Ambition and Addiction

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Let's rewind back to new york in the early 60's . Yellow taxis weaved through the chaotic avenues , while time square illuminated the city to life . Diversity was blooming , the art was enriching however all good things have a side in the shadows . 

 (May 1961)

It was warm sunny Tuesday , with young teenage Henry Wyatt relaxing on the terrace . The fresh air combined with the intoxicating oder released from the Cigarette which Henry was smoking , creating a euphoria like atmosphere . 

A few moments later another teenage boy appears on the roof , Henry didn't know who this boy was . His appearance seemed to support the possibility of him coming from a well-to-do family . The boy approached Henry and introduced himself , his name was Alexander ....Alexander Williams . Alexander questioned Henry asking him if he had an extra cigarette . Henry found this funny since Alexander looked wealthy enough to buy hundreds of cigarettes . 

" Can't you buy your own pack of cigarettes ? " asked Henry humorously . Alexander replied saying he wasn't allowed to smoke but always wanted to try it . Henry removed a cigarette from his pocket saying " Since it's your first this one's on me " . Both Alexander and Henry sat on terrace  while their intoxicated minds transported them to some otherworldly place , the illusion was almost too real . A illusion where they had tons of cash , happy lives and the kings of  downtown New York . The one thing that Alexander and Henry didn't know about illusions is that , they never come true . 

Henry was studying at NYU , while Henry was too poor to study after high school ended . But they both had one goal that was to become rich . In just a couple of weeks they became really good friends . Alexander spent the morning studying while Henry spent the morning recovering from the previous night and during the rest of the day he hanged out with Henry who smoked cigarettes and drank spirits . Out of the two of them Alexander always felt like a better off option , but that doesn't mean he was a saint himself  . However the one thing that set him apart was his ambitions . 

During one hazy july afternoon , an idea popped in Alexander's head . An idea which would create a string of chain reactions in both Alexander's and Henry's life .

 Alexander asked Henry if he remembered the first day they encountered each other . 

 Henry elaborated " It was a sunny Tuesday and  I remember I was smoking on the terrace when  you approached me asking for a cigarette . However I wondered why would a rich looking kid like you be asking for a cigarette when you could by your own but then you explained that your parents like any normal parents  didn't allow you to smoke . But you always wanted to try it , so i gave you a cigarette and the rest is history " 

Alexander approved Henry's explanation of the day they met . Henry questioned Alexander as to why was he asking about the day they met each other . Alexander began to explain what was he trying to create . He spoke about how he was allowed to try a cigarette but always wanted to try it just like that according to Alexander there would be hundreds of kids going through this . Kids who want to smoke and  drink but can't because they are underage and won't be allowed to buy it even if they could afford it . So Alexander came up with a system , the system ran simply on weekly allowance.  

(Alexander's explanation )

" A normal kid in new york would get around a dollar or two for his or her weekly allowance . Now if they wanted to buy a cigarette they couldn't get one even though they could afford one since it was against the law to sell cigarettes , alcohol, etc to kids  . Selling such items to kids could result in the seller being arrested . But  what if the seller itself was a child , that way it wouldn't be illegal cause there was no law for a child selling these items to another child . " 

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