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        COLLEEN STOOD OUT FRONT OF THE HARGROVE HOUSEHOLD AS SHE WAITED FOR MAX AND ELEVEN TO MEET HER THERE. Colleen had tried to get more information out of El, but it wasn't working. Whatever the freshly turned teenager saw— it startled her. And El has seen a lot. It looked like it was about to start pouring, as Colleen zoned out staring at the house while waiting for them. Hell, she'd be in that house countless amount of times now. She knew Neil, and Billy's step-mom. So she also knew that they were out of town for the day, so this was the perfect time to investigate the house. Especially since Billy's car wasn't there.

Colleen saw the two girls walking down the street, finally catching up with the older girl. Max took in the surroundings of the house, also taking notice to the missing car that was typically parked out front. "His car's not here," She announced matter-of-factly.

Colleen shrugged her shoulders and dug her hands into the holes of her pockets, as she took a step onto the curb. The three girls made their way into the Hargrove house, and headed towards Billy's bedroom. Colleen quietly opened the door to find that his bedside lamp was left on. His room was messier than last time she'd been over. It's been well over a week. But that wasn't saying much, since they did happen to spend most of their time at her house. They all walked fully into the bedroom.

"Why do I get the feeling we're gonna find all kinds of wrong in here?" Max breathed out.

Max and Colleen started looking around the room, as she went to open the top drawer of the bedside table. Colleen let out a chuckle, "You're not going to want to open that drawer."

Max ignored Colleen's suggestion, opening the top drawer to a bunch of nude magazines. She let out a sound of disgust as she slammed the drawer closed and turned on her heel, "Ugh! Yuck, gag me with a spoon."

Colleen chuckled, "I told you so."

Colleen picked up a shirt from his bed and clutched it between her hands as she glanced around the room. Trying to find anything that looked misplaced, unnatural. Eleven had wandering into the bathroom, with Max trailing behind. She heard Max call out, "Uh, Colleen. You're gonna wanna come see this."

Colleen quickly placed the shirt back where she found it, and headed into the bathroom. She saw a bunch of empty ice bags cluttered around the base of the bathroom. The bath was full of water, but the ice had all melted by now.

El caught something from the corner of her eye, and stared down at the cabinet under the sink. So Colleen followed her gaze to find blood splattered on the front of the cabinet by the door knob. She took a few steps forward and crouched down in front of it, opening the cabinet to reveal his trash can. She pulled the trash can out of the cabinet and see a red lifeguard fanny pack inside.

"Col, what is it?" Max spoke out from behind her. And Colleen only continued to stare into the trash can, and there was a yellow whistle at the bottom. A yellow whistle covered in blood.

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