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"People think being alone makes you lonely, but I don't think that's true. Being surrounded by the wrong people is the loneliest thing in the world." ~ Kim Culbertson 🪐

"Our first picture as a married couple," Jungkook has been staring at the picture of himself and Alexa on his display for ten minutes now, which they took today during their outing, and he can't help but grin.

After they had gathered again in the garden of the elderly ladies, Kathrin had the idea to lend Alexa one of her Hanboks after Alexa admitted that she had never worn one before. Jungkook would be lying if he claimed that the sight of Alexa in the Hanbok didn't gave him slight butterflies and he hated himself for it.

He shrugged it off because it simply wasn't a big deal. Alexa was a beautiful girl, with her radiant smile and captivating eyes and the fact that she was dating his best friend wouldn't change it. That's the reason why Jimin was so protective and jealous over her in the first place.

From the moment they started dating, Jimin would often find himself in awe, constantly expressing his disbelief at how he had managed to "pull a girl like her."

However, as their relationship progressed, so did Jimin's insecurities. He couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that he wasn't good enough for someone like Alexa or that another man would catch her away from him. He constantly compared himself to other guys she interacted with, fearing that she might realize she deserved better.

Jungkook took a big bite of his pizza slice, savoring the cheesy goodness as he turned his display to Alexa, who was sitting on the floor next to him in his cozy living room. The room was dimly lit, with the tv playing in the background, creating a warm and intimate atmosphere.

Alexa rolled her eyes playfully, settling her back against the plush couch. "I've seen that picture for the millionth time now, Jungkook," she teased, her voice laced with affectionate annoyance.

He stilled with his mouth still full, and his doe eyes wide. "So you don't find it cute?"

Alexa takes another glance at the picture. She was in a beautiful rose-white hanbok, her long black hair braided back. Jungkook's arms were slung over her neck from behind, their fingers intertwined. They both had genuine smiles plastered on their faces to the camera, like a real married couple.

She took a big gulp of her soda can as she realized her thoughts started wandering to a very wrong direction. But the guilt started taking over her as she looked back up at him and still saw him contemplating the photo while munching his pizza.

"It's cute."

Jungkook looks up to her surprised.

Alexa chuckled softly, reaching out to take another slice of the pizza. "The picture, it's cute."

He didn't wanted to show it, but a small smile formed on the corners of his soft lips. Finally content with her answer, he closed his phone and set it aside.

As the room fell into silence, the only sounds that permeated the air were the distant barks of neighborhood dogs and the faint hum of the television playing in the background.

Finally breaking the stillness, Jungkook cleared his throat and spoke softly, "So, you like to read in your free time?"

Alexa nodded, taking out the paprikas from her pizza. It was a weird habit of hers, she loved paprikas but as soon as they got cooked, she couldn't eat them anymore. She carefully placed the vibrant red slices on a napkin beside her plate.

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