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Ch. 23: You're doing so good, babygirl.

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Hunter removes his jeans and boxers, never once taking his gaze off mine. Yet again, that strained expression returns and I fucking lose it.

"Oh my god, stop looking at me like that!"

"Like what?" he asks, immediately on the defensive.

It sit up, levelling my gaze with his.

"Like you're struggling to look at me!"

I turn on my side, deliberately facing away from him.


"You don't have to fuck me if you don't want to, Hunter!" I ensure.

He laughs and I twist in my position, ready to nose punch this fucker.

"I am struggling to look at you," he admits.

I instantly turn away again, cheeks burning with embarrassment.


"Fuck off!" I tell him.

He leaps over my body and lies next to me, noses touching. "I'm struggling to look at you and not come in an instant."

I glare at him, taking note of the way his eyes shimmer.

"You don't understand how long I've been imagining this, Nicole."

I focus on his rose tattoo, finding his gaze too intense.

"I'm trying not to fucking come before I'm even inside you."

I can't help but laugh, finding his honesty amusing. "So, you do like me?"

"Like you?" he asks, towering over my naked frame. "Baby, I fucking despise you 90% of the time."

"And the other 10%?" I question, placing my hands directly in front of me, on either pec.

"The other 10% is reserved for worshipping you." He captures my lips in a chaotic kiss, his movements frantic. "And I do want to fuck you."

"Now?" I ask.

He nods. "If you'll let me."

He hovers over me, holding himself up using both of his arms.


He grins.

"But I'm still mad at you," I tell him.


"For fucking lying to me."

He sighs and reaches over me to access my drawer. "Where are your condoms?"

His blatant need to ignore my comment annoys me.

"I don't have any."

"Why don't you have any?" he asks, gaze locking onto mine.

I shrug.

"I have one in my wallet," he informs, locating his jeans.

He grabs his wallet and fishes out a condom, still not acknowledging my earlier comment.

"Will you tell me the truth after you've fucked me?"


"Why not?"

"Because it's not your concern, Nicole."

I narrow my gaze and snatch the condom from his hands.

"That's not very nice," I state, using my teeth to open the wrapper.

I remove it from the packet and slowly roll the rubber over his shaft.

"I'm not a nice person," he replies, groaning the harder I squeeze.

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