she only had Lisa at the back of her mind, but she caught a hickey on Jade's neck "You ok there?" she asked "Sorry, don't mean to bring up insecurities just concerned"
"Oh this?" She asked looking at the hickey "yeah. It's fine, You gave me this, remember? Stu was kind enough to let you have me for one night"
"Oh was he?" Charlie asked completely ashamed before looking at Stu with a look.
"I didn't know what I was thinking" Stu mumbled with a made up grin.
"No kidding? So how was my daughter?" Phil asked curious and proud.
"Dad!" she said embarrassed.
"Oh she's amazing, Almost turned me bisexual, Now I'm straight I didn't know I even liked woman until I met her" Jade smirked, blushing towards Charlie
"Is that so? My daughter did that?" Phil asked in surprise and grinned ever so proudly and happily that she had that effect on woman.
"I am so sorry" Charlie spoke sincerely.
"Oh don't be! You're good!" Jade reassured. Charlie gave her a tight smile "No, I mean. Don't get me wrong but... I actually like another woman. I was drunk and you're very pretty... Alcohol probably made me do things I didn't want to do" Charlie explained.
"I know... don't worry about it. I knew you were drunk. I'm not offended. Don't worry. And thank you, Charlie." Jade spoke as she blushed at the compliment and smirk back at Charlie, Who chuckled at Jades reaction and said "Oh... I... um... Thank you." She smiled as Jade smiled back in return. "Right so, we were asking. What time was the wedding at, Jade?" Charlie wanted to change topics fast.
"Well, I think it was around one" Jade replied with a smirk "Because I had to go back to my work and finish my shift, and when I got out, I headed over to the hotel with Tyler."
"And was Doug there then?" Phil asked trying not to look at her breasts.
"I didn't see Doug, cause you guys were passed out. The room was a wreck. Although, I did see the manager on her way out after... Lisa? I noticed she didn't want to leave your room but she had to.. I think it was about... six-ish in the morning. She's lucky to have you, Charlie." Jade said to her with a nonjudgmental smile or tone.
"Oh. Lisa Um... I mean... we aren't-.. um" Charlie stopped herself, tried to push the thought of Lisa off her mind but she just couldn't... what was she thinking? The woman is beautiful, her smile made her swoon, her gorgeous brown eyes made her melt, her heart just bursts just by the thought of her, she's in love and it hurts "Thank you" she simply said to Jade with a gentle sad smile. Phil and Stu realized that Charlie wasn't over Lisa. The father just gave her a gentle squeeze around her hand and kissed her temple "It's ok" he whispered to her.
"So you didn't see Doug at all?" Charlie asked once more, trying to brush it off.
"No, sweetie, I'm sorry, you were all passed out. Lisa said you have been out for only a couple of minutes unlike the other. The room was a wreck. So I just crawled up next to Stu after she left" she playfully purred before meowing.
"Ooo" Phil smirked at Stu who was a blushing smirk, raising his hand.
"I have a question. When you said that your shift ended? Does that mean you're a nurse? Or a black jack dealer?" Stu asked
"You know this, I'm a stripper" Jade reminded "well, technically I'm an escort but stripping the best way to meet the clients"
Stu felt his cheeks turn more red than ever as Charlie looked away too, learning that she literally turned a stripper to a Bisexual stripper overnight.
"Smart." Phil said shrugging as he had his arm around his daughters shoulder.
"Savvy" Stu agreed.
"But it's all in the past, now that I married a doctor" Jade said towards Stu.
"I'm just a dentist" Stu said insecurely. Earning a confused look from Jade, until 2 cops barged in, kicking the door down "LAS VEGAS POLICE!!! FREEZE!!" The male cop roared causing everyone to jump and Baby Tyler to start crying again.
"SHUT THAT BABY UP!!! SHUT THAT BABY UP!!!" The cop kept on bellowing.
"OK! OK! OK! OK! OK!" Phil kept on repeating with his arms in the air, as the others also had their hands up with Charlie leaning onto her father, "What the fuck?!" she exclaimed
"Oh god!" Stu whimpered.

