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I wondered if it was possible for my day to have started any worse.

Jugyeong and I had planned to try out the new café that opened in our neighborhood last week. However, it quickly turned out to be a terrible idea. I mustered up my once-in-a-year-courage to order a coffee in my limited Korean but, as soon as the words left my mouth, the barista's expression changed. He stared at me strangely, as if I had said something completely incomprehensible.

Feeling a bit self-conscious, I repeated my order, hoping that he had simply misunderstood me. But instead of acknowledging my request, the barista decided to ignore me completely. He turned his attention to the customer behind me, taking their order without even a glance in my direction.

Jugyeong tried to resolve the situation, only to receive a remark that 'foreigners should at least be able to order a coffee properly or leave' which infuriated her even more.

So we found ourselves standing in the middle of a bustling café, surrounded by curious onlookers, as Jugyeong's anger reached its boiling point. Her face was flushed with frustration, and her voice echoed through the aisles as she unleashed a torrent of Korean curse words that left everyone stunned.

"Jugyeong," I groaned. "Let's just go to another place."

"No!" She looked at me offended. "I'm not going to let this dumbass ruin your confidence and get away with it!"

Jugyeong was the epitome of strength and resilience, a stark contrast to my timid and easily intimidated nature. While I would often withdraw at the slightest hint of disrespect, fearing confrontation and conflict (knowing very well how terrible I am at arguing and would just start crying when I realize I can't come up with any more arguments), Jugyeong was a force to be reckoned with. She possessed an unwavering determination to fight for her rights and never backed down, especially when faced with unfair treatment.

I admired Jugyeong's ability to stand up for herself, even in the face of adversity. She had a fiery spirit that refused to be silenced or diminished by anyone. It was as if she had an invisible shield that protected her from the harsh words and actions of others. I, on the other hand, would crumble under the weight of such negativity, my confidence shattered and my voice silenced.

I opened my mouth to protest, but before I could say anything, a man in a black suit and a concerned expression appeared before us. He nervously adjusted his tie, clearly unprepared for such a fiery encounter.

As He and Jugyeong engaged in a lively conversation in Korean, I couldn't help but notice a remarkable transformation in her demeanor. With each passing sentence spoken by the man, I observed a sense of calm gradually washing over her. It was as if the weight of her anger had been lifted, leaving behind a radiant smile that illuminated her face. Curiosity piqued, I leaned in closer, straining to catch snippets of their conversation. Although my grasp of the Korean language was limited, I could discern the genuine warmth and kindness in the man's voice.

She finally turned to me with a grin, no trace left of the angry girl who was close to burning down this whole Café.

"What?" I asked.

"That was the manager," she linked her arm with mine and led me to the counter. "He apologized for the barrister's behavior and is giving us each free coffees."

I've always admired Jugyeong's confidence and determination to let things go on her way. I wish I would have only half of it.

The barrister gives us our coffees with an annoying look, snorts an "enjoy your coffee" before he goes back to work. We sit down at a table next to the window.

Forbidden Desire | J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now