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Y/N checks on his tablet to see what's going on, apparently Camerawoman had leaked the Speakerman Base location, and that we need to exterminate it, whatever it is.

Y/N sighs and puts his tablet back in his suit and turns on his jetpack, turning the knob to maximum speed,
he flies out of the mall to go to the Speakerman base as he spots a random normal toilet, flying down to it to see what it's up to.

The toilet runs away as Y/N laughs and runs towards it, unbeknownst to him it would be the worst decision ever.

He continues to follow the odd toilet,
making fun of it along the way, laughing at it.

After a few minutes of running, he decides to kill it already and go to the  base, but for some odd reason the toilet is gone.

In his lens vision he sees a cave, a tree and a sign, curious, he reads it


It was random gibberish but his curiosity wins over and he decides to go in the cave.

It was very quiet and dark in the cave so he decided to turn on his lens light.
He explores the cave for a solid minute before he finds a dead end.

Guess the toilet isn't here, i'll go to the base i guess.
Y/N tries to pull the knob to accelerate his jetpack but he is stopped by some claw, his arm being grabbed from the abyss.

Y/N tries to get out but the claw pulls him in, as he sees whatever is pulling him. Which was the claw toilet.
He attempts to blast the toilet but his arm is pulled by another claw, and his jetpack being pulled apart by something behind him, knowing hes being ambushed he tries with all his might, but it doesn't work, and his arm is brutally ripped off as the only thing lighting the dark room was the electrical sparks from his broken arm.

He falls to his knees as even more claws pull at him, tearing him apart,
the excruciating pain of his body just being ripped apart to shreds, he succumbs to his pain as he slowly drifts off to unconsciousness..


Y/N had no sense of time, what felt like hours could be seconds, what felt like seconds could be days and vice versa,
as he sits there, but not being able to produce thoughts due to his camera being severely damaged, and his lens completely ripped off which means he cant see anything, it felt like his power was being drained..


After some time, which Y/N could not tell, as he was trying to survive to not hit past beyond repair, he felt his lens being put back together, which allowed him to see.. what was in front of him was an engineer-like toilet, a bunch of random tools on the floor.
His torso was half gone and he only has his left arm, no legs and no right arm, as he helplessly watches the Engineer toilet put mechanical arms and legs in its place.

what you want.
Y/N uttered as he barely has energy to speak

He continues to watch as the engineer puts his blaster and jetpack back to his place, but before he could try to attack the engineer, he felt a numbing pain in his neck, a parasite toilet infected him.

His camerahead twitches violently as he feels extreme pain, much more than he has ever experience, as he slowly loses control over his body.

Skibidi skibidi (Valuable asset.)
The engineer toilet says as the parasite controling Y/N forces him to fly towards the Speakerman HQ,
He flies much faster than before and arrived in around 9 minutes,
as one of the speakers doesn't notice the sparkles from his camerahead and let him in, as the speakerman's dumb ass didn't know he was infected.

Y/N walks to a room full of TV men and  blasts them, to his (parasite i guess) success, the blast stunned them, as
Y/N (parasite) continues to raid the base.
He finally arrives at the main room, and he attacks one of the scientists with his hands and repeatedly punch the scientist, as the witnessing cameraman call for Plunger Cameraman, as they attempt to restrain the infected cameraman but to no avail as he easily throws them across the room.

A few TV men try to stun the parasite, but it doesn't work as the parasite is basically superglued to Y/N. He jumps at the TV men and strangles one of them, TV man 2 stabs Y/N with his knife, as Y/N falls to the ground.
TV man 8 flips him over and attempts to remove the parasite, but he gets grabbed by Y/N with ease as he throws TV man 2, TV man 4 and TV man 8 to the walls.

A few cameraman shoot a paralysing gun at Y/N but he dodges it as he turns to the Cameraman and takes their gun and he stares at them, his head still twitching violently, he crushes the gun with ease and grabs Cameraman O by the neck and slowly strangles him, as 2 other Cameraman watch in fear, helpless.

You... shouldn't do this!!!
Cameraman O screams at the top of his lungs at Y/N, but to no response as he is met with only a skibidi noise.
The pressure on the poor cameraman getting tighter and tighter, but before he can break his neck, he gets wacked in the head.

You know, i always wanted revenge from you winning that basketball game, but i didn't think i'd get it this way, haha.
The familiar voice taunts him, as Y/N violently twitches and slowly looks at him, Plunger Cameraman, who was even more upgraded with 2 blasters on each arm and 2 anti parasitic plungers to go with it.

Y/N slowly backs up, as Plunger Cameraman pushes him through the wall with full force, as they break through multiple walls at superspeed,

Cameraman T POV:

This show is boring... wait what is that noise?

The wall of their room gets obliterated as he watches 2 cameramen with jetpacks fight to their death
(Y/N and Plunger Cameraman)

He watches with awe as they are practically on par, but with Plunger Cameraman having the slight upperhand as Y/N was not as upgraded as him, and the parasite controlling him lacked the combat skills to back him up.

The two cameraman burst through their other wall, into the outside, as
Y/N falls to the ground, into the backyard of Speakerman HQ, as he sees Plunger Cameraman flying from above.

Now this area is much spacious, Y/N.

note from author:
This is probably the longest chapter so far, i've been trying to make my storys better, and longer.
thanks for reading so far, there are much more chapters to come!


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