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Ch. 21: I don't know what happened.

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I'm at Freddie's hanging out when I get a text from Hunter instructing me to meet him at the bar. I pretend I'm heading home for an early night when in actual fact, I no longer even sleep at my house. Hunter's bed has temporarily become my own and I love that for the last two nights, I've gone to sleep surrounded by his smell. It's almost like he's in the bed with me, when he's actually an entire room away on the sofa.

"Where's Hunter?" I ask, addressing one of the bouncers on my way in.

I'm pretty sure they all know who and what I am by now.

"Out back."

The bar is quiet, mostly people enjoying a quick drink after work. I head towards the staff door, stomach churning at the thought of being considered one of Lowes' henchmen. I push past the nausea and go in search of Hunter, finding him in the back office with Xavier—the man Fiona encouraged me to talk to at the party four days ago. His mint green suit compliments his olive complexion and brings forth the green in his eyes. His hair is dark and long, tied back using an elastic band.

"Hola, Nicole."

His smile is beyond charming.

"Gracias for coming."

"What's going on?"

Hunter steps aside, revealing a young woman curled up on the floor. Her dress is torn and the bruises on her legs look painful.

"We have a situation," informs Hunter, expression taut.

My instinct is to go to her, but I refrain until I'm given more information.

"Xavier found her wondering the boarders of Murphy's estate."


Hunter nods.

"We think she's been imported."

"Kidnapped," corrects Xavier. "Under false pretences."

My brain rattles with horrifying throughs.

"I'm told there's more. More women and children."


I turn to Hunter, adrenaline kicking in. "Human trafficking?"

He nods.

"What's her name?"

"We don't know," says Hunter, tone defeated. "She won't communicate."

I slowly approach, noticing how violently she's shivering.

"Give me your hoodie," I instruct, holding my arm out towards Hunter.

He instantly obeys, revealing a white T-shirt beneath. I take hold of the bundled-up material and crouch down, needing to be on the same level as this woman.

"Leave," I tell them.

Both Hunter and Xavier stall.

"She won't talk with you two watching over us."

Hunter protests. "Nicole, I'm not leaving you alone with her."


He looks to Xavier for backup. "She might hurt you."

"Does she look like she's in a position to hurt me?"

All three of us look down at the vulnerable woman silently weeping into the floor. Her arms are covered in dirt, still trembling .Hunter—seeing this—eventually relents, nodding his approval before exiting the room. Xavier follows, leaving me alone in the office with his traumatised girl.

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