making up for my mistakes.

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Marcelo was determined to gain Anna's trust again , we walked up the stairs and got in bed next to her.

Anna started shaking and screaming he lifted her up placing her ontop of him rocking her back to sleep , she held onto him so tightly that he ended up sleeping in that position.

She woke up crying again and he jumped up first embracing her , " I am sorry I couldn't protect you Belle" she went back to sleep.

It was now in the evening Marcelo had just taken a bath he got into bed cuddling Anna from the back and she tensed he knew she was awake and that she'd runaway from him.

" please don't leave me Belle please, I need you please " he said his voice cracking at the end.

Anna didn't know what to do so she just let him " when my mom left father was a mess , I had to take care of him he would beat me up if he saw me claiming its all my fault mom left , I turned to alcohol, violence and killing but that was never enough, one day I saw father having sex with one of the girls from the club , not the normal side of sex though, he implemented pain on her and he enjoyed it , in my mind I thought that was fine , my father is my biggest inspiration, I followed everything he does , I won't lie it was good for me , in the kind of business I do , I need that kind of release.

Till I met you , when I hurt you that day I didn't realize it , I had so much anger in me that I forgot you were a virgin, you were carrying our child , I forgot you were innocent and you didn't know much about me , when you left I promised myself I'd stop , I went to therapy I wanted to change for you , I didn't want you to leave me like my mom did father , when you came back I knew I needed to make it up to you , I know I mess up and I know I do stupid things but Belle , this is my first time at this too , at love , at caring , I tried with everything in me , I was almost killed Infront of you , I put you in danger , I put my child in danger , I was scared and I didn't know how to react , when Celeste came that day I was so angry.

I did what I did to her but I didn't even get to finish it , I went down to the bar and just drank till I passed out , I regretted every second of it , I didn't know how I'd sleep next to you after what ive done " he pulled her closer , she could feel tears running down his face.

" Belle I am sorry I am scared , I am sorry I am not man enough to be strong for both you and our daughter, I am sorry I overthink things , I am sorry I have failed you , but please don't push me away , don't let me watch you find comfort in another man , it's driving me crazy and I fear I might hurt both of you , I am trying I really am , please just don't push me back to the monster I once was , I want to change for you , for our daughter please give me another chance Belle please " Marcelo broke down for the first time since his mother moved.

Anna turned placing his head on her chest rubbing his back and letting him cry , Marcelo cried for the first time in years and he wasn't afraid to break down infront of her.

He cried himself to sleep.

As soon as Marcelo went to sleep, I got up and changed into my pajamas and walked downstairs, I got my food and walked back up but Cole walked in.

"Annabelle are you feeling okay?" I walked back down "mhhh thank you for getting to me in time ", he ran a hand on his hair.

" Marcelo is as..", " I don't care about him , why didn't you tell me ?" , " I didn't know how " , " Annabelle you know you can always talk to me right? You are scared of him that's why you kept avoiding him , you could've spoken to me I could've protected you " , " Cole its okay Marc he won't hurt me " he looked at me.

"Did he tell you? Did he tell you what he did to Celeste" I fiddled with my fingers " no Marcy did that day " , " Annabelle you don't have t.." , "Cole you know him more than me if I left him he'd fell abandoned all over again and would do things he'd later regret, I thought about it alot leaving, I wanted to so bad but I was afraid I'd turn him into the monster I fear him to be ".

"He's trying, God I am so angry with him but I know he's trying, he's been going to therapy since the wedding every day , he's been holding out everytime he'd see you with Alic it would drive him crazy but he'd opt to take a walk and have some ice cream instead of violence, he said he wanted to be able to control himself for when the baby gets here and I was starting to be proud of him but now I don't know, I am just so angry " , " have you eaten?" He shook his head.

"Here" I pushed my food to him and got up and dished up for myself again and sat back down , we started eating.

"Annabelle what will you do?" I scoffed " I love him Cole what else can I do but give him another chance? " , " you will? " I chuckled.

" I just watched him break down infront of me , Marc has never done that , his eyes will probably be puffy , his noise is red and I am sure he has a headache " we both laughed.

"I love him , I really do and I know his trying even though ive been distant ive seen him , the little changes , I am giving him this chance for him , for our baby and also for our marriage " , "promise me you won't hide anything from me again" , " only if you promise to tell Marcy how you really feel about her" , " Annabelle, Marcy and I can never be a thing " , " you don't know till you try " , " you think she'll let me?" , " I think you should talk to her first and figure it out together " I got up and walked upstairs with Marc's food.

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