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Clara , Kelly and Scott began to go through multiple cases regarding Mr.Williams , and soon things began to unravel . 

  The trio met up with detective Amber who was the lead detective in Arthur's case . Detective Amber then took them through the case . She explained that Arthur was shot by a gun which was linked to Mr.Williams as per ballistics reports . Amber explained that the detectives did indeed find a couple of people ready to testify but when the time came for them to testify they disappeared without a trace .

Kelly found this incredibly confusing

Kelly wondered  that if the ballistics did indeed  match Mr.Williams gun , why wasn't he interrogated ?

Detective Amber explained that the Judge stated that anyone could have used Mr.Williams gun , so next option was locating Mr.Williams on the scene of the crime  but with no witnesses there was nothing the detectives could do .

Kelly wondered why was Baker angry when her verdict made sense. 

Scott and Clara began to believe that maybe Judge Baker verdict was actually logical and fair , but then Detective Amber explain the factors that weren't taken into consideration.

Detective Amber stated that during their  research for Arthur's case they found Mr.Williams history with narcotics , especially in New York and a construction business . 

Clara wondered why wasn't this taken into consideration for the case , especially if the construction site belongs to Mr. Williams

Detective Amber reminded Clara that without the proof that Mr.Williams had a role in this there was no way they could charge him of anything .

Scott put forth his query asking Amber what could they do to solve this case .

Detective Amber suggested looking into Judge Baker as she felt there was something off with her .

Clara found herself at the crossroads ...she could close the case once again or go deeper and find secrets that could ruin her friendship with Baker. 
Clara picked the latter , she felt that everyone should feel the power of the law. 

The trio decided to split into two , Kelly and Scott stayed in new york and would research the shooting of Arthur . While Mrs.Clara would try to dig up Judge Baker's past in the search of something that would help to understand why Judge Baker chose to ignore the facts in Mr.Williams cases . 

Clara decided to travel to Harvard which is where Judge Baker studied law , Clara thought it would be a good place to start searching . At the exit of the airport she found a taxi with a driver standing with her name on the placard.  She assumed that Kelly may have booked her a taxi for her journey to Harvard.  She ran towards it and sat inside assuming she was being taken to Harvard . However a couple of minutes later the taxi came to a stop at a construction site near the Charles River , the driver turned behind and within a second Clara knew what was about to happen . The Driver pulled out a pistol and aimed it towards Clara and pulled the trigger ....BANG!! BANG!! . The driver then carried Clara's lifeless body and dumped it in the Charles River ....Splash!!! ....

Kelly and Scott had no idea what was waiting for them in New York .

Kelly and Scott met with Mr.James the DA for Brooklyn's  DA's office , who handed them the file of the shooting of Arthur Wyatt the NYPD cop . Scott couldn't believe what he was seeing , this was Charles's brother ! But what was the reason that Mr.Williams killed Arthur ? And could that reason be why Charles was framed for killing Mrs.Jennifer Williams . The secrets were beginning to unravel yet it all seemed gloomy .

 It was only until they received Arthur's file from the NYPD that they learned something that would change it all . Scott and Kelly took the file to their hotel room at the Chelsea Savoy on West 23d Street.

Arthur went undercover to get insider information on the William Empire . From drugs worth hundreds and thousands of dollars .  During his short undercover time he found that Mr.Williams not only powerful enough to have his own army of thugs but he also had police personnel and law enforcement under his thumb .

Scott had to inform Charles about this , Charles had to know his brother was killed by Mr.Williams . Scott rushed down to the nearest convenience store hoping that he could copy the important case papers and send them to Charles.

Meanwhile Kelly was all alone in the hotel room when she heard someone knocking at the door , as she opened the door she froze and seen a man with a black hoodie and gloves . Kelly's mind was screaming to her " IT'S NOT SCOTT!!!RUN!!!!RUN!!!!" . Within a matter of seconds she began to run towards the bathroom and as she tried to close the bathroom door a hand stopped her from doing so . She pushed even harder but the opposite force was too strong . Soon Kelly was being choked to death by this unknown murderer . Kelly gasped for air but nothing went in her lungs as the life faded out of her and then there was no movements from Kelly her heart beat  ceased to exist . The killer put Kelly's body in the bathtub , while all this was happening Scott had no clue that his girlfriend that he prompted to get involved was now dead . As for the killer he stood in the closet waiting for Scott to arrive . 

Scott completed copying the file and mailed the copy to the Ionia Correctional Facility where Charles was carrying out his sentence . 

Scott walked up towards his room , but little did he know that death was waiting for him there. As he approached his room he noticed the door was wide open he looked inside the room , there was nothing but pin drop silence and the suddenly the phone began to ring . Scott picked up the call and answered "Hi , this is Scott " a lady replies " Hi Scott , please inform Kelly that the Police have found Mrs.Clara's body on the banks of the Charles River a couple of hours ago . "BANG!" Scott falls to the ground as blood begins to flow out from the hole in his head . The killer then simply walked out with his hands in his hoodie and drawing no suspicion towards him . It was only until early morning had a guest noticed Scott and Kelly's room door wide open with Scott lying dead in a pool of blood . 

As for the mail , the prison guard simply just put it in Charles's Locker with his other valuables , which would only be opened the day Charles's finished his sentence . 

Charles was now the only person who could bring Mr.Williams empire down . At least he was safe in Prison ...Or was he in danger ? 


To be Continued

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