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it has been a long while, for me, i have been travelling nonstop, i even made some friends along the way, nothing but the sound of my jetpack going on autopilot mode, the distant chirps of the birds surrounding me, i fly by the pacific ocean, in order to get to the secret agents country.

16 hours later

atlast, you have finally arrived, cameraman y. take a seat, we have much to talk about, he says in a stern voice, proving himself to be the true leader of the alliance, i prop my self onto the chair in his office, waiting for his command.

"you see, your the only one capable of breaking into the toilet's defenses, titan cameraman and titan speakerman were destroyed in an ambush attempt by gman a few days ago. you're practically the only true person who could fight against the toilets in our severe condition, as titan tv man will only get deployed in around a few hours, and before then, the scientist would invent, well. i'd keep in top-secret, but they are currently inventing a weapon to destroy all of us, including the remaining humans hiding in the burrows of this agony."
the secret agent says to me,

i'd accept the offer with absolutely no hesitation, after all, it'll be heroic to see someone like me have a statue or something.

luckily, a tv man could transport me, since the area is just only a couple miles from here, i'd just need to devise a plan to break in, without sounding the alarms.

i look at the blue-print the agent gave me, it looks to be real and could have been stolen from the skibidi base, i slowly start devising a plan, in order to break in.


"go. you late." the tv man says to me, before teleporting me near the base.

"goodbye." the tv man gives me a smile, before disintegrating into the fog. i look back at the base i see. would this plan work? or would it not?

suddenly, he hears loud footsteps coming from behind him, y/n turns to look at whatever was walking behind him and is met by a punch, luckily his reaction time was good enough to deflect it, but that could've severely injured him.

"i look at the person attacking me, he seems to be coated in gold, nothing i have seen before, the gold is also melting too, i slowly start analyzing him while dodging his punches."

y/n kicks the golden cameraman in the face, but to be met with absolutely not a single scratch, he seems to be durable, but certainly not fast, y/n jumps behind him, weaving and dodging his hits, y/n pulls out his blaster, aiming it at the golden cameraman.

"don't move." y/n says to the golden cameraman, but he doesn't listen as he continues to come closer to me, so i shoot him multiple times, throwing me back a ton due to the recoil.

the smoke clears, and the golden cameraman comes out of it, barely even damaged, y/n tries to kick him in the camerahead, but the golden cameraman restrains him, as tentacles come from behind him, stabbing into y/n's limbs, releasing a grunt from y/n.

y/n breaks free due to his speed, punching the golden cameraman thrice in a second, knocking the wind apart, yet only a minor dent was seen, if that would be an ordinary cameraman, there would be a clear hole through his stomach, and lots of oil.

"YOU LITTLE!" y/n charges at the cameraman, but is tackled by him and is sent to the ground by a flying punch, it seems that his hands can release and punch, a couple flying punches thrown at y/n almost hitting him, y/n jumps onto the golden cameraman's neck, searching for any parasite of the sort, but is then thrown to the floor by the cameraman.

"a drill comes out of the cameramans hand, it is diamond in color contrast to the gold cameraman, it seems to be made of an unstable material, proving that it is dangerous, the drill starts spinning rapidly as the cameraman slowly walks towards me."

y/n uses his core to blast the cameraman, destroying the drill, it seems that the two cameraman are on equal level, and none is above each other. they both start running towards eachother, y/n now holding the broken piece of the drill, he stabs it into the cameraman, actually piercing him this time, and it is now that he realizes the cameramans weakness..


"suddenly, the cameraman transforms, having thicker legs that look like they could pack a serious kick, now he has dual swords and can walk much faster, 
i punch one of the swords out of the cameramans hand, grabbing it and using it to block the slash coming from the other sword, i quickly swing at the cameraman, causing trees to get cut off from the sheer force."

the golden cameraman lands a serious blow on y/n, damaging his jetpack, y/n gets angry due to this and stabs the golden cameraman, throwing him into a tree. y/n pulls out a tree trunk and slams it onto the golden cameraman twice.

"you hacking hacker i call the toilets on you >:("

the golden cameraman breaks the tree trunk with his pinky finger, and teleports behind y/n, catching him offguard and landing a fucking flying superpunch at the back of his camerahead, temporarily disabling him for around 10 seconds.

the golden cameraman slowly walks towards y/n, holding two knifes, suddenly, y/n turns back on and grabs the knife, but gets stabbed by the other, golden cameraman uses his tentacles and pierces through y/n's body, sparks flying everywhere.

the golden cameraman's remaining tentacles transform into buzzsaws, about to cut all of y/ns limbs into pieces, but y/n manages to break free just in time.


y/n falls to the ground, as his most vital area was hit with a buzzsaw, his core, which has just been severely damaged by golden cameraman.
he turns to look at the golden cameraman with fear... but it turns into rage.

y/n glows purple just like he did in his power-up while fighting cameraman z, but this time, he has mastered it, and now his core is also purple, releasing a multitude of high voltage, stunning the golden cameraman.

the golden cameraman screams in pain, activating his warning alert systems that alert skibidi toilets in a mile vicinity, just as they are NEAR THE BASE. y/n shuts the golden cameraman up, punching his lens and stopping the alarms.

"you fool, i have been using only 20% of my strength, there isn't no reason why i'm above cameraman Z in the dangerous list."
y/n looks back at the cameraman, his gold shining as bright as a star, he looks to be much bigger now, as his tentacles dissipate into a liquid, which hardens immediately and becomes a giant robot mech.

the golden cameraman seems to be much larger now, standing at around 8x the size of y/n, massive fists can be present, looking long and robotic, purely not meant to look like a human and purely built on damage, the mech carries itself with holographic legs, that seem to be able to grow as big as they can, the golden cameraman gives y/n a grin, while slamming his fists together.

"lets get started shall we?"

TV Woman x Y/N (Male POV)Where stories live. Discover now