An angel with the mind of a killer

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I've never seen a woman that excited about killing someone.Normally they are scared to break a nail or get their hands dirty.But her she is different.
I wanted to know more about her.My father said it's a good thing to know a lot about your rivals and enemies.She already started lifting the man up to drag him towards the door.I snapped back up to reality when she looked at me."You're going to keep staring like a creep or will you help me"She rolled her eyes at me."Yeah"Was that I could say.We put him in the back of the car and she sat in the driver's seat."You're not getting in or what?"Her eyes met mine."You're not driving"I looked at her seriously."I'm driving just get in the fucking car Dante"She looked at the road and started the car.I got in and put my seatbelt on Incase we end up in an accident."Do you even know where my warehouse is?'I didn't look at her but I could feel a tention in the air."Yes I do know where your warehouse is.Knowing everything about your enemies is a good thing."She was pissed I could tell by her tone of voice."Enemies?"I looked at her and she didn't take her eyes off the road.She didn't want to look at me."I consider my rivals as my enemies got it?"I didn't reply and the rest of the ride there was silent was silent until...."WHY ARE YOU FUCKING ACCELERATING THERE'S AN OUTLINE AHEAD!"okay we are going to die tonight.She didn't say a word.When we got closer to the outline I told myself it was the end but no,she drifted and I heard Victor's head hit the door at the back.My heart was beating damn fast and I just looked at her.In shock.She smirked at my reaction and drove like nothing happened.She is crazy but it felt right.She is an assassin,she does crazy things.That's what I heard from other people. We got there in 5 minutes.I called some of my goons to come pick this guy up.She got out of the car and walked straight ahead.She didn't even wait for me.This asshole is going to die tonight.

When I walked into the warehouse,I heard Eleanor's voice."You all work in the mafia but you don't know how to tie someone!"she sounded pissed."That's not tight enough he maybe stupid but he knows how to untie himself.You know what lemme tie him up."she walked straight up to that Victor.I don't know which type of knot she did but that looked really tight he's not escaping."Okay I'm done.Let's get the party started"She was excited."Let's have some fun"I walked up to that asshole.I slapped him to wake him up.He should be awake by now.His eyes opened instantly."Welcome to the warehouse!"He tried to get out of this ropes but they were too tight.Thanks to Eleanor."So what are going to do to him."I looked at Eleanor."Oh I'm choosing!?"She took her knife from her holster.It looked like a kunai actually.She started playing with it."So ,I have some ideas."She smirked.I brought all my attention to her."We can remove some of his fingernails.When I say remove,we tear them off then put alcohol on it,so it will burn.That's a good feeling.Nah I'm playing it's really bad but anyways."She kept going."Then we can break his knee with a wrench.You know that big tool."I could see the fear in Victor's eyes."Let's continue,we can shoot him.In the arm or something.He needs to stay alive till the end.Then I can stab him right where we shot him,I will let you try Dante."I smirked."So Dante I need your opinion"She looked right at me."I'm all ears."She looked back at Victor."What about instead of tearing of his fingernails...We tear only five fingernails like his right hand."

"What happens to the other." I asked.
Fear filled his eyes."Good question!We cut his fingers!"She grinned.Then I slit his throat,take his body to the funeral home and we throw the ashes away.what do you think?"She was smiling like a psycho.You should not mess with her.She looks like an angel but has the mind of a serial killer.Actually she's worst than serial killers.But I like her way of thinking."That's amazing.Glad I asked you"She smirked."That's why I'm an assassin."Victor tried to untie himself but he couldn't.Its the end for him.

"Eleanor please don't do this you know I love you,we were a happy married couple."What they were married?"Are you fucking delusional?It was an arranged marriage,I never liked you.You are a dick.You tried to rape me and you tell me you love me.Bitch be for real"she kept herself calm."So you rape women now?Wow you're such an asshole.Another reason why you are going to die tonight"I laughed sardonically."Can we start the torture Dante?"she wanted to get rid of him.

"Of course I've been waiting for this moment."I smiled at him.Victor was breathing heavily.Im going to take my time tonight.I want him to have a slow painful death.Then we get rid of him.And Eleanor's friends are taking care of the rest.I will finally get rid of him.A burden off my shoulders.

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