"Phil and Charlotte Wenneck, Stuart Price, Alan Garner. You are under arrest" The cop said as the female cop went to cuff them up, Linking the men to each other, with her handcuffs and the males. "We don't have another pair for the girl" she said to the male.
"well, we'll have keep her uncuffed but if she runs away, She'll be in a hell of a lot of trouble. You hear me!" he snarked at Charlie.
"Understood" Charlie nodded at the cop. "Let's go!" The cop ordered.
The men walked after each other, linked with each other with the handcuffs while Charlie walked behind them and got in the car and sitting on her fathers lap, being taken in custodies.

Once they arrived at the station, Phil came up with a cover for Tracy, so she won't worry about her future husband or about her wedding. Having their mug shots taken and taken to be sat down waiting to be interrogated.
Going up to the Pay-phone, still handcuffed to the boys, he called Tracy and cleared his throat ready to explain. Although a cop being followed by a class of kids, was teaching the kids "After we take their mug shots, we bring them right here, where they wait to be interviewed, by the arresting officers. Trust me kids, you don't wanna be sitting on these benches. We call this place, looser-ville" and with that he kept on walking, while a chubby kid with blond hair, took out his phone and took a picture of Alan. Although, Alan did not like that, he kicked the phone off the boys hand, glaring at him. The boy glared in return and picked the phone back up and kept on walking with the rest of the class.
"Hello?" Tracy replied.
"Hey! Tracy! It's Phil!" Phil said in an enthusiastic voice.
"Hey Phil. Where are you guys?"
"We are at the Spa. In the hotel"
"Cool, we're just getting some sun. Is Doug around?"
"Of course he is, Why wouldn't he be?"
"I mean, I'm just wondering why you're calling me"
"Uh, we made a deal, no talking to girlfriends or wives, so we're just calling each others" Phil covered up for his stupid lie, earning a hard glare from Stu and a sigh from Charlie, including a headshake.
"ok. What's up?"
"You're not gonna believe this. We have comped an extra night at the hotel" Phil said acting excited.
"you did?" Tracy wasn't trusting this.
"Yeah the suite. It's ridiculous. It's out of control. It's Ridiculous! It's out of control. We have room service. A butler. It's just the works. So, we were thinking on spending the night here and then we'll come totally relaxed in the morning"
"You wanna stay an extra night? But the weddings tomorrow?"
"Yeah, we're just gonna wake up a little more early and we'll be there in plenty of time" Phil reassured.
"Ok. Are you sure that's a good idea?" Tracy was still cynical. Until a cop from out of a room calling out for Stu, Phil, Charlie and Doug.
"Wenneck, Price, Garner. Room 3"
"Ok! Trace! I gotta go, we'll talk to you later" Phil spoke before hanging up immediately. The men got up and were tangled and a mess of a loop, "Come on! Chop chop!" The cop pressured.
"Ok, spin around" Phil said to Alan.
"I think you should" Charlie tried to help but Alan listened to Phil first.
"hold on! Now, Alan, Dad arms up"
"Nonono, It's ok! I can just go over" Stu said as he tried to go over Phil's and Alan's arms.
"Stop pulling!" Phil said to Alan
"Can you just... Hold on!" Alan spoke as calmly as possible while Charlie just sighed and facepalmed before giving a "one minute" hand gesture to the cop who gave her an eyeroll as they finally untangled themselves.
"Alan relax." Phil said "And then we just. There we go" and they just walked into Room 3, pulling Alan facing the other direction still with his back towards them with Charlie walking behind them, and finally entered the room.

