Chapter 9

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After me and Justin fell asleep I decided that it might be better for me and Justin to do something that most couples do, like... a fancy restaurant or maybe a show or how bout both!

It's the afternoon and Justin doesn't know what's going on

"Can you just tell me where we're are going?" He asked me for the 5th time today

"I can't tell you silly!" 

"It has to be fancy since you practically forced me into a tuxedo, and your wearing a dress! You never wear dresses! It's not your style!" 

"Are you saying I don't look nice?" 

"Not what I meant, why are we pulling up to Ozzie's?" He asked as I pulled into the parking lot

"I may have booked us a table" 

"You didn't have to" he said as he wraps a hand around my waist and pulls my into a kiss

"But I wanted to" he chucked as we walked into the building and found our table a Rottweiler walked up to us, I recognized it as Mike the guy who saved me from that gang

"Danm sexy, don't tell me you forgot about me" Justin got up defensively

"Back off" I touched his arm gently, and he sat down 

"Listen to your b*tch" Justin growled as Mike walked away

"Do you want to tell me who that was?" I looked away

When I was about to tell him fog rolled in and the lights focused on the stage a jester rolled out from behind the curtains  

"Ladies and gentlemen! I see some sexy faces around here tonight! Welcome, welcome to Ozzie's! Lust Ring's number 1 place for all kinds of sick, twisted fantasies. Put on display for all you sleaze and sleazettes! The gem joint of Asmodeus himself! Come on, give him some love!"

I leave the table to go to the restroom, after that I started to walk over to Justin until Mike walks up to me 

"How bout you ditch the punk and come with me, I can treat you right" 

"How bout no" 

"Why not" he whispers in my ear, I shiver in fear, a I kick him in the face, I feel Justin's warm hands on my shoulders

"Come on" the lights go on us 

"Is that.. Justin Pound? Like the playboy?" I look at Justin and he avoids my gaze 

"Is that true?"

Asmodeus walks out onto the stage

"Well well well, if it isn't Martha Anoshi and Justin Pound! Who thought that a couple like that would show up here! Justin, you were never going to tell your pretty little girl who you really are?" I stare at him in disbelief

"It's not like that! Don't believe them!" 

"Don't lie Justin, everyone knows that you are a big playboy, nothing can change that! You've probably been cheating on her" Tears form as I run out, I can't believe it, I run to a local bar, I need something to drink, something to get my mind of things

After my 8th bottle of vodka I started to dance along to the music, woah it feels great to not have to worry about some boy! I dance with a few more people and I was having fun until Justin barges into the bar

"Martha! We are going home, NOW" 

"Noooo you liar!" 

"Are you drunk?" 

"So what if I am? I'm aloud to have fuuuunnn" 

"This isn't like you!" 

"So your aloud to drink but I'm not?" 

"Yes! I mean no l, augh! Let's go home and I'll explain everything" 

"No! You lied to me just like my dad, I trusted you!" He looked at me with regret, the bar was quiet, and unspoken thoughts were said

"Fine, I'll go home but that doesn't mean I forgive you" he nodded as we walked home silently

I slept on the couch after I had a pill for the hangover, as we went to bed my father tortured the dreams, I woke up before Justin and made a bowl of cereal, I portal to Ozzie's hoping to catch them before the show starts, Fizzarolli looks at me confused

"Martha? I thought you left" 

"I did but I need to know more about Justin" 

"Well he's a playboy for sure, he likes the thrill but after the day you ran off from your dads house he hasn't slept with anyone else, he's been refusing millions, Asmodeus only said what he said for the show, which karma got him back when some imps ran in and crashed the party, my body still hurts after that" 

"I should talk to him" 

"Probably, tell him that we say our apologies" 

"Will do"

I open a portal below me and salute as I fall

Justin's awake and he was making coffee when I returned

"So are you going to tell me where you were?" He asked as I walk past him, "No" he grabs my waist 

"Justin I'm not in the mood for this" 

"I'll let go if you tell me where you were" I sigh and punch him in the stomach 

"I'm not telling you" he growls softly 

"You weren't cheating, right?" 

"Maybe I was" he let go of me

"Don't lie to me" 

"I'm not a liar unlike you" 

"I would never cheat on you, it's true I was a playboy but I haven't touched another body rather then yours, you can ask anyone" I sigh 

"Remember when I promised you I would never leave? I'm not going to break it" he looks at me with his emerald eyes 

"I'm sorry for not telling you" he pulls me in for a kiss but I push away 

"Not yet"  I feel a buzz on my phone I look at it, it's crimson, looks like I'm fired for talking to moxxie,  isn't that great? 

"Hey Candle?" 


"Bee's having a party, do you want to come?" 

"Not really" 

"There will be vodka" my entire face lights up 

"Then hell ya!"

Martha Anoshi: A Light in the Dark (A helluva boss OC story)Where stories live. Discover now