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Ch. 12: Nicole, I'm trying to protect you.

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I arrive at work to find Hayley talking with Peter and some guy I've not seen before, hand gestures galore. I've never seen her this animated before and can only assume that whatever has gotten to her is cause for concern.

"What's going on?" I ask, approaching with caution.

Peter explains, "Our system has been wiped."


"Likely a virus," offers the man whose name badge proudly displays, 'Carl.

He's works in I.T and was likely brought in by Peter.

"What does that mean, exactly?" I question, a total lost cause when it comes to technology.

For years, I thought megabytes ware a brand of cereal.

"For now, we've lost all client files."


"Carl is working on it."

"We'll get them back, right?" asks Hayley, looking to Carl for reassurance. "The files."

"I'll try my best."

Peter smiles.

"So, this virus..." I ask. "Was it deliberate?"

I make fists out of my hands in an attempt to stop them from shaking. This has fucking Murphy written all over it.

"Possibly?" replies Carl, typing on his iPad. "It's difficult to track these things. My main priority now is getting the files back."

"We'll worry about possible leaks another time," suggest Peter, keeping the mood cheerful as usual.

Hayley nods, though looks just about ready to vomit.

"I've already sent Claire home. You two might as well take the day off too.

"Are you sure?"

He smiles. "Carl reckons this is a weekend job."

Hayley chews her thumb and nods.

"I won't say no to a three-day weekend," I joke, offering Peter a small arm squeeze. "Will you call if you need anything?"

"Of course," he replies, smiling.

Hayley stares at the wall in front of her, far away in her thoughts.

"I just need to grab something from my office," I inform him, heading down the hall.

Peter resumes his conversation with Carl, leaving me to my own devices. The second I close the office door, I grab my phone and call Hunter.


"We've got a problem,' I say, skipping pleasantries all together. "The system is down at work. A virus."

"Fuck—Murphy sure is doing his due diligence."

I pace the floor, needing to expel my nervous energy.

"Are you there now?"

"Yes, but I'm leaving soon. Peter has sent me home while the tech guys work on retrieving the files."

"Okay, hang tight. I'll inform Lowes."

"He'll be pissed, Hunter."

"I know."

I hate the thought of Lowes taking it out on him.

"Be careful," I implore, needing him to be okay.

"I'll call you later."

With that, he hangs up, leaving me alone with panicked thoughts. Guilty thoughts. I knew being caught up in this mafia shit was bound to bleed into my personal life at some point, but did it really have to happen mere hours after being propositioned? Hunter and I need more time to infiltrate. To scheme. I won't go against my moral code, and I certainly won't stand by while the people I love suffer. Peter is a good boss and a damn good person. His business is as much his baby as his actual babies and an event like this could be his undoing.

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