When they sat them down, the cop uncuffed the men, Charlie grabbed her fathers hand and gently rubbed it comfortingly "you ok?" she asked concerned.
"I'll be fine, princess" he cooed, kissing her forehead calmly. Softly sighing, and just resting her head onto his shoulders as they waited for the other cop to come in.
"Gentleman, Misses. We got some good news and we got some bad news. Good news is, we found your Mercedes" the male cop came in.
"Oh that's great news" The men relieved, also did Charlie "That's great" she whispered.
"It's over at impound right now. We found it at 5 am this morning. Parked in the middle of Las Vegas Boulevard." Phil and Charlie just frowned in confusion as so did the others, they still didn't remember a thing. "That's weird" Phil mumbled

"That is weird. There was also a note saying "Couldn't find a meter. But here's 4 bucks"" The cop said throwing a piece of paper on the table. "Bad news is. We can't get you to see a judge until Monday morning" the cop said, sitting down on the chair opposites. "What?! No!! We can't!! We-" Charlie whimpered and almost about to tear up feeling like a complete failure for her godfather.
"Oh no. Uh, officers that's impossible, We need to be in LA tomorrow for a wedding." Phil stopped his daughter from talking, knowing that she was about to break and he didn't want the cops to think that she's weak.
"You stole a police car!" the police woman stated, clearly irritated.
"We didn't steal anything. Uh, we found it" Stu corrected.
"Yeah, if anything we deserve a reward or something. Like a trophy" Alan suggested.
"Shut up Alan! Look, we're sorry, but we can't stay here! It's my godfathers wedding, I'm his best woman! These are his best men! We can't find him also, so I think we need more help of finding him rather than being kept in prison" Charlie spoke clearly becoming frustrated and anxious by the second.
"Help you? Best woman huh? Hah! That's a new one!" The Cop judged.
"I see assholes like you everyday" he continued to speak
"Every FUCKING DAY!" The policewoman agreed.
"Let's go to Vegas, we'll all get drunk and get laid" The cop mimicked making fun of them
"yeah! WOOO!! WWOOOHHOOO!" The policewoman joined in.
"Let's steal a cop car cause it's pretty fucking funny!" The cop mimicked again.
"yeah! You think you're gonna get away with it! Not up in here!!" The policewoman sassed angrily.
"NOT UP IN HERE!!" The cop bellowed making Charlie glare and just wanting to lash out but she knew better, she knew that assaulting a police officer would get her into more trouble and she has a job to think about. "Daddy. Deal with this" she growled towards her father.
"sshhh it's ok. It's ok. I got this, princess" Phil cooed at her knowing that she's in a middle of an anxious episode, holding her hand.
"Sir. If I may. I'm assuming that, that squad car belongs to one of you"
"Yeah" The cop said implying that it it's his.
"Yeah. Look. I'm no cop. I'm no hero. My daughter is a doctor, she knows how you feel"
"Don't bring me into this" Charlie hissed.

"Ssshhh, want me to handle this or not?" Phil gently spoke to her keeping calm before he turned back to the cops "As I was saying, I'm no cop. I'm no hero. I'm a school teacher. But if one of my kids are on a field trip, that would look really bad on me"
"What are you getting at?" The cop asked.
"Yeah. Phil. What are you getting at?" Stu agreed
"Ssshh" Charlie shut Stu up, knowing her father well enough that he has a plan.
"No one wants to look bad. We gotta get to a wedding, and you guys don't need people talking about how some obnoxious tourists borrowed your squad car last night. But look, the point is, I think we can work out a deal discreetly of course ma'am" Phil spoke calmly and still holding his daughters hand rubbing it with his thumb for some sensory work for her anxiety issue. "what do you say?" Phil continued to ask the cops.

The cops looked at each other before the female shown the policeman a paragraph from her clip board making him chuckle a grin "uuhh let me ask you a question. We'll leave the girl out of this since she seems like she's in a rough shape as it is. But do you fellas have any heart conditions or something like that?" the cop asked the men.
The men frowned in confusion and thought before Phil said "no"

