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Ch. 27: I hate you so much, Nicole.

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Xavier shows up within minutes of speaking to Fiona. His concern is evident and—like everyone else present—his willingness to come despite the dangers earns him a lot of respect.

"Where are we taking them?" I ask, walking down the long hallway.

Xavier is up ahead with Ana, the pair getting acquainted.

"Torin's house."

"Has he approved this?"

Fiona laughs. "Nope."

I follow her into the main room, adrenaline spiking. These women have been through enough without carting them to another unfamiliar location. I hate to have to do it, but we can't risk keeping them here. Murphy might already be onto us. And if Murphy knows, I bet Daniel fucking Lowes does too.

"Kathrine, I need you to round everyone up."

Kathrine—a woman in her mid-thirties—rushes over, somewhat flustered.

"Is everything okay?"

Her Ukrainian accent is strong.

"It's fine," lies Fiona, smile impenetrable. "We just need to move locations."

"Should we be concerned?"

Kathrine is smart and—given we're on a time limit—I decide to level with her.

"Yes, but you can't let the others know."

Fiona leaves me to it, focusing her efforts on gathering the essentials.

"There's a chance people know about this place. Bad people."

Kathrine nods, understanding.

"Can you have everyone ready for a swift exit in ten minutes?" I ask.

Kathrine smiles and gets straight to it.

"You're a barrel of laughs," accuses Xavier, amused. "The poor woman is shitting herself."

"I'm shitting myself," I assure.

He throws his arm around me and chuckles. "Don't worry, babes! I'll protect you."

"Nicole can protect herself," implores Hunter, voice stern.

Xavier smirks, seemingly enjoying the arrival of our mutual friend.

"I don't doubt it."

"So, you can take your arm off her," he responds.

"Or you can join us. You know I'm attracted to both genders."

Hunter growls. "Yeah, well I'm not."

"You sure about that?"

He narrows his gaze, unprepared to get into whatever the hell this is.

"Can we maybe discuss this later?" I ask. "We have more pressing matters to tend to right now."

"Yeah, and I'm not a fan of this whole arm around her shoulder thing either," insists Freddie, glare sinister.

"And you are?"

"Her brother."

"Oh, fuck," replies Xavier, immediately removing his arm. "Say no more, pal."

Ana smiles and takes hold of Freddie's arm, twisting in her position to address the rest of us. "As much as I want to help, I think it's best Freddie and I aren't seen on this next leg of the journey."

Freddie nods, in total agreement with her.

"Nicole?" He looks to me, expression taut. "I have to ask."

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