A Familiar Face

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The man approached charles and asked him " You're Charles aren't you ?" 

Charles knew he had seen this man somewhere , but where was it ? Three months in prison surely had taken a toll on Charles's memory . 

As Charles's stayed silent , the man began talking again " I'm so sorry Charles , I couldn't protect Catherine and your child " 

Charles thought to himself "This man possesses knowledge of Catherine and baby Tyler's gruesome murders. It bewilders me, as this person must be someone intimately close to me but i've somehow forgotten their identity  " 

The man decided to speak again this time however he told Charles who he was . His name was Logan . Logan began to refresh Charles's memory , he reminded Charles's of the late night walks Charles and Catherine used to take at that exact time everyday , how they used to always greet him as he sat there at the building entrance . 

Charles's memory finally came alive this man was Logan  , he was the doorman of the building Charles lived in . Charles wondered what was Logan doing here in the Ionia Correctional Facility  , that too as a con . 

Logan began to explain about the night when Catherine and Baby Tyler were murdered . According to Logan that night started like any other night , people returning home from their jobs , delivery boys coming to deliver takeouts and  somewhere around 10 P.M when logan was waiting for his shift to end . He seen Alexander walk in with a group of thugs , he knew someone was going to get hurt . Around 5 minutes  later then he heard the screams and he wondered what should he do . He seen Alexander walk out of the building moments later , as soon as Alexander was out of Logan's sight he rushed up the stairs . 

" As soon as i reached there i couldn't believe it , he killed a baby and a mother . " said Logan with tears in his eyes as charles embraced him . 

Logan wiped the tears off his face and began explaining how he found himself at the conundrums . On one hand Alexander offered Logan 10,000$ if he kept his mouth shut , he knew how much he was in need of the money especially for the payment of his daughter's college fees . And on the other hand his soul crumbled inside as he remembered how Catherine always used to tip a 5$ bill or 10$bill with the intention that Logan could save the money for his Daughter's college . He told Charles that Catherine always said " Every dollar counts doesn't it ? "  whenever she used to donate Money to Logan . 

" As i sat on the couch at home with 10,000$ in my hand , all i could hear was 'Every dollar counts doesn't it ? ' .  The feeling of  guiltiness began to eat me from inside , I didn't want the money anymore  " 

Logan stated when decided to finally speak the truth to the cops but when he did so , the residents  testimonies were against Logan .   " They have accused me of killing Catherine and Tyler. Can you believe them ? ,Can you believe the pain that this brings me ? In fight for the innocent , I got  labelled as guilty   "  . 

Alexander told Logan  that he was fortunate enough to be going to prison , while warning that he intended to end Logan's life but spared him . 

Charles asked Logan why didn't he try to get in touch with Scott , as this would have greatly boosted not only Charles's case but also Mr.Williams case of being guilty and not innocent . 

Logan however said he did try to get in touch with Scott however he didn't respond .  

Hearing these words definitely hurt Charles as he expected that Scott would always be there to help them . But little did he know that Scott wasn't even alive anymore . 

Charles thanked Logan for telling the truth . Charles held a deep sense of gratitude , believing that Catherine would be immensely proud of Logan's courage in the battle against the corrupt . 

The Prison guards noticed that Charles and Logan were yet awake , they shouted at them and moved Logan to another Cell . As logan was being taken away to the another cell , he looked at Charles and with a serious look on his face he said " Do you have a Brother, Charles ? " .

Before Charles could ask a question to that statement by Logan , he had already moved out of sight . The entire night Charles pondered on what could have Logan meant , was it some form of secret message ? Charles was eager to know what Logan could have meant but he would have to wait till the morning . 


As Charles woke up and completed his morning routine , he went to the mess hall where breakfast was being served . He was keen to know Logan's follow up to his statement from the previous night . As he sat on a table with a couple of inmates who were also sitting and eating the average baked beans and toast . He heard them murmur about a inmate who died in his cell last night . Charles sat there completely lost in his thoughts , as the toast began to become soggy in the gravy of the beans . He hoped and prayed that it wasn't Logan . He wouldn't be able to deal with the fact , that someone who actually knows something about or against Alexander that could help his case is now dead . 

Charles approached a guard asking him about the inmate that had been killed . The guard said it was a new convict who came to the prison yesterday itself , he told charles that the doctors suspect he could have been poisoned before arriving to the prison . Just then the warden walks in and questions the guard as to why was he interacting with Charles .

Charles who was high on adrenaline in the search of Logan's cause of death , Charles approaches the warden and takes this opportunity to question him with the hope that maybe he knows  something more .  

However the warden dodges the question and advises Charles to mind his own business , it was clear to Charles that warden knew something . As the morning turned into afternoon and the adrenaline levels depleted , it began to hit Charles that maybe he wasn't safe in prison ultimately what happened to Logan in Prison could also happen to him as well . 

The How ?, The What ?, bugged Charles for months on end . The How being , how was Logan killed ? . The What being , what could have Logan meant when he said " Do you have a brother, Charles ? " . Charles found himself tormented by these questions which devoured him from within . His sanity began to crumble under the growing belief that he had a family , wasn't just a orphan and then, an horrifying thought emerged with chilling intensity, echoing in his mind: 

"I am going to kill Alexander " 


To be Continued

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