That's when the cops took Charlie to the cafeteria to cool off and took the men to a room where they have no idea what's going to happen. "We'll be back princess" Phil said before kissing her forehead before being taken away again and followed by Stu and Alan.
"would you like some water?" The policewoman that stayed with Charlie asked gently. She was quite sexy, now knowing Charlie, she would have seduced her way out of there but, her mind wasn't in the right place, her worries of Doug, Lisa flashing in and out of her subconscious, Her father and friends being god knows what by other cops, her worries for the wedding. It was taking a toll on her. "Hey" The cop gently coaxed her out. Charlie flinched back to reality and looked up at her "hm?"
"You ok? You need some water or coffee or something?"
"Um, some water would be good, Thanks"
"Alright" the cop cooed before she went to get her water. Charlie shuddered in thought as tears were prickling her eyes, sniffling and just looked around for a distraction. Few moments later, the cop came back with a bottle of water. "Here you g..." she stopped and seen Charlie's state, becoming gentle "Hey. I know it's scary. But you're gonna be free soon" The cop spoke gently. Charlie frowned at the cop with a confused look "I'm not scared because I might be in Jail. I just have a lot on my mind. Are you new here? How are you so nice?" Charlie asked.
"Oh. No, I'm not but... I know an innocent person when I see one. And you look like you're not guilty of anything well intentionally." The cop spoke.
"Look officer" Charlie looked at the name tag and said "Mills. Thank you but I'll be fine"
"You look like a wreck" Officer Mills stated.
"Oh gee thanks." Charlie sassed as she took a sip from her water
The cop chuckled at Charlie's sass "I'm just saying. And you also look tired. Physically and Mentally, You wanna talk about something?"
"No. I'm good. The only person I talk to is missing, and I'm losing my mind."
"Oh, we can file a missing persons report if that helps"
"Really?! That would be gr" Casey was shut off as she heard Stu screaming making her perk her head up "what the fuck?!?!" She mumbled before she was about to go and check what's happening, but the officer stopped and said.
"Charlie!" Officer Mills came after her "It's alright, they're just showing kids h to use a stun gun"
"What the fuck?! And you're letting them hurt them! Get them out of there now!!" Charlie told the policewoman with a tone. Phil's scream was heard again "Oh fuck no!!! That was my dad!!! Why are you showing a stun gun on live people?!?!" She exclaimed as she glanced towards the door, holding a worried look in her eye. "What the fuck?!" she whimpered in worry before she let her anxiety rise back up again "LET THEM GO!!!" She yelled.
"Charlie!! Relax!! They're not using them on your father and friends. They probably are just getting scared by watching" Officer Mills
"what?!" Charlie asked completely confused "Are you seriously this stupid?! My dad would never get scared of a taser!! He's been used!! He's hurt!!" before she heard Alan's scream too... This wasn't right. "Come on! It's not fair! We didn't mean for any of this to happen! It's not like we're fugitives! what the fuck is the matter with you guys?!" She whimpered towards Mills.
"It's gonna be alright. The taser will wear off. You're lucky they're letting you off" The cop spoke with a scorn "And I don't like that tone and choice of words with me. That's basically police assault and I can arrest you for that"
Charlie glared and sighed before she looked back at the door.
"Come on. Let's just wait until they come up for you" Officer Mills turned her voice into a gentle spoken one and just stayed with her. Feeling her leg nervously tapping, Charlie just tried to take a small sip from her water to try and calm down. Officer Mills just gave her empathetic eyes "you don't seem ok?"
"How can I be ok when my father and friends got hurt in there?" she asked worriedly
"They'll be ok, It'll only take a few seconds to wear off"

And by that, the door opened revealing Phil, Stuand Alan got out of there. Charlie bolted out of her chair and immediatelyclung onto her father "what the fuck just happened to you?"
"It's ok. Don't worry about it, princess. Come on, let's go" Phil softly cooedas he gently rubbed her back while holding her.
"Speak for yourself Phil." Stu glared.
"Yeah Phil, I'm with Stu on this one" Alan said.
"Whatever. Let's just go, come on" Phil said.
"I'm supposed to take you to the impound" Officer Mills said.
"Thank you" Phil said not letting go of his daughter. "Come on. Let's go guys"

Once they arrived, Phil sat himself and Charlie on his lap while Alan sat downtoo as Stu stayed standing up, riled up and angry at the cops. "Your car issoon coming. Take care of yourself, Charlie" Officer Mills said before leaving.Charlie nodded and just stayed in her fathers arms and stayed quiet. Philstayed quiet just pressing a kiss on his daughters' hair line every once in awhile.
"FUCK THOSE GUYS!! YOU HEAR ME!?!? That was bullshit! I'm telling everybody westole a cop car!!" Stu roared.
"They let us go. Who cares?" Phil asked calmly.
"I care!! You can't just do that! You can't just tase people! Because you thinkit's funny!" Stu yelled in defense.
"I mean you know how I am daddy but Stu is right. That's police brutality"Charlie spoke agreeing with Stu.
"Thank you, Charlie!!" Stu inhaled and exhaled some breaths before he said "I'mgetting a soda, You guys want anything?" Stu asked them staying calm now.
"No" phil said.
"No thanks" Charlie said weakly. She was tired, exhausted, her mind was runninga mile an hour. Stu just left to the vending machine around the corner.
"My man doesn't shut up. Jesus christ" Phil mumbled before he looked at Alanand noticed something wrong "Alan, you ok?" he asked concerned.
"I'm just worried" Alan spoke. "What if something happened to Doug, somethingbad?" that triggered Charlie terribly.
"Aw come on. You can't think like that" Phil gently spoke.
"what if he's dead?" Alan asked
"Alan! Stop!" Charlie whimpered, trying not break.
"I can't afford to lose anybody close to me anymore, it hurts too much" Alansaid almost about to cry himself
"Alan!" Phil now tried to stop him himself realizing that Charlie was alsoworried and scared to death, "Honey, just breathe hey look at me. Look at me" hetold her to try and distract her.
"I was so upset when my grandpa died" Alan spoke not even listening to theothers.
"Oh I'm sorry, How did he die?" Charlie sniffled looking up from her fathersshoulders.
"World war two"
"Died in battle?" Phil cooed
"No he was skiing in Vermont. Happened during world war two" Alan spoke. Philjust gave him a bitch face as Charlie just sighed and snuggled more into herfathers embrace. "Alan... Doug's fine"
"Then why hasn't he called?" Alan asked once again making Charlie just whimpereven more.
"I don't know but we're gonna figure this out" Phil cooed as he rocked Charlielike a 5 year old. "sshhh, Princess. It's gonna be ok"
"I'll tell you another thing. 6 to 1 odds our car is beat to shit!!" Stu cameback with a coke in hand.
"Stu! Not now!" Phil spoke quietly.
"Now, seriously, like how much do you wanna bet, It's like fucked beyondrecognition" Stu said before he seen Charlie's state. "Charlie" Stu cooed as heseen her tears "Hey. It's ok. I'm sorry" he said as he rubbed her backcomfortingly as she just teared up silently "Sssshhh it's ok. I'm sorry. Ididn't mean to scare you"
"Even Alan is seriously worried, Don't freak him out too anymore" Phil gentlycooed as he still held his daughter close to him.
Stu looked over at Alan and held a gentle look in his eye "Sorry Alan. You knowwhat? We'll search the car for clues, and everything's gonna be ok"
They were hearing a car coming from afar realizing it's the Mercedes "Oh shit,I can't watch, tell me what it looks like" Phil spoke as he hid himself withhis daughter.
"Not looking! Not looking!" Stu said covering his eyes too.
The second the car arrived and appeared and came to a halt, Stu and Phil slowlyrevealed themselves and seen the state of the car.
"Wow. Alright" Stu said calmly with a gentle smile.
"Oh thank god!" Phil relieved before he sighed and smiled, "See it's gonna be alright" Philsaidsoftly before he turned to Charlie and stroked her hair. "Just breathebaby. Step by step. Everything will turn out alright at the end". Charliesoftly nodded at her father and let out an exhale, and just got off her fathergoing up to the car and went on the passenger seat, while Stu and Alan went inthe back seat before Phil started to drive.

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