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y/n fell asleep inside his tent while reading a book, his camerahead tilted towards the side, he had set an alarm for this, just incase.

little did he know, speakerman a would pull a prank on him.


"AGHHH WHAT THE HELL?!" he jumps out of surprise, immediately checking his alarm, which was replaced by a bass boosted earraped sound.

"bro? i thought i was gonna die!?!!"
he screams at whoever did it, speakerman a hiding behind one of the trees.

ugh... i just wanted some peaceful sleep time.. he pulls up his phone
ergh. shit i think i am sick...

y/n gets up and puts his phone in his suit, its around 5pm at this point, standing up to go do something, its pretty boring in this forest. not many things to do.

he opens the zipper of his tent, to be met with a punch from speakerman a

y/n dodges his punch, throwing him on the ground.

"owie >:( you are bad." he screams, cutely at y/n



the two cameramen look to see their "skibidi friend" they met, accompanied by tv woman and speakerwoman, who are leaning on the toilet a bit.

but something about tv woman had felt off, whenever y/n would try talking to her, she would make up an excuse, like "wait i am busy" or something.

"eh, its probably nothing." y/n says in his mind, walking towards the skibidi friend, sitting infront of it.

"he has a speaker on the sides, camera on the top, and cool glasses!!!"
speakerwoman cutely squeaks, clearly proud of what she had done.

plunger cameraman was observing from a far, weirdly staring at speakerwoman more. does he...

y/n shakes his mind off of it. turning his attention back to the skibidi toilet who was smiling happily at him.

"AND THE BEST PART IS!!!" speakerwoman pushes a button, causing the toilet to start dancing

"AAAAAGAGHAAHAHHA HES SO CUTTTTEEE" speakerwoman flails her arms around in the air.

"sorry about that, hey tv woman.. can we like go?" speakerwoman awkwardly says to tv woman

"why? are you ... in-" tv woman gets interrupted by speakerwoman, who forces her to teleport somewhere else, black fog engulfing the two.

"whats wrong?" tv woman calmly asks speakerwoman, not to startle her.

"i cant tell you, not right now.." she blushes a bit, and notices it, so she turns around and covers her face with her phone screen.

"listen, if your inlove with one of the boys, just go up to them.. they're really open minded tbh." tv woman says to speakerwoman, acting as if shes experienced with love or anything.

"have you had sex with y/n?" speakerwoman asks.

the question makes tv woman back away a bit, clearly startled by the sudden question.

"uhh, why are you asking me this?"
tv woman asks, blushing slightly.

"your a virgin arent you two?
plunger cameraman interrupts, definitely eavesdropping.

speakerman a jumps down, who was hiding on a nearby tree.

speakerwoman suddenly runs away to plunger cameramans sudden surprise.

"see you made her sad. :("
tv woman says playfully, teleporting away to go comfort speakerwoman.

speakerman a face palms, walking the other way to talk with y/n or something.

plunger cameraman sits down, leaning on to the tree.

bad at dating -- y/n
speakerguy -- speakerman A

yo bro

bad at dating

i think plunger cameraman
has a crush on speakerwoman

bad at dating

they literally blushed when
they saw eachother

bad at dating
and your single.

stfu that doesnt matter rn
what matters is, we need to get
them to kiss or something

bad at dating
and how tf r we gonna do that?

yk you've been distant to tv woman

bad at dating
no im not

you rarely talk.

bad at dating
i know.. but. it doesnt matter right
now because i have more important
things to do

ill tell to tv woman theres
more important things
than her

bad at dating
ill kill you

my hand is literally hovering
over the send button

bad at dating
fine ill help you


TV Woman x Y/N (Male POV)Where stories live. Discover now