Chapter 6

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I need to go somewhere that my dad can't get to me, and I really don't need Justin to bother me,  Laylas probably busy, I've got it! I'll go to the human world! I call Stolas 

"What do you want?"

 "I need a ticket to the overworld!"


"Stolas don't be a party pooper! If you do I won't tell Via about your obsession with Blitzø"

"Fine. But if you screw up, I will murder you" 

"uh huh"

 "Good, and if you see blitzy tell him to come by" 

"I can't do that, he doesn't remember me, I've erased his mind of me every time I meet him, none of them remember me except Layla, and until I meet them properly"

 "That's not a good way to make friends"

 "I'm not here to make friends I'm here for business"

 "If you meet him again you can make him forget about you, and then I won't tell you dad were you've been" 

"Fine next time I'll meet him properly, and will you open a portal already?"


A portal appears I front of me, I walk through and look at the world in front of me, it doesn't look much different from hell, I start  walking around looking at all the odd humans, 

"What in the name of Satan?" I said looking at the people 

"Yo nice wolf costume, but aren't they supposed to be grey, and not look so weird"  a random dude said 

"You should go home, your girlfriend's cheating on you with your brother" the odd human runs away, I continue walking, almost immediately I feel a sharp pain in my neck

"What the f-" I see two people in tuxedos wall towards me

"Heeeyyyyyy" I feel another sting, my eyelids close with out permission, my mind goes numb 

I wake up in a cold room tied to a chair, a human in a tuxedo looks at me, 

"What do you want in our world foul beast"

 "First of all, only my dad can call me that, and secondly who said Im from hell? Maybe you just trapped an angel?"

 "Are you an angel?" 

"No I'm not, I'm a demon ish" 

"Well what do you want in our world?"

 "I don't really want anything, I'd like a decent burrito, but I doubt you're gonna get me one, and who taught you how to tie a knot?" 

"My mother taught me" 

"Well clearly not that well!"

 The ropes around me fall apart, I jump at the human and tear his head off, I eat the rest of the flesh 

"Damn! This is better than a burrito!" Two more agents come in, and tase me in the neck, and put metal cuff around my wrists, I wince as they put the cuffs on, my head begins to throb, I attempt to create a portal, I feel a shock

"What in the hell?" The agents re tie me to the chair, this time they make sure I can escape,

 Agent one speaks "So, you think you can just kill one of my agents and get away with it?"

 I smirk "Well, kinda"

Agent two grabs me, "You can be as snarky as you want with prisoner 1"

"Oh great" they drag me to a room with a imp who looks angry they open the door and push me inside, the ropes becoming undone

"Isn't that peachy, when I get back Justin's going to kill me!" I look at the angry imp 

"So what's your name?" He glares at me 

"Not much of a talker huh? Well I can chill with that" he glares at me even more

It's been a few nights, and I haven't t even gotten ONE BURRITO, all I want is ONE BURRITO! I hear them walking around, they get close to the door, and two imps get thrown inside I recognize them quickly, but Stolas said I need to meet them and I need to be nice about it, The tall one gets up and looks at me in the eyes, 

"Did you two f*ckfaces get kidnapped too?

I pretend to look hurt 

"No need for the insult but yes, I did" the smaller one gets up at looks at me strangely

"What are you looking at!?" I snap at him, the flames flicker and the imp looks away, I scoff 

"Whatever, My names Martha. How bout you?" 

"Blitzo, the O is silent. And this puny f*cker is Moxxie" The tall one named blitzo says and points at Moxxie 

"I can introduce myself, sir. My name is Moxxie. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance even if it's at this time." Moxxie says "I'm an employee of I.M.P" 


"Stands for Immediate Murder Professionals. We kill people for a living" Blitzo Explains

I nod and the imp in the back shifts a bit

"Who's the big guy?" Blitzo asks and points at the other imp.

"I don't know," I say,  

"He's was in here since before I got here and he hasn't said a word to me. Those dumb agents put me in here with him after they realized that I wouldn't say anything."

"How long have you been in here?" Moxie asks

"I don't know. I'm sure Justin is freaking out though," I say, my mind starts racing about how Justin might be panicking, I whimper softly and try to connect with him, my wrist shocks me, I hold on tears

"Oh, yeah. Justin is my boyfriend. He worries easily. I'm sure that I'd be out by now if he knew where I am." I shift the metal cuffs 

"What are those for?" Moxxie asks when he realizes that Im the only one wearing them

"They somehow block my magic" I say

"Magic? The only Hellhound I know that can use magic is Layla," Blitzo says.

"Speaking of which, that agent says that he needed to talk to Barlowe and that's Layla's last name. Plus she's not in here. I hope she's okay," Moxxie says.

"Layla can take care of herself, " Blitzo says, "She'll be fine. Millie and Loony are probably in their way too. They aren't ones to give up."


A/n thanks for reading and I suggest your read salemtempest Abomaniation Child so that the story's make more sense

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