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TV Woman X Y/N



i had finally woke up, i don't know how long it has been, or when i woke up, but this place sure is dark, pitch black even, i don't know where i am, and i can barely move my body, yet, i feel a sense of happiness, freedom, don't know where it's coming from but it is there. my camerahead ringing from the pain, i know this isn't a good place, wherever i am. it is

not home.

i patiently wait for any sort of answer, from the dimly lit door, i try speaking as my voice echoes through the walls, knowing that, this place must be quite big if my voice is like that. my limbs still unable to move.

the door creaks a little bit, casting light down to the room, allowing y/n to see a little bit more, it's dark yet bright enough for y/n to tell where this is. this is one of those abandoned buildings he spotted back down town.

the door busts open, its cameraman Z, who is holding two electrical batons, he seems to be fully repaired from what happened last time, so it must have been a while.

"rest assure, tv woman is brainwashed, that's why my fellow apprentice, was well you-know-what." cameraman Z says, putting down the batons on the counter. "don't even try to move, it'll just make you struggle, i disabled your limbs, you cannot escape me. i must kill you. i am sorry, but that's part of the plan." he continues with this statement, standing and leaning slightly on the counter, the lights still turned off.

y/n had no hope left in him, so he'd rather just listen than to scream at the evil cameraman, let alone try to fight him at this condition he got put into.

suddenly, y/n could make up a tiny figure from above the roof, it seemed to be a speakerman, his hand gesturing a "shh" to make y/n pretend he doesn't see him. he could also see a pair of plungers, but he couldn't see plunger cameraman, he was off of his vision.

a hope rekindled in me, knowing my friends have come to save me from this wretched place, whatever you call it. i hope, i guess.

suddenly, the floor opens up, and a firey pit of lava glows, flashing onto
y/n, a shiver runs down his spine as the platforn holding him and his chair up slightly lowers, speakerman A is freaking out by now but the heroic cameraman is unfazed.

"goodbye, y/n. you were a good fighter, one of the best, but now your useless as i have turned to the dark side, as i have become DEATH, DESTROYER OF WORLDS!!!!!"

the platform breaks causing y/n to fall into the lava, its over, its done, all he can do is watch as he slowly plummets to his firey demise.

"nuh uh."
plunger cameraman swoops in, using his glitch powers to grab y/n last second, throwing him up onto the roof with him.

y/n falls onto the roof as he still can't use his limbs, plunger cameraman brings out his plungers to fight cameraman Z, who was armed with saws, blades, swords, electrical batons and many other weapons up his sleeve.

"stay here." plunger cameraman says, rushing and flying towards the ground to attack cameraman Z.

cameraman Z knocks plunger cameraman to the ground, causing him to backflip back onto his feet, cameraman Z rushes towards plunger cameraman, but plunger cameraman deflects the saw with his plungers, knocking cameraman Z onto the counter.

plunger cameraman quickly grabs a chair, throwing it onto cameraman Z, but the evil cameraman blasts it with his core, completely vaporizing the poor METAL chair.

TV Woman x Y/N (Male POV)Where stories live. Discover now