Revenge and Forgiveness

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" 10 years I spent in that prison rotting for something that wasn't a crime . 10 years since i lost my family , i haven't even visited their graves yet . I spent 10 years thinking of what I was supposed to do the day i get released . Do I visit the graves of my wife and child and begin a new life ? or Do I catch Alexander by the Throat and ask him why he robbed me of my family . I couldn't decide between the two , so i decided I would think about it the moment i got released . " 

( 28th February 2007 ) 

Today was the day Charles was finally getting released . Charles felt a certain degree of calmness yet he worried if his life was still in Danger , What if Alexander's thugs would come back to finish the Job ? . But what worried him most was what was he going to do with this life of his . Upon his release Charles was given his belongings and a packaged file . 

With just a handful of Dollars in his hand , he went to a nearby diner to eat something , and read what was in this mysterious file . He ordered a burger with a side of fries . 

The joy he felt when he took that first bite of the burger it was probably the best burger he ever had in his life however he may  have been hallucinating but who could blame the man , 10 years of prison food is no joke . 

After eating and satisfying his appetite , he opened the package and sees it was sent by Scott .  He began to read the file , the file contained information telling charles about his brother being killed shot by alexander just a couple of day prior to the day Charles killed Jennifer . This was something Charles never knew about , he had a brother and he died before Charles even had a chance to meet him . Just when Charles thought he wouldn't endure more pain , this file injected a new wave of agony and remorse reopening the wounds of his past .

Charles had now made up his mind , he was going to confront Alexander and this time there would be less talking and more actions . 

Charles leaves the diner and hotwires a car parked near the area and begins to drive back to his hometown . He passes by the Church where Catherine and Tyler are buried but decides to visit the graves later . 

First he had to find Alexander , he went to court to meet judge Baker . The moment he entered her office room , she said " You want his address I presume ,(chokes up ) take it and leave " . Charles doesn't say anything he simply takes the address and leaves . He was surprised to realize Alexander had settled down at Lexington which was a town that was two hours away from Detroit . While driving towards Lexington , Charles kept thinking of what was he going to do  . But came to no decision . 

At around 4PM he reached the given address which appeared to be a old craftsmen like house , he climbed the wooden staircase ringing the doorbell . He hears a faint voice from inside the house shouting " It's Open , come in and close the door  " .  Charles enters and closes the door , he wanders across the house before finally finding the man he was looking for . Alexander sitting with arms on the armrest  , greets Charles congratulating him of being released . Charles was annoyed at the fact Alexander knew what was going happen yet he was so calm , at peace . Alexander begins to testify on how he'd been waiting for this days for years . Charles replies " You do know you're going to die don't you ? " . Alexander humorously agrees " Of course I do boy , I wouldn't be in such a mood otherwise now would I " . Charles thought to himself thinking of what was Alexander actually trying to achieve here . Alexander open one of the kitchen drawers and pulls out a pistol presenting it to Alexander and then returning to the armchair once again . He advises Charles not to dwell too much as the more time Charles spent thinking the harder it would be to shoot him Alexander . Charles finally builds up enough courage and points the gun towards Alexander . With Charles finger already on the trigger  , Alexander stops him and says " The moment you kill me , I want you to take that letter i've written and run . Read it before you do anything else . It's the least I ask of you " . Alexander momentarily closes his eyes and signals to Charles by nodding his head instructing him to fire the gun , Charles pulls the triggers , once and then again , Alexander laid there on the armchair dead with small grin on his face . 

Charles picks up the letter which Alexander told him to take and rushes out to the car fleeing back to detroit . As he drove back his hands trembled , his brain was yet trying to process what he had just done . He felt like a killer this time since this time it was indeed intentional . Charles manages to reach his neighborhood just before the evening rush . 

At around 7pm he went to the the Church where Catherine and Tyler were buried . He placed 10 ten roses , each with a stem for every year gone by since their deaths . The thorns along the stem signified the numerous moments he spent longing for their presence , the flowers on the other hand signified the peace he felt knowing that they are now in a better place . He spent a few more minutes with his palms touching each of the grave stones , he then walks into the Church which was considerably empty except for the priest taking confessions and the choir practicing their hymns . He sat on one of the benches with Alexander's letter in his hand . He opens it and finds considerably lengthy hand written letter . 

The  title of letter read as 

" The truth "


To be Continued 

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