The Sewers

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Zero: Everyone! Quick! Get on the car!

The 2 kids climb onto the car. Kade puts Blue's body next to Zero. Zero feeds him medicine.

Zero: Come on! Come on! Breath darn you! [slaps Blue's face repeatedly]

Blue: [wakes up] Ow! Ow! Ow! [pushes Zero off] Don't slap me! I'm up! Now- uhh- [looks around and sees The Sewer has trees and a Libary sunken into it] Where are we?!

Zero: Yeah...stuff happened...heh....I'm glad your okay!

Blue: [rubs his face] How are we gonna get out of here?

???: [dangles down from one of the trees] I can help!

Blue: [yelps and falls back] Who are you?!

Kai: I'm Kai! [Grabs a branch and shape shifts it into a prattle raft] I can help you out! This is my home! I live in a flooded sewer.

Kade: That doesn't sound good...

Kai: Relax! I managed to create tree things like a bed, refrigerator, heck even a working TV [points towards it] it runs on coconut milk! [looks at the Libary] There was a Library nearby that I accidentally sunk into the ground. I should be careful next time

Blue: How did you sunk it by accident?

Kai: [paddles the old car across the sewer] I was playing with trees and water using my powers, I banged the ground too hard. And I caused the Libary's floor to crack and I eventually caused it to sank down here. [grabs a book off the shelves as she paddles past them] Here, you can read some of the stories I write.

Kade: Cool! It's about you In a cave!

Zero: Theres even a caveman and a witch monster!

Kai: Aw thanks!

Blue: You know! It feels weird to see someone with their eyes showing. Ever since I got here everyone's eyes were covered. Who are kids of course.

Kade: What about Star? Her eyes aren't covered.

Blue: Holy crap! I forgot about the others! We still gotta find them! Allyson can you go any faster?

Kai: [Covers her eyes with her hair] I'll try! [Tries to paddle faster]

Kade: [reading the book] Wow, this book is quite nice!

[The car shakes a little]

Zero: Ah! Ow! [falls over]

Blue: So how long have you lived here?

Kai: For like- uhh [paddles past a wall of marked tallies showing how long he's been down here] That much..I lost count

Blue: Dang! I hope you seen the sun light- well Moon light. There seems to be no sunlight here at all.

Zero: Theres never a sunlight here. It's completely...well...dark!

Blue: That's...terrible...

Sasha: I escaped this world before with Manny. Until the hospital incident with Blue.

Blue: Heh, yeah! That's how they ended up here. I ended up a different way.

The car shakes and zombified versions of The Shoppers sticking their hands out of the water attempting to grab the kids and submerge into the water.

Kai: Aw Crap! Hang on!

Kai tries paddle away but The Shoppers are climb out of the water. They are all combined into an amalgamation of corpses of Shoppers. They have been fused over time and are hungrier than before. The monster is been bigger than the kids. The monster chases after them chomping their teeth at the poor kids. Paddle has to outrun The Shopper amalgamation in order to save her friends. Kai makes it to a large pipe that was bigger than the monster itself.

Zero: Kai! Why is there a giant monster down here?!

Kai: I don't know how to say this, but I sometimes kidnap Shoppers and consume them for food down here. I never even finish the left overs.

Kade: [smells and covers his nose] So that's why it stinks down here!

Kai: You get used to it! [makes a huge latter out of branches] Quicky! Climb on!

The Amalgamation tries to catch up but stops to see Blue. He fell off the car and is trying to swim to safety. Kade points to Blue.


Sasha: BLUE, SWIM!!!

Blue can't swim so he stands on a book trying to balance himself. The Shopper Blob towers in front of Blue and attempts to consume him. Blue climbs on his body and jumps off of it and onto another book. He paddles towards the stairs while still on the book. The Blob rams itself into the pipe which shakes the upper floor. Blue jumps onto The Guests Blobs back and bounces to the ladder. Sasha catches and holds onto Blue. Blue holds her hand.

Sasha: (scarred) Are you okay?!

kai: You almost died!

Blue: (wet, shaking, and crying) Just climb the latter before I get killed!

The Blob roars and combines itself into a massive terrifying version and climbs up the floors. The kids climb as fast as she could to reach The Clock Town inner area and leaves The Shopper Blob to fall back down to the abyss again. Once they get there, They look around and see buildings nearby.

Sasha: Is everyone okay?

Kai: We're all safe!

Blue: Good! Now I can switch to anger mode! [looks at Allyson] Don't leave leftovers!

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