Y'all are fucking dead

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*Elle's POV*

Dante and I were leaving for work.We were going in our own cars though.I was heading to my casino when I heard the sound of screeching tires behind me.I look in my rear mirror and I noticed that I was being followed.I dropped a gear and took my gun out of my holster.I called Dante and my men to tell them to go to a parking lot I was heading to.I told them I would go the upper floor first and when I give a signal they would come out of there hiding spots.

They tried to shoot at my car but my car is fucking bulletproof.These motherfuckers tried to put a dent on my gtr.They are fucking dead.I got into the parking lot and they followed.I was at the upper floor first.My men,Dario and Dante with his own men were hiding around the parking lot.The shootout started.1 man 2 man 3 man down.Actually I got 6 man down.Another black suv showed up.It was a porsche if I was not wrong.But I'm never wrong.As soon as they stepped out of the vehicle, I shoot a bullet in the air and all of them got out of their hiding spots.The closest to the suv tackled all the men down and the others and Dario shot holes in their tires.Yall are fucking dead yall are ending up in my basement.Dante came by my side and we walked towards them.There was a guy who had ling black hair.I fisted his hair and made him look up at me.

"From who did you get the fucking order to kill me?I'm not gonna ask twice okay?"

I looked him dead in the eyes and he gulped."The hispanics."Was all that he said.I knew it.Those assholes were trying to take revenge because once I killed one of their man.He was the heir or something like that.But I don't give a fuck.He was the one who killed some of my man once during a mission and this bitch though I would spare his miserable life.Bitch no.You don't touch my men."Ross get them to my basement,I'll go change and get my toys and I'll be back."

"Babe sorry that we have to meet in these circumstances."

"Its okay baby but they are going to pay for what they did."He cupped my cheek.

"Don't worry,they already signed their death contract.Lets get going okay?"I deadpanned.

Dario showed up to but I told him to take Dante's car so Dante could come to my house in my car.Not to waste that much time.It wouldn't be suspicious too as we always show up in the same car.I change into a black tube top,black cargos and combat boots.I grabbed my black leather jacket and my gloves.I out all my new knifes that I just received in my trunk and I got a new silencer to put on my silver pistol.Cant wait to use my new toys.Dante and I got in the car.We drove there and he called my cousin Alejandro to come tell him to come at the casino.He couldn't show up earlier.

I parked my car at the back of my casino and went through the back entrance.I grabbed my stuffs and Dante helped me.We walked down the basement and I have a huge smile on my face.Ive not been on a mission since a while ago now.I removed my leather jacket and started to organize everything on the table.They were all on their knees and tied up.

I grabbed the long hair guy by his hair again and yanked it."You told me it was the hispanics but I can't stop there.I need names.OKAY?"

I looked him dead in the eyes.He would answer.I kicked him in the face making his nose bleed.

"Okay next who wants to try to answer?"

No one spoke until I reached for a knife that was silver and white which was on the table.

"Yall wanna do it the hard way okay.Fair enough."

I was playing around with my knife and I picked a random guy out of all the 5 guys.He seemed really nervous.Thats why I chose him I'm sure he is going to speak.But I'll make him speak."Okay so the first one to speak up and actually give me a name will be able to go but you'll have to shut the fuck up I will know if you don't keep your mouth shut."

"There is a guy name Perez I'm pretty sure you know him.But please don't sell me out he is going to kill me and my family."

"I know who that is thank you for speaking up.You will be able to leave the country with your family.I know you have kids I won't want then to go through what I had to go through.Be thankful that you have them or you would be dead by now.Ross take this man and his family to the airport immediately."

"Yes Miss Valdez"

Both of them left the room.Lets have some fun now.Jake called me he did his research there's apparently four hispanics that are unto this.We got one of them.Dario and Dante came beside me.

"So...I'll pick one of you to have some fun with.Ill be the one having fun though."I smirked.

"Yall are ready to watch the show?"I smiled and look at both of them.They nodded.I picked a random guy.He had dirty blonde hair.He looked in his mid thirty's.I took my knife and took some steps until I was behind him.

"So sweetheart would you mind giving some names to me."I placed my knife against his throat.

"Never."As a response I stepped on his ankle and I heard a crack and that made me smirk.

"Wrong answer."

I walked towards another man.He was short and he was bald.Wondered where all his hair went.

I bent down and looked at him

"Would you mind giving me some answers?"

"I won't bitch."

Oops he made a fucking mistake.I stabbed him between his shoulder blade and I left my knife there.I heard him grunt.He tried took take at my knife but I slapped him.That slap hit hard I know that.

"Don't touch my pretty knife with your dirty ass hands."

"Please get  it out!!" cried out.

"Give me names and I'll get it out.Its simple."

"Fine,fine.Martinez was also in this."

"Babe do you know this Martinez?"He shrugged no.

"Dario my dear can we get some infos about him."

"Yes I will."Dario immediately got on his phone.

"Babe would you mind removing the knife thank you."

I smiled at him.He looked at the guy but he stabbed him in the other shoulder.

"That's what you get for trying to kill my woman."He punched him in the face and got the knife out.I took the knife from his hand I place it on a piece of cloth.

"Time to test my new silencer!"

I turn to rapunzel aka the long hair guy.


He shook his head no.I shot him in the rib.He bent over in pain.I walked behind him and I stepped on his back with one foot.

"I'll repeat one last time,names?"

"I would rather die bitch."

Men these days don't have any respect for women.

"Guys throw him onto the electric chair.Highest voltage."

He was shaking his head no and the torture began.I could hear his screams.Thats what he gets for calling me bitch and for trying to ruin my car.3 guys left.There was a rounded man.He looked like humpty humpty.

"Sir would you give me names or end up dead?"

"Polo and Mario were on it."He spoke.

"Thank you sir you're free to go but don't fuck anything up okay you will be my eyes and ears that's my deal.Ill keep you protected in exchange.Deal?"


"Jacob get this man out of here."

"So you both will end up dying here.You guys tried to put a fucking dent on my car with the other asshole who is dead now."

"Dario come get some fun."

"I'm tired of this assholes."

"Babe I need a glass of tequila let's go in my office."

"Yes babe."

A/N's Note

I hope yall are enjoying the story so far.

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