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y/n backs up abit, startled by the evil cameraman, accompanied by a rather familiar cameraman, one he could not quite tell the name of. y/n aims both of his blasters at cameraman Z, crouching a bit onto a fighting stance, cameraman Z holding up some buzz saws, the tag onto the other cameraman is covered by stickytape so it was unknown who the hell he was.

but before y/n could shoot him, dark fog engulfs y/n and he is pulled into the smoke, by a familiar presence, that being of his girlfriend.

"honey, you cant fight yet! you just recovered." tv woman says, bringing him into her warm embrace, explosions going off in the distance.

y/n is sat on the couch, sitting next to tv woman who was to the left of him, plunger cameraman, who was fighting off on the distance. he was better off on his own than to be fighting with people, it was his fighting style, he could clearly win on his own.

suddenly, the door gets removed off of its latches, a mysterious figure appears, y/n couldn't tell what race he was due to the fog but he could clearly tell that wasnt a toilet.

"ill take care of this, sweetie, go rest."
tv woman says, standing up to go fight the figure.

"hello. goodbye."

the voice was glitchy, ruined.

out of nowhere, tv woman gets smashed into the wall, rubble falling everywhere and the wall was cracking.

tv woman gets up, staring at the cameraman who was literally towering over her, his presence alone terrifying her, with no second thought she blasts her hypnotizing beam onto the cameraman.

yet, the cameraman stayed still, staring the tv woman down with murderous intent, it was clear, there was no stopping him.

"my name's cameraman g, but you can call me daddy." his lustful and sexy voice sent a shiver down tv womans spine.

tv woman tries to punch the cameraman, but he grabs her arm, throwing her down to a restrain.

y/n leaps at cameraman g, but is stopped and thrown out the building by none other than cameraman Z, glass impaling y/n's body.

"IS THAT Y/N?!!" speakerman A screams at plunger cameraman, who was fighting along side him, yet this caught him offguard as the toilet fighting the plunger cameraman lands a good blow on him.

"let my fellow apprentice enjoy his meal." cameraman Z says, flying in the air, he has new upgrades now, more than y/n.

"nuh uh!" y/n flies into cameraman Z, breaking his speakers off as they crash into a nearby tree.

y/n tries to fly back into the window to stop the cameraman, but is thrown back onto the grassy backyard by cameraman Z, his arms revealing a buzzsaw, he was ready to slash y/n into two, he runs towards y/n but y/n catches him, and redirects his buzzsaw, cutting off his speakers in the process, he kicks off cameraman Z's upgrades, not allowing him to use it. y/n revealing his secret ability, flash step.

y/n quickly dashes instanteniously behind cameraman Z, kicking his back, he teleports infront of cameraman Z and kicks his core, throwing him up in the air, he does a super jump and slams cameraman Z who plummets to the ground and quickly teleports below him, kicking his camerabody back into the air, he teleports above him, punching his lens in the process hundreds of times, but cameraman Z catches his feet, breaking his ankle which stuns y/n temporarily. cameraman Z uses this opportunity to use his missile, which he had been saving up alot to use against y/n, he shoots one of them going straight towards y/n, but y/n dashes barely off into the side to dodge the explosion. he fires the next missile, y/n jumping to the other side to dodge it, leaving a giant crater on the side.

y/n teleports behind cameraman Z, stabbing hin on the neck with his spikes, but cameraman Z rips off his mechanism, throwing him into a tree.

y/n falls down from the tree into the ground, causing his entire body to be covered by dirt, cameraman Z quickly jumps onto y/n, messing up with one of his wires which was exposed.

y/n finally manages to get up, cameraman Z taking out a supersaw, which had the capability of cutting through an entire titan.

he rushes towards y/n, his supersaw almost cutting through him, but he dodges, removing the nearby tree off of its roots and slamming it onto cameraman Z.

y/n aims his blasters onto cameraman Z, blasting him off into the distance, cameraman Z uses his core to blast y/n, removing one of his blasters in the process. he flies into y/n, tackling him and punching him repeatedly, luckily, his buzz saw fell from the blast earlier.

y/ns lens is covered by cameraman Z's hand, and he uses this to his advantage by turning his jetpacks direction towards a metal pole, jumping off at the last second.

the metal pole pierces through y/ns body, stabbing him in the process, he was now stuck onto the pole, but he broke the pole into two, oil leaking everywhere.

cameraman Z rushes towards y/n, carrying two katanas, he stabs y/n with both katanas, leaving y/n damaged. y/n jumps into the air and kicks cameraman Z's lens, causing it to break alot.

due to his quick loss of sight, cameraman Z gets overthrown by y/n, throwing cameraman Z off into the distance,

he quickly uses this chance to get away and fly back into tv womans room.

after arriving, and crashing, he is greeted by the horrible smell of oil, he walks past and sees, well his girlfriend getting f7cked by a guy.

y/n puts his palms onto his camerahead, disgusted by this site, and faints.

TV Woman x Y/N (Male POV)Where stories live. Discover now