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Ch. 15: Yes, Nicole! Yes-I'm jealous!

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"So, you're the man responsible for my furniture being rearranged?" I joke.

His brows pull together in confusion.

"Your men have something of mine."

"I'm not sure I follow..."

I laugh, laying it on thick. "I'm Nicole Hudson. Daniel Lowes' latest recruit."

He smirks, which just about exceeds his emotional capacity. "Well, isn't think an interesting turn of events."

I smile, despite feeling like I might vomit at any moment. "Next time, get them to put my coffee table back where they found it."

He laughs, genuinely terrifying.

"I like you, Nicole. You're funny."

Well, isn't that a relief.

"Dance with me."

It isn't a question, and I don't dare deny him. Instead, I allow this man who—for the last two days—I've been warned about to lead me towards the middle of the dance floor. He positions his hand on my lower back and pulls me a little closer, keeping a respectful distance.

"I suppose you don't want me to testify in George's favour next week?" I question, figuring my best play is to act confident.

He neither denies, nor confirms it.

"I want to know how a nice girl like you gets caught up in this mess?"

"Bad luck, I suppose."

Murphy smirks.

"Hunter Scott. He's the reason you're here, correct?"

I shrug, keeping my reaction as natural as possible.

"The cop killer."

"He never actually killed them," I argue.


His tone angers me, but I manage to keep it in check.

"Are you fucking him?"

"That's personal," I accuse, resting my hand on his shoulder.

We begin to sway in time with the music, the rhythm thankfully slow. I get the feeling everyone is watching us, but I don't give much thought to it. I don't particularly enjoy being the centre of attention, but if this one dance ensures I don't—ya know—die, I'm happy to go along with it.

"I have a proposition for you, Nicole."

"Go on..."

He spins me around and in doing so, I catch sight of Hunter. He's watching me through narrowed eyes, regarding my every move with close attention.

"Come work for me."

I laugh.

"Lowes won't mind. We're old friends."

"Sure, Lowes won't mind," I say. "He'll only chop my head off."

Murphy chuckles and it's unnerving to say the least.

"What will happen to me if I say no?" I ask, trying to keep the fear from showing through.

"Well, I'll chop your head off, of course."

I smile, despite fully believing him.

"I'm not actually looking for another job," I explain. "And I don't appreciate blackmail as a form of payment."

"Fair enough. I'll try harder next time," he says.

He loosens his grip and gestures behind him. "I think your boyfriend is getting jealous."

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