Chapter 17

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"He isn't here to fight today mammon, he's here to see the show" mammon grins

"Of course, seat 48 99"

"I'm sitting beside him" he scowls at me

"Fine. Oh and Martha if you EVER decide you want to leave the company, you'll regret it"

"Of course sir, come on mason if we don't hurry up we'll miss the show!"

I grab masons hand, and walk out of the office, this was a mistake, a single tear runs down my face

"What's wrong Martha?

"Nothings wrong we just need to get to our seats" we sit at seats 99 and 100, 

I notice Layla beside me, why would she be at these fights? She knows that Paimon sponsors the fights, she looks beside and I sense a rising anger in her

"Martha, why is mason here?" She asks me aggressively

"I took him to see the show? He wanted to see the fights"

"Are you retarded? Crimson is lurking around here, you are putting mason in danger" 

"Don't be absurd, I can fight Crimson"

"Not the point, your being reckless"

"You should lighten up a bit"

"You should use your brain a bit, it's not safe"

"Why are you here? You know that this place is sponsored by your father"

"Non of your business"


"Get mason out of this place"


A red shadowy Demonic smile stretches across Layla's face. She laughs loudly before shifting into her demon form. A large wolf-like demon stares down at me, I growl in response and grows larger, immediately going for the kill, aiming for the neck, pinning Layla to the ground by her neck

I use my tail to swipe people out of the way slamming the people into the wall in my mind I'm thinking of a plan

Layla kicks her hind legs out and kicked me off. I fly and hit the wall, cracking it. Layla gets up and growls before she stops restraining her magic and grows to her original demon form which touches the ceiling

Layla rushes towards me, pinning me to the ground with both feet, enabling her to get up. She snarls and black saliva and blood drips onto my face

"YOUR DEAD B*YCH" Almost immediately a third eye appears and extra horns grow, I lunges at Layla face, she bites down hard causing blood to flow form the wound, I claw at Layla's neck, crimson liquid pours from the wound

Layla whips around and delivers her own fatal attack to my neck. Blood pools down I body and Layla knocks her down before putting a large paw onto my chest.


"IVE ALREADY LOST CONTROL SO THERES NO STOPPING NOW" I snap back, except that wasn't me, it was my voice but I didn't do it

I bites laylas neck and throws Layla to the ground and scratch laylas eyes with full force

I lock eye contact with Layla and communicate with her mind "If you ever decide that you think your better then me, I will break your legs and kill your pretty little doll" this isn't me, I snap out of the state, everyone around me is in a deep sleep including mason

"What did I do?" I shrink down to my usual size and look at a broken shard of glass, odd markings are around my ears, eyes and arms


"I'm sorry, but I think I need to leave"

"Freak" Layla whispers it under her breath as I leave, I notice my cloths is all ripped and destroyed, I stop at a clothing shop and grab something quick, something I rather like

I walk into the apartment slowly hoping Justin is sleeping

"So, are you going to tell me where you were?"

"Wasn't planning to"

"That's too bad"

"Ugh Justin your not my dad"

"No, I'm only your boyfriend"

"Fine, I was at the arena"

"Why? You told me you didn't have to work"

"I didn't, I was showing mason"

"What happened? You look different"

"I used my full demon form... now I think I'm stuck with these markings"

"Your candle is... gone, and you have fire at the tips of your ears, so I'm pretty sure your stuck with a few more things then just a few markings"

"I'm so sorry I never should've gone to the arena, I should never have started to work there"

Martha Anoshi: A Light in the Dark (A helluva boss OC story)Where stories live. Discover now