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" What is greatest Sin known to man ? Is it Robbery ? Is it Cheating ? Is it Addiction ? It's a Sin where man plays God . A Sin known as Murder , a line that shouldn't ever have been crossed by man . Taking of a life is a power that only God should access , however when man decides to play God it leads to nothing but chaos and madness .  Murder is such a vile deed that it corrupts the soul forever scarring the doer . The intoxication caused by bloodshed is unmatched , your conscience tumbles into insanity .  Like every Sin it has the power to control your mind , making you more susceptible to do it again and again damaging your soul even further  . The Mystery in such a unforgivable act is the ability it possesses that corrupts even the purest of souls , leading them to a path will eventually lead to their demise itself  .  

"But the lord answered ,' No if anyone kills you , seven lives will be taken in revenge' . " (Genesis 4 : 16)

After everything i've been through , all the pain the suffering my past contained . I realized it could have all been solved by the simple act of forgiveness and confrontation but I chose to react differently and so did he .  I hate him and myself for doing so . "

8th January 1996 , Michigan

What felt like just any normal monday for Charles , his wife Catherine and their newborn son Tyler . The parents stayed at home all day taking care of their newborn son they loved so dearly . They went for their evening walk just like always but something about this specific walk would change their life . The doorman named Logan stopped them and gave them a letter which was delivered by the post office . Catherine put the letter in her bag which was kept in the stroller as they began to walk around the neighborhood . 

After quite some time they were halted on the side of the street by familiar face , her name was Jennifer Williams she was the wife of Alexander Williams , the man who basically ruled these parts of town . She had a group of thugs with her , Catherine and Charles felt threatened . Just then Jennifer charges towards the stroller in which baby Tyler , Charles assuming Jennifer was reaching towards Tyler to inflict harm , pushed her towards the side of the road where she fell . Within seconds a car runs over Jennifer , dragging her body before finally coming to a halt . The thugs along with Catherine , Charles and tyler flee from the scene . Upon reaching the house Charles began to feel uneasy as the fear began to devour him from the inside . 

15th February 1996  

" With extensive information and multiple testimonies that lead to the conclusion that Mr. Charles Wyatt did indeed kill Jennifer Williams . Hence i ask for a sentence of a minimum of 10 years behind bars . That's all your honor. "  said Mrs Lin (Prosecutor) with confidence 

Mr.Scott (Mr Wyatt's lawyer )   buttons his suit and walks in front of the judge and begins to state his point .

"These testimonies you speak of , who are these people ? These are Mr.Williams  thugs aren't they ? Don't you understand Mr.Charles was protecting his wife and newborn child ! "

Mrs . Lin begins to lose her bearings  and quickly rises up to object , stating that the point was clearly speculative .

 "Granted ... The next hearing will be scheduled on the 28th of February until then Mr. Wyatt will be held in custody " stated Judge Baker .

Charles realizing that he was now in custody for two weeks with no one there to protect his family leaving them defenseless and vulnerable ,  Charles begins to lose control of his emotions and begins to yell in Court .

"You'll can do this to me ! I've got a family ! They will come for them ! Let me go !!!"

Judge Baker however ignored Charles's plea and responded emotionlessly